Juno - Juno - Juno - Juno - Juno - Juno - Juno - Juno -
- Networking plug-ins
- Configure the Oslo RPC messaging system
- Agent
- Token authentication
- Compute
- Database
- Logging
- DHCP agent
- Distributed virtual router
- Embrane LBaaS driver
- Firewall-as-a-Service driver
- IPv6 router advertisement
- L3 agent
- Load-Balancer-as-a-Service agent
- Logging
- Metadata Agent
- Metering Agent
- Policy
- Quotas
- Rootwrap
- Scheduler
- Security Groups
- SSL and Certification Authority
- Testing
- vArmour Firewall-as-a-Service driver
The options and descriptions listed in this introduction are auto generated from the code in the Networking service project, which provides software-defined networking between VMs run in Compute. The list contains common options, while the subsections list the options for the various networking plug-ins.
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
admin_password = None | (StrOpt) Admin password |
admin_tenant_name = None | (StrOpt) Admin tenant name |
admin_user = None | (StrOpt) Admin username |
agent_down_time = 75 | (IntOpt) Seconds to regard the agent is down; should be at least twice report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good. |
api_workers = 0 | (IntOpt) Number of separate API worker processes for service |
auth_ca_cert = None | (StrOpt) Certificate Authority public key (CA cert) file for ssl |
auth_insecure = False | (BoolOpt) Turn off verification of the certificate for ssl |
auth_region = None | (StrOpt) Authentication region |
auth_strategy = keystone | (StrOpt) The type of authentication to use |
auth_url = None | (StrOpt) Authentication URL |
base_mac = fa:16:3e:00:00:00 | (StrOpt) The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs |
bind_host = | (StrOpt) The host IP to bind to |
bind_port = 9696 | (IntOpt) The port to bind to |
ca_certs = None | (StrOpt) CA certificates |
check_child_processes = False | (BoolOpt) Periodically check child processes |
check_child_processes_action = respawn | (StrOpt) Action to be executed when a child process dies |
check_child_processes_interval = 60 | (IntOpt) Interval between checks of child process liveness (seconds) |
core_plugin = None | (StrOpt) The core plugin Neutron will use |
ctl_cert = None | (StrOpt) controller certificate |
ctl_privkey = None | (StrOpt) controller private key |
dhcp_agent_notification = True | (BoolOpt) Allow sending resource operation notification to DHCP agent |
dhcp_agents_per_network = 1 | (IntOpt) Number of DHCP agents scheduled to host a network. |
dhcp_confs = $state_path/dhcp | (StrOpt) Location to store DHCP server config files |
dhcp_delete_namespaces = False | (BoolOpt) Delete namespace after removing a dhcp server. |
dhcp_domain = openstacklocal | (StrOpt) Domain to use for building the hostnames |
dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq | (StrOpt) The driver used to manage the DHCP server. |
dhcp_lease_duration = 86400 | (IntOpt) DHCP lease duration (in seconds). Use -1 to tell dnsmasq to use infinite lease times. |
endpoint_type = publicURL | (StrOpt) Network service endpoint type to pull from the keystone catalog |
force_gateway_on_subnet = True | (BoolOpt) Ensure that configured gateway is on subnet. For IPv6, validate only if gateway is not a link local address. Deprecated, to be removed during the K release, at which point the check will be mandatory. |
host = localhost | (StrOpt) The hostname Neutron is running on |
interface_driver = None | (StrOpt) The driver used to manage the virtual interface. |
ip_lib_force_root = False | (BoolOpt) Force ip_lib calls to use the root helper |
lock_path = None | (StrOpt) Directory to use for lock files. |
mac_generation_retries = 16 | (IntOpt) How many times Neutron will retry MAC generation |
max_allowed_address_pair = 10 | (IntOpt) Maximum number of allowed address pairs |
max_dns_nameservers = 5 | (IntOpt) Maximum number of DNS nameservers |
max_fixed_ips_per_port = 5 | (IntOpt) Maximum number of fixed ips per port |
max_subnet_host_routes = 20 | (IntOpt) Maximum number of host routes per subnet |
memcached_servers = None | (ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache. |
periodic_fuzzy_delay = 5 | (IntOpt) Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task scheduler to reduce stampeding. (Disable by setting to 0) |
periodic_interval = 40 | (IntOpt) Seconds between running periodic tasks |
report_interval = 300 | (IntOpt) Interval between two metering reports |
root_helper = sudo | (StrOpt) Root helper application. |
state_path = /var/lib/neutron | (StrOpt) Where to store Neutron state files. This directory must be writable by the agent. |
[AGENT] | |
root_helper = sudo | (StrOpt) Root helper application. |
[PROXY] | |
admin_password = None | (StrOpt) Admin password |
admin_tenant_name = None | (StrOpt) Admin tenant name |
admin_user = None | (StrOpt) Admin user |
auth_region = None | (StrOpt) Authentication region |
auth_strategy = keystone | (StrOpt) The type of authentication to use |
auth_url = None | (StrOpt) Authentication URL |
[heleos] | |
admin_password = None | (StrOpt) ESM admin password. |
[keystone_authtoken] | |
memcached_servers = None | (ListOpt) Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process. |