OCI (Container Registry) URL Support¶
Problem description¶
One of the expected patterns in the Ironic standalone user base is to utilize a container image as a means to transport an image or bundle of images between one location and another. Others in the Metal3 community have expressed interest in doing the same.
Typically this takes the model of a file, inside of a container, which is available once the container has been launched or if the filesystem layer contents of the container has been accessed. While a pattern we may one day support, it is an abstracted interaction model which actually makes it more complicated to obtain access to the desired file.
That complexity is because in a container model, the file we want, which is a qcow2 or raw image file, is inside of a filesystem layer file (gz-compressed, tar format files) which then have to be mapped, extracted into a usable structure, and then navigated to extract the file. The major downside to this approach is that each time the file in the container is updated into a new container version, the overall size of the container grows. This may not be an issue for some, but it means ever increasing overhead for others.
A better, and more efficient path is to utilize the underlying data model to attach separate “layer” files, which are actually whole binary artifacts, such as a raw, vhd, or qcow2 image representing the contents of an image.
This presents an interesting path where you match the file contents in layers up with a binary artifact which could be deployed, which is fundamentally how multi-architecture container support is handled for other host and hypervisor types by Podman.
Podman does this by using annotations in the metadata, which allows a client to identify and extract what is required. For example, if you go to launch a container on OSX, podman tooling is actually retrieving a disk image.
An example of this data and structure can be found by examining the metadata available for the machine-os container.
skopeo inspect --raw docker://quay.io/podman/machine-os:5.3
The overall positive of this approach is the underlying “layer” file matching the user required annotations can be updated directly after a single file in the overall layer has been updated. Effectively “compressing” complexity into a single shipping and reference format with some minor additional complexity as a result of the container build process. Please note, we’ll dig into the overall structure modeling of the container after the high level change proposal below.
In order to streamline the overall flow and interaction, we propose supporting the model of interaction where we are able to support a container which has an associated matching disk image by enhancing our image handling logic to enable access to the relevant artifact based upon annotations with the goal of simplyfing the overall user experience for operators moving images which are also containers.
Proposed change¶
This change proposes adaptation of core Ironic service code to enable retrieval of artifacts attached to OCI containers.
The first change is to modify Ironic’s Image Service code to enable an OCI protocol mapping, with an associated class which understands how to authenticate, retrieve metadata, and ultimately download the required content to a file just like any other image service in Ironic.
There may be need to support declaration of additional annotations, but that is outside the intent of this specific specification at this time.
A second change may be needed for Ironic-Python-Agent to understand how to authenticate to an image registry to retrieve the final artifact, but ultimately our hope is the conductor performs all actions related to identifying the disk image artifact.
Specifically, a pattern exists to artifacts to also be compressed using
Zstandard. This is not feasible for us to support out of the gate with
the Ironic-Python-Agent, so we expect this feature to mainly be used with
the image_download_source
setting to be set to local
, to enable
the conductor to perform any decompression. We don’t expect to exclude
an image_download_source
of http
though. If an artifact is
not compressed with additional compression, this should be entirely
feasible with the existing flow model mirroring what is done when
Swift image downloads are performed.
For example, when the image_download_source
is set to local
, then the
conductor would be responsible for retrieval of the requested image_source
from the registry, and providing the safety checked artifact to the
ironic-python-agent. All that the Ironic-Python-Agent would be
aware of when the image_download_source
is set to http
is the URL
which was resolved utilizing the client code to interact with the
container registry.
The overall goal being for a user to be able to set an
value to
“oci://fqdn:port/container:version-label”, which would result in the required
“raw” or “qcow2” artifact being retrieved and extracted.
The protocol portion of the URL, specifically “oci://” shall be stripped from the URL provided to the underlying artifact retrieval tool or code path as it will only be used for the higher level match into the Image Service.
Back-end tools which authenticate and interact with container registries, for example podman and spokeo utilize the containers image common library, and the man page containers-transports is dated 2019 with some specific updates being more recent. However, the more recently updated OpenContainers distribution-spec version 1.1.0 is dated in 2024, and explicitly calls out that it’s protocol is based upon the docker v2 protocol with some additions covered in the specification. It may be concievable for the project to explicitly strip the leading URL protocol format from the user supplied URL and allow the tool to make appropriate determination from there, meaning an “oci://” style URL is possible as well as or “docker://” style URL. This makes the most sense to do. It should also be recognized that the containers-transports common code and related documentation simply have not been updated for a newer consensus.
The use of an explicit, user supplied checksum is not required in this model. When digest manifests are referred to directly, the manifest’s checksum is part of the url. Furthermore, the contents of the manifest include the digest value of the binary artifact we will retrieve.
It is likely this capability will be implemented via pure python with an invocation of an HTTP client library. The base protocol is well detailed and examples exist. Furthermore, native python object usage will enable appropriate authentication handling for mutli-user environments, where doing the same with CLI tools may prove overly complex.
Furthermore, many registries, for example like one hosted on OpenShift, explicitly require authentication for users to access contents in the remote container registry. Additionally, some public image registries have fairly restrictive rate limits in place for unauthenticated users.
The best course of action is to support submission of a “pull secret” to
enable image retrieval by the user in the form of an
value for user artifact authentication.
The existing secret protection code in the API surface should guard this
value from being API visible, but this value can be utilized to establish
the appropriate temporary user environment or simply to authenticate to the
registry to enable metadata and artifact access
For service artifact, and ultimately user artifact collection as a fallback in secure environment contexts, it is necessary for the service to support use of the docker auths configuration format. This will be introduced as a new OCI client configuration option which allows conductor configuration to hold a pre-shared secret. This will leverage the existing standard format for container auth.json files. For more details please refer to container-auth.
To help enable management of capabilities, a new configuration option will also be introduced to allow operators to disable this capability.
Overall file retrieval flow will likely take the following path:
URL will be processed to remove the protocol portion of the URL.
Credentials will be utilized to facilitate a remote registry login.
Basic image metadata will be retrieved which allows for translation of metadata annotations to identify the specific required blob.
The specific required blob will then be retrieved, for example getting translated to an HTTP “GET /v2/<name>/blobs/<digest>” command where the
value is the container name, and thedigest
is the sha256 checksum representing the blob, as referenced through the metadata. The act of retrieval for ironic-python-agent (IPA) would be through IPA to be provided the direct URL to download.The artifact will likely need to be checked for compression prior to being decompressed. This can be handled as a minor magic byte check and opportunistic uncompression separate from the overall flow.
While not distinctly part of this change, another possible future change
is the deployment of containers as an bootable container image.
In such a case, we would just expect the whole container to be set as an
parameter, and ultimately the deploy_interface
understand the needful actions required, much like the anaconda
deployment interface works today.
The examples of container artifact modeling for disk images does not
solve the underlying challenge of a kernel/ramdisk artifact. The proposed
code does support retrieval of artifacts as long as they are referred to
utilizing the manifest digest URL, i.e.
. Additional tagging may
be an option to enable other artifacts to be retrieved and extracted,
but those are outside the scope of this specification.
A structural deep-dive¶
It is important to note that the multi-arch artifact linking style takes a different modeling of containers, in that a top level supplemental artifact linkage exists. This deep-dive is present to help relate the overall data structure and modeling to aid readers in the understanding of the OCI container structural model we’re looking at in the additional context to aid us in creation of our own client code to support artifact retrieval.
For example, the top level index data has a second mapping entry, where the first is the traditional container file layout, and the second index links to the required mapping data for multi-architecture.
The examples in this deep dive are from an oci://path copy output from a remote registry inspired by Podman’s multi-arch support. The file contents and structure thus mirror what is API accessible for the container. The goal of this is to help paint an illustration of what the data structures look like and how they relate.
# cat index.json | jq
"schemaVersion": 2,
"manifests": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:a4460c00d2244ed88eb44be9f3ffd1a3da4a4594690cc314f5b2de6cc427ed3b",
"size": 11537
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:63fb09d03efaa20f10cacd285f08befb98ae5b4decb3125d6704ca912b99f7eb",
"size": 1930
When we evaluate the contents of the second file, we see something
along the following lines. Please note this is being edited down from the
the actual example to focus clarity for context exchange, by removing
artifacts with disktype
annotation applehv
and hyperv
These contents below are best viewed as a list of artifacts which point to manifests.
cat ./blobs/sha256/63fb09d03efaa20f10cacd285f08befb98ae5b4decb3125d6704ca912b99f7eb | jq
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
"manifests": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:026602a096974b80497e4afba3c8cff8397dbdf46a70197e698011d338491611",
"size": 474,
"annotations": {
"disktype": "qemu"
"platform": {
"architecture": "x86_64",
"os": "linux"
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:6dda6fec71d06cc3d19460a4228e28aad2c9fc48ce0f7f1c4052f6c97c78b0dd",
"size": 475,
"annotations": {
"disktype": "qemu"
"platform": {
"architecture": "aarch64",
"os": "linux"
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:a4460c00d2244ed88eb44be9f3ffd1a3da4a4594690cc314f5b2de6cc427ed3b",
"size": 11537,
"platform": {
"architecture": "amd64",
"os": "linux"
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:1ad1af838a5d3cb228288f4c0dc8d95617734d10f1c9f46eae871ecf05aaed94",
"size": 11535,
"platform": {
"architecture": "arm64",
"os": "linux"
In the above context, these are intermediate pointer files, which help link
the platform
, os
, and disktype
annocation together. Below is an
example of the disk image. The references lacking a disktype
are simply just another container filesystem layer reference.
When you utilize the format oci://host/container@sha256:hash
your referring directly to a manifest such as the file below. It is also
important to note that this file has no pointer pointing to the previous
data structure.
cat blobs/sha256/026602a096974b80497e4afba3c8cff8397dbdf46a70197e698011d338491611 |jq
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.empty.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a",
"size": 2,
"data": "e30="
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/zstd",
"digest": "sha256:0bd0cc6a9a7a1656011cd813615124e44ee0fcd63ab71000ec541e1c0502c7cc",
"size": 1059378224,
"annotations": {
"org.opencontainers.image.title": "podman-machine.x86_64.qemu.qcow2.zst"
Following up on the note regarding layers being compressed blocks of data, the underlying files are as well, as demonstrated below.
$ file ./blobs/sha256/0bd0cc6a9a7a1656011cd813615124e44ee0fcd63ab71000ec541e1c0502c7cc
./blobs/sha256/0bd0cc6a9a7a1656011cd813615124e44ee0fcd63ab71000ec541e1c0502c7cc: Zstandard compressed data (v0.8+), Dictionary ID: None
$ zstdcat ./blobs/sha256/0bd0cc6a9a7a1656011cd813615124e44ee0fcd63ab71000ec541e1c0502c7cc |file -
/dev/stdin: QEMU QCOW Image (v3), 10737418240 bytes (v3), 10737418240 bytes
In other words, the actual program code should evaluate all top level data,
seeking out an entry with annotations, and an annotation for a disktype
, and then select the file based upon the platform
field matching the architecture to be deployed.
It must be noted that the applehv
disk types appear, at a glance, to
be raw disk images, which may be ideal for streaming if available,
otherwise qemu compatible qcow2 images may instead need to be transferred.
The alternative to supporting such a pattern, is a set expectation that all users must supply all tooling and process to place images available at HTTP(S) URLs, however that is illogical when considering we support Glance as an image source today.
Data model impact¶
No data model impact is anticipated as part of this change.
State Machine Impact¶
REST API impact¶
None anticipated, although a question should be asked among the project if we should bump the version as a capability signifier to API consumers, which is a habit the project has made when substantial capabilities have been added that would not be otherwise easily discoverable.
Client (CLI) impact¶
“openstack baremetal” CLI¶
RPC API impact¶
Driver API impact¶
This functionality is anticipated in ironic “common” code available to all drivers and modules which utilizes the common code for url or object retrieval. As such, in this model, it is not anticipated to be breaking, only additive in the overall capabilities.
Nova driver impact¶
Ramdisk impact¶
Overall, no impact to the ramdisk composition or structure is anticipated.
One detail which we will need to address at some point is passing a pull
secert or other bearer token to the agent to enable support for authenticated
container registry artifact access when image_download_source
is set to
Security impact¶
As part of this change, the overall contract around image checksums shall be maintained. No other security impact is anticipated, but the implementation in the Ironic-Python-Agent will need to be mindful that checksum operations will be required. Checksum resolution, at least in terms of identification of the proper checksum will be the responsibility of the conductor process.
The proposed model of interaction with Ironic should enable checksums to
occur transparently as they are executed outside of the lowest levels of
artifact retrieval. The underlying protocol is built upon the model of
file transfers over HTTP, which natively may be decompressed if the
client is capable, and is disctinctly different from security issues
in 2024 with qemu-img
where disk images were interacted and streamed
through memory with multiple qemu
plugins attempting to access data
in the user supplied disk image for data transformation. The overall act
of copying from an OCI compliant registry will largely take the shape of
HTTP interactions, possibly including just a transfer of the desirable
artifact file. Once that file is in a state ready for file inspection,
such as qcow2 file, then we anticipate the file to be checked.
Another aspect is any user supplied pull secret which may be required to
access the container registry. At present, if set in the existing
field with an appropriate name, should result in the value
from being visible to an API consumer. Special care should be taken by the
implementer to purge this value upon the completion of operations.
Other end user impact¶
A user requested image_download_source
of swift
will need to be
explicitly rejected as an incompatible configuration.
Scalability impact¶
None anticipated.
Performance Impact¶
Use of tools, unless (until) they support direct manifest artifact retrieval, presently may leverage locations like /var/tmp to cache pieces of containers, and may require additional artifacts/copies to be retrieved in an upfront copy operation.
Other deployer impact¶
Developer impact¶
- Primary assignee:
Julia Kreger - TheJulia on IRC
- Other contributors:
Steve Baker - sbaker on IRC
Work Items¶
Creation of new image retrieval class in Ironic
Addition of support to potentially supply a pull secret and clean up of the pull secret.
Addition of unit testing in Ironic
Exploration and work in ironic-python-agent to support this capability.
At present, no dependencies have been identified.
An unknown which exists at this point in time is “how” we might be able to execute CI on such a change. The best possible avenue will be to work with Metal3 to enable their testing to take this path, however Ironic may separately need to add additional CI jobs to facilitate this testing.
Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility¶
Not Applicable.
Documentation Impact¶
Documentation will be updated as a result of this feature. We anticipate this taking the form more of “how to deploy an image from an OCI container” example documentation, as opposed to “how might you do this” which is the project’s historical style of documentation.