Apply pre-defined system hardware configuration in single step¶!/story/2003594
Ironic’s popularity and the number of ironic deployments, both integrated OpenStack and stand-alone, continue to grow. Alongside that, the number of bare metal systems managed by each deployment is increasing. Those trends have led operators to demand that improvements be made to the operational management of hardware system configuration – BIOS settings, RAID, boot mode, network ports, inventory, and more. Solutions must reduce operational costs and the time required to fulfill a tenant’s request for a newly deployed and activated bare metal system.
Use cases which would benefit from this proposal include:
Correct, consistent, and rapid hardware configuration during deployment of fleets of bare metal systems with similar hardware capabilities
Production environments in which physical systems are repurposed for workloads that require different configurations and fast turnaround is at a premium
Inventory of individual system configurations
To achieve that, prospective solutions should offer:
Creation of bare metal system configurations from common or “golden” systems
Management of configurations stored at a designated storage location
Application of a stored configuration to a bare metal system
Acquisition of a system’s resulting entire configuration following application of a complete or partial configuration
Acceleration of hardware configuration by reducing the amount of time, often via fewer required reboots, which is dependent on system and ironic hardware type support
This specification proposes a generally applicable solution comprised of new cleaning and deploy steps which process system configurations. Each hardware type may implement it according to its and its system’s capabilities.
Problem description¶
A large number of systems with identical or similar hardware arrives. The user wants all of their hardware configured the same.
In ironic, that can be a tedious, error-prone task.
Ironic currently has APIs to configure BIOS and RAID, but it does not offer interfaces for all subsystems for which vendors offer configuration.
Applying a configuration can take a great deal of time, often requiring multiple reboots.
The same challenges apply when different workflows are run on the same system, each needing a different hardware configuration.
Proposed change¶
The following concept is used in this specification:
- configuration mold
A document which expresses the current or desired configuration of a hardware system. It also offers an inventory of a system’s hardware configuration.
This specification proposes to:
Add new, optional cleaning [1] and deploy [2] steps which, in a single step, can completely configure a system’s hardware. They can apply the saved configuration of a system with sufficiently similar hardware capabilities. Steps which obtain and persistently store a system’s configuration are also proposed.
–obtain a system’s hardware configuration and persistently store it as a configuration mold so it can be used to configure other, sufficiently capable systems and as an inventory. More details are available in Export configuration.
–apply the hardware configuration described by an existing, persistently stored configuration mold to a sufficiently capable system. More details are available in Import configuration.
–import and then export the hardware configuration of the same system as a single, atomic step from the perspective of ironic’s cleaning and deployment mechanisms. This can further reduce the time required to provision a system than a sequence of separate import and export steps. More details are available in Import and export configuration.
Define the data format of the vendor-independent content of a configuration mold. It contains a section for each hardware subsystem it supports, RAID and BIOS. The desired configuration of a subsystem for which ironic has been offering configuration support, again RAID and BIOS, is expressed as much as possible in ironic terms.
To support hardware configuration beyond what ironic defines, but which vendors, systems, and their hardware types could offer in a system-specific manner, a third section, OEM, is proposed. The OEM section can also be used to specify configuration ironic already supports. The content of the OEM section is specific to the system and its hardware type.
More details, along with an example, are in section Format of configuration data.
Describe the persistent storage of configuration molds for both integrated OpenStack and stand-alone ironic environments and how ironic and its users interact with them. See Storage of configuration data.
Declare what is considered a complete implementation for the purposes of this specification. An implementation will be considered complete if it offers all three (3) pairs of cleaning and deploy steps and supports all of the defined configuration mold sections, presently BIOS and RAID. Additionally, persistent storage of configuration molds must be supported for both ironic environments, integrated OpenStack and stand-alone.
Offer an alternative, not a replacement, to ironic’s currently available granular configuration steps which operate on a single subsystem: RAID and BIOS. How it compares to ironic’s present functionality is described in Alternatives.
Outline a minimum viable product (MVP) implementation by the
hardware type in section idrac-redfish implementation. We aim for it to offer all three (3) pairs of cleaning and deploy steps. In the MVP, only the OEM configuration mold section will be supported. Both methods of persistent configuration mold storage will be implemented and supported.Illustrate possible implementation for generic
hardware type in section redfish implementation.
With this specification, we are going to achieve the following goals:
Define an ironic hardware type framework which offers more operationally efficient bare metal hardware configuration
Facilitate a consistent method to accelerate bare metal hardware configuration, necessitating fewer reboots, when supported by a hardware system and its ironic hardware type
Describe a first, MVP implementation by the
hardware type
The following are considered outside the scope of this specification:
Implementation of the approach by all hardware types; it is optional
Requiring a hardware type’s implementation be complete; it may be partial
Export configuration¶
The export configuration clean/deploy step extracts existing configuration of indicated server (“golden server”) and stores it in designated storage location to be used in Import configuration clean/deploy step.
Clean/deploy step details are:
- Interface
Management interface
- Name
- Details
Gets the configuration of the server against which the step is run and stores it in specific format in indicated storage as configured by ironic.
- Priority
- Stoppable
- Arguments
URL of location to save the configuration to
Sample of clean/deploy step configuration:
"interface": "management",
"step": "export_configuration",
"args": {
"export_configuration_location": "https://server/edge_dell_emc-poweredge_r640"
The workflow of configuration export consists of 3 parts:
Get current node’s configuration (driver specific)
Transform the configuration to common format (transformation is driver specific; format is common, see Format of configuration data)
Save the storage item to designated storage (common to all drivers, see Storage of configuration data)
Usage of export_configuration
is not mandatory. If the configuration is
acquired previously or in another way, user can also upload it to storage
Import configuration¶
Once the configuration is available, user can use it in the import configuration clean/deploy step to configure the servers.
Clean/deploy step details are:
- Interface
Management interface
- Name
- Details
Gets pre-created configuration from storage by given location URL and imports that into given server.
- Priority
- Stoppable
- Arguments
URL of location to fetch desired configuration from
"interface": "management",
"step": "import_configuration",
"args": {
"import_configuration_location": "https://server/edge_dell_emc-poweredge_r640"
The workflow of the import configuration consists of 3 parts:
Using given configuration location and ironic’s storage settings, get the configuration from the storage (common to all drivers).
Transform the configuration to driver specific format (driver specific)
Apply the configuration (driver specific)
Sections that are not specified in the configuration mold are left intact, for example, it is possible to configure only subset of BIOS settings and other BIOS settings and RAID settings remain unchanged.
If an error is encountered, the clean/deploy step fails. On failure, no assurances can be made about the state of the system’s configuration, because the application of the configuration is system and ironic hardware type dependent and there are many possible failure modes. A defined subsystem configuration sequence and transactional rollback semantics do not seem to apply.
When a step fails, the ironic node is placed in the
clean failed
ordeploy failed
state and the node’slast_error
field may contain further information about the cause of the failure.Successful application of configuration specified has no side effects on the node’s fields (like BIOS and RAID configuration).
Depending on each vendor’s capabilities importing can be powerful step that allows configuring various things. Users and vendors need to be aware of these capabilities and make sure not to overwrite settings that are not intended to be replaced, for example, deleting RAID settings or static BMC IP address.
Import and export configuration¶
Import and export configuration clean/deploy step is composite step that executes both importing and exporting one after another as atomic operation. This can be used to get the inventory just after configuration and can be useful when not all aspects of system are being configured, but need to know the outcome for all aspects.
Clean/deploy step details are:
- Interface
Management interface
- Name
- Details
Gets pre-created configuration from storage, imports that into given server and exports resulting configuration.
- Priority
- Stoppable
- Arguments
URL of location to fetch desired configuration from
URL of location to save the configuration to
Sample of clean/deploy step configuration:
"interface": "management",
"step": "import_export_configuration",
"args": {
"import_configuration_location": "https://server/edge_dell_emc-poweredge_r640"
"export_configuration_location": "https://server/edge_dell_emc-poweredge_r640_server005"
The workflow of configuration import and export consists of parts:
Execute workflow as in step Import configuration
When importing succeeds, execute workflow as in step Export configuration
Format of configuration data¶
The format to store the reusable configuration is in JSON format and consists of 3 sections:
to indicate if reset is necessary before applying settings indicated in the list of BIOS attribute key-value pairs insidesettings
section as in Apply BIOS configuration step [3]. Ifreset
is false, then settings that are not included insettings
sections are left
– as in RAID create configuration step with key-value pair settings andtarget_raid_config
property [4]oem
– driver specific section with everything else that does not fit into bios and raid sections together with interface name that can handle this data. The interface name can be used to distinguish for which hardware type this configuration data is meant and used for validation during import before trying to parse this section and catch incompatibility early. The data format of this section is controlled by implementing interface and only restriction is that it needs to fit in JSON property.There is no overlapping with
and vendor-independent sections, likebios
.If overlapping is determined during import, then configuration data is considered invalid and cleaning/deployment step fails.
Sample of exported data format:
"bios": {
"reset": false,
"settings": [
"name": "ProcVirtualization",
"value": "Enabled"
"name": "MemTest",
"value": "Disabled"
"raid": {
"create_nonroot_volumes": true,
"create_root_volume": true,
"delete_existing": false,
"target_raid_config": {
"logical_disks": [
"size_gb": 50,
"raid_level": "1+0",
"controller": "RAID.Integrated.1-1",
"volume_name": "root_volume",
"is_root_volume": true,
"physical_disks": [
"size_gb": 100,
"raid_level": "5",
"controller": "RAID.Integrated.1-1",
"volume_name": "data_volume",
"physical_disks": [
"oem": {
"interface": "idrac-redfish",
"data": {
"SystemConfiguration": {
"Model": "PowerEdge R640",
"ServiceTag": "8CY9Z99",
"TimeStamp": "Fri Jun 26 08:43:15 2020",
"Components": [
"FQDD": "NIC.Slot.1-1-1",
"Attributes": [
"Name": "BlnkLeds",
"Value": "15",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write"
"Name": "VirtMacAddr",
"Value": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"Set On Import": "False",
"Comment": "Read and Write"
"Name": "VirtualizationMode",
"Value": "NONE",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write"
section of sample data depicts snippets from Dell SCP file (see more at
idrac-redfish implementation) that has some metadata about the source of the
configuration (Model
, ServiceTag
, TimeStamp
) and inside
section there are attributes listed that can be applied during
import and is controlled by Set On Import
Storage of configuration data¶
Common functionality among hardware types is the configuration storage and will be implemented for all vendors to be used in their implementations.
The requirements for storage are:
Support node multi-tenancy
Support multiple conductors
Support ironic in stand-alone mode
Support ironic operators with ephemeral ironic database
User can manage (list, create, view, edit, delete) configuration molds
To fulfill these requirements a storage solution is proposed:
Use full URL to indicate configuration mold location
Swift is used as storage backend
Full URL points to Swift object within containers
Access is restricted by projects/tenants/accounts
HTTP GET and HTTP PUT used to get and store data
Ironic service account has access to used containers
User can manage configuration molds by accessing Swift container directly
Web server is used as storage backend for ironic in stand-alone mode
Used only for Ironic stand-alone or when there is only one tenant as this does not guard against accessing other tenant data
HTTP GET and HTTP PUT used to get and store data. Web servers need to have HTTP PUT configured (it is not enabled by default)
Basic auth used with pre-defined credentials from ironic configuration to access data
User can manage configuration molds by accessing the web server directly
In future additional storage back-ends can be added
To implement this, these changes will be made:
New settings added:
used to define what storage backend used. By default it will
be Swift with option to configure Web server. In future more options can be
and [molds]password
is used when Web server is configured
as storage backend. Ironic will use this to encode it in Base64 and add as
header to HTTP requests. By default they will be empty indicating that no
authorization used.
The workflow for getting stored configuration data:
Given configuration mold’s full URL and used storage mechanism configured in
fetch data using appropriate credentials.Handle any errors, including access permission errors. If errors encountered, a step fails.
The workflow for storing the configuration data:
Given configuration mold’s full URL and used storage mechanism configured in
store data using appropriate credentials.Handle any errors, including access permission errors. If errors encountered, a step fails.
Swift support¶
For Swift as end-user that initiates cleaning or deploying is different from the service user that actually does cleaning or deploying, it is necessary to allow ironic conductor (service user) access Swift containers used in steps. There is security risk having access to all tenant containers that is described in Security impact section.
Web server support¶
For web server authorization Basic authentication will be used from
and [molds]password
. It is strongly advised to have TLS
configured on the web server.
idrac-redfish implementation¶
For iDRAC to implement these proposed steps it will use Server Configuration Profile (SCP) [5] that allows to export existing configuration server and import the same configuration file to another server. Settings for different sub-systems such as BIOS, RAID, NIC are included in the configuration file.
The implementation would transform configuration between SCP data format and
ironic data format. In the first version (MVP), all SCP data is exported to and
imported from oem
section as-is without any transformation. In the
following versions this will be improved to start using bios
and raid
sections. The implementation will use Redfish protocol. As this is part of OEM
section in Redfish service, the communication will be implemented in
sushy-oem-idrac library. In next versions after MVP is done, transformation
between SCP data format and ironic data format will be implemented in ironic
part of idrac-redfish interface.
When comparing configuration runtime using separate BIOS and RAID configuration jobs versus SCP approach on R640 the difference was 11 minutes versus 7 minutes where SCP was faster within one reboot.
redfish implementation¶
This section describes how these steps could be implemented for generic
driver. Compared to the proposed implementation of
described in idrac-redfish implementation that implements
these steps using iDRAC specific functionality, Redfish specification, in
contrast, does not have a resource and action that accepts configuration data
all together and implementation for redfish
needs to take different
This illustrates how dedicated resources as they are available in Redfish service can be assembled to be used in single step. It is not part of this spec to implement this.
The following describes how this implementation would support configuration of RAID, BIOS.
For import_configuration
Given configuration mold that contains
sections.Apply RAID configuration to create a volume with immediate application or apply on reset (if changes need reboot).
Apply BIOS updates to pending settings with apply time on reset.
Reboot the system for pending changes to take effect.
The difference from existing functionality in ironic:
There is only 1 step instead of dedicated 2 steps.
There are less reboots (depending on necessity to reboot for RAID) as all configuration is assembled before reboot.
For export_configuration
Use BIOS resource to get current BIOS settings.
Use Storage resource and related to get current RAID settings.
Transform results into configuration mold’s format.
The difference from existing functionality in ironic:
There is no step that fetches current configuration across various subsystems.
Closest to achieve this would be getting node’s
field and getting BIOS attributes and transforming it to deploy template that uses existing RAID and BIOS steps.
For import_export_configuration
combine implementations of
and export_configuration
We can continue to support only the current, granular hardware provisioning deploy and clean steps.
The closest currently available functionality in ironic is deploy templates that enable assembling several existing steps together. In the same manner these deploy templates can be re-used for as many systems as necessary. However, comparing deploy templates to the proposed solution currently:
No functionality to get the configuration from already configured system, user has to construct the initial configuration file themselves by hand or a script. To make it easier, can use cached BIOS and RAID settings from a node that was deployed, but this reuse is still not built in ironic.
Depending on vendor’s capabilities each step may require reboot to finish. For example, iDRAC BIOS configuration apply needs reboot to take effect and deem the step to be finished. For now ironic cannot line up several steps that require reboot and then finish them all by one reboot. For next step to start the previous one needs to be finished. The proposal makes it possible to handle this internally inside the import step, that is, if that is how a hardware type is implementing this, it can create 2 tasks for BIOS, RAID configuration and then reboot and watch for both tasks to finish to deem the step as finished.
Using OEM section each vendor can add support for configuring more settings that are not currently possible using common (vendor-independent) ironic clean/deploy steps.
This proposal does not suggest to replace current clean/deploy steps and deploy templates but add alternative approach for system configuration.
Data model impact¶
State Machine Impact¶
REST API impact¶
Client (CLI) impact¶
RPC API impact¶
Driver API impact¶
Nova driver impact¶
Ramdisk impact¶
Security impact¶
JSON will be used as user input. It will be validated, sanitized, and treated
as text. Common storage utils will use Python’s json.loads
when retrieving
and json.dumps
when storing data. If there is additional validation and
clean up necessary for vendor specific implementation, for example, OEM
section, then that needs to be added to driver’s implementation.
Configuration molds are considered a sensitive data and they also can contain plain text password, for example, for BMC. Implementation for storage of configuration molds will support authorization and separation of tenants. Operators will be suggested to add additional security e.g., configure storage backend encryption and TLS for web server.
As cleaning/deploying is executed by ironic service account and not user that initiated clean or deploy, ironic service account needs access to used Swift containers provided by users. In multi-tenant, end-user accessible Ironic API this could lead to accessing data not belonging to the tenant by, e.g., guessing or somehow finding out another tenant’s URL and feeding that to ironic that has access to it while end-user does not. This issue needs to be addressed separately in future releases. There are possibly other use cases that are affected by this limitation and would benefit from addressing this.
Other end user impact¶
The configuration items can accumulate in the storage as there is no default timeout or logic that deletes them after a while because these configuration items should be available after node’s cleaning or deployment. If user do not need the reusable configuration items anymore, then user should delete those themselves from the storage.
This adds new configuration section [molds]
to control storage location.
Default values are provided.
Scalability impact¶
Performance Impact¶
Depending on hardware type implementation, deployments can become faster. When configuration mold is processed, it is read in memory, but it is not expected that these configuration molds will be large.
Also based on vendor’s implementation these can be synchronous or asynchronous steps. If steps are synchronous this will consume a long-lived thread where operators may need to adjust the number of workers.
Other deployer impact¶
Need to configure storage backend, Swift or web server.
Developer impact¶
There will be new clean and deploy steps available that each driver can implement. They are optional and other developers can implement those at their own time if needed.
Primary assignees:
Aija Jaunteva (@ajya,
Richard Pioso (@rpioso,
- Other contributors:
Work Items¶
For common functionality:
Implement common functionality for configuration storage
Swift support
Web server support
For idrac-redfish
Implement initial idrac hardware type derivations of the new clean and deployment steps which use the Redfish protocol (MVP)
Update the iDRAC driver documentation
Enhance the idrac hardware type implementation to support the
section of the configuration dataEnhance the idrac hardware type implementation to support the
section of the configuration data
For now, tempest tests are out of scope, but in future 3rd party continuous integration (CI) tests can be added for each driver which implements the new clean and deploy steps.
Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility¶
This change is designed to be backwards compatible. The new clean and deploy steps are optional. When an attempt to use them with a hardware type which does not implement them, then clean or deploy will fail with error saying that node does not support these steps.
Documentation Impact¶
Node cleaning documentation [6] is updated to describe new clean steps under
Management interface for idrac-redfish