Source code for image.v2.test_images_formats

# Copyright 2024 Red Hat, Inc.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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#    under the License.

import os

import testscenarios
import yaml

from tempest.api.compute import base as compute_base
from tempest.api.image import base
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest import exceptions
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] def load_tests(loader, suite, pattern): """Generate scenarios from the image manifest.""" if CONF.image.images_manifest_file is None: return suite ImagesFormatTest.scenarios = [] with open(CONF.image.images_manifest_file) as f: ImagesFormatTest._manifest = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) for imgdef in ImagesFormatTest._manifest['images']: ImagesFormatTest.scenarios.append((imgdef['name'], {'imgdef': imgdef})) result = loader.suiteClass() result.addTests(testscenarios.generate_scenarios(suite)) return result
[docs] class ImagesFormatTest(base.BaseV2ImageTest, compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest): def setUp(self): super().setUp() if CONF.image.images_manifest_file is None: self.skipTest('Image format testing is not configured') self._image_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( CONF.image.images_manifest_file)) self.images = [] def tearDown(self): for img in self.images: try: self.client.delete_image(img['id']) except lib_exc.NotFound: pass return super().tearDown() @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super().resource_setup() cls.available_import_methods = cls.client.info_import()[ 'import-methods']['value'] def _test_image(self, image_def, override_format=None, asimport=False): image_name = data_utils.rand_name( prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix, name=image_def['name']) image = self.client.create_image( name=image_name, container_format='bare', disk_format=override_format or image_def['format']) self.images.append(image) image_fn = os.path.join(self._image_base, image_def['filename']) with open(image_fn, 'rb') as f: if asimport: self.client.stage_image_file(image['id'], f) self.client.image_import(image['id'], method='glance-direct') else: self.client.store_image_file(image['id'], f) return image
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('a245fcbe-63ce-4dc1-a1d0-c16d76d9e6df') def test_accept_usable_formats(self): if self.imgdef['usable']: try: self._test_image(self.imgdef) except lib_exc.BadRequest: format = self.imgdef['format'] if format == 'gpt' and format not in CONF.image.disk_formats: # If we don't have gpt defined, we don't expect this to # work because glance has not been updated for GPT # FIXME(danms): Remove this once glance support for GPT is # landed on master self.skipTest('GPT not configured and glance is too ' 'old to support it') raise else: self.skipTest( 'Glance does not currently reject unusable images on upload')
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('7c7c2f16-2e97-4dce-8cb4-bc10be031c85') def test_accept_reject_formats_import(self): """Make sure glance rejects invalid images during conversion.""" if 'glance-direct' not in self.available_import_methods: self.skipTest('Import via glance-direct is not available') if not CONF.image_feature_enabled.image_conversion: self.skipTest('Import image_conversion not enabled') # VMDK with footer was not supported by earlier service versions, # so we need to tolerate it passing and failing (skip for the latter). # See this for more info: # is_broken = 'footer' in self.imgdef['name'] if (self.imgdef['format'] in CONF.image.disk_formats and self.imgdef['usable']): # Usable images should end up in active state image = self._test_image(self.imgdef, asimport=True) try: waiters.wait_for_image_status(self.client, image['id'], 'active') except lib_exc.TimeoutException: if is_broken: self.skipTest( 'Older glance did not support vmdk-with-footer') else: raise else: # FIXME(danms): Make this better, but gpt will fail before # the import even starts until glance has it in its API # schema as a valid value. Other formats expected to fail # do so during import and return to queued state. try: image = self._test_image(self.imgdef, asimport=True) waiters.wait_for_image_status(self.client, image['id'], ['queued', 'active']) self.client.delete_image(image['id']) except lib_exc.BadRequest: format = self.imgdef['format'] if format == 'gpt' and format not in CONF.image.disk_formats: # If we don't have gpt defined, we don't expect this to # work because glance has not been updated for GPT # FIXME(danms): Remove this once glance support for GPT is # landed on master self.skipTest('GPT not configured and glance is too ' 'old to support it') elif format in CONF.image.disk_formats: # This is in our config so it's supposed to work, fail raise if self.imgdef['format'] == 'iso': # NOTE(danms): Glance has a special case to not convert ISO images # because they are special and must remain as ISOs in order to be # properly used for CD-based rescue and boot. self.assertEqual('iso', image['disk_format'])
def _create_server_with_image_def(self, image_def, **overrides): image_def = dict(image_def, **overrides) image = self._test_image(image_def) server = self.create_test_server(name='server-%s' % image['name'], image_id=image['id'], wait_until='ACTIVE') return server
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('f77394bc-81f4-4d54-9f5b-e48f3d6b5376') def test_compute_rejects_invalid(self): """Make sure compute rejects invalid/insecure images.""" if self.imgdef['format'] not in CONF.image.disk_formats: # if this format is not allowed by glance, we can not create # a properly-formatted image for it, so skip it. self.skipTest( 'Format %s not allowed by config' % self.imgdef['format']) if CONF.image_feature_enabled.image_format_enforcement: # If glance rejects bad images during upload, we cannot get them # registered so that we can test nova. self.skipTest( 'Unable to test compute image formats if glance does not ' 'allow them to be uploaded') # VMDK with footer was not supported by earlier service versions, # so we need to tolerate it passing and failing (skip for the latter). # See this for more info: # is_broken = 'footer' in self.imgdef['name'] if self.imgdef['usable']: try: server = self._create_server_with_image_def(self.imgdef) except exceptions.BuildErrorException: if is_broken: self.skip('Tolerating failed build with known-broken ' 'image format') else: raise self.delete_server(server['id']) else: self.assertRaises(exceptions.BuildErrorException, self._create_server_with_image_def, self.imgdef)
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('ffe21610-e801-4992-9b81-e2d646e2e2e9') def test_compute_rejects_format_mismatch(self): """Make sure compute rejects any image with a format mismatch.""" if CONF.image_feature_enabled.image_format_enforcement: # If glance rejects bad images during upload, we cannot get them # registered so that we can test nova. self.skipTest( 'Unable to test compute image formats if glance does not ' 'allow them to be uploaded') # Lying about the disk_format should always fail override_fmt = ( self.imgdef['format'] in ('raw', 'gpt') and 'qcow2' or 'raw') self.assertRaises(exceptions.BuildErrorException, self._create_server_with_image_def, self.imgdef, format=override_fmt)