Post Tempest Run Cleanup Utility

Utility for cleaning up environment after Tempest test run

Usage: tempest cleanup [--help] [OPTIONS]

If run with no arguments, tempest cleanup will query your OpenStack deployment and build a list of resources to delete and destroy them. This list will exclude the resources from saved_state.json and will include the configured admin account if the --delete-tempest-conf-objects flag is specified. By default the admin project is not deleted and the admin user specified in tempest.conf is never deleted.

Example Run


We advice not to run tempest cleanup on production environments.


If step 1 is skipped in the example below, the cleanup procedure may delete resources that existed in the cloud before the test run. This may cause an unwanted destruction of cloud resources, so use caution with this command.


$ tempest cleanup --init-saved-state
$ # Actual running of Tempest tests
$ tempest cleanup

Runtime Arguments

  • --init-saved-state: Initializes the saved state of the OpenStack deployment and will output a saved_state.json file containing resources from your deployment that will be preserved from the cleanup command. This should be done prior to running Tempest tests. Note, that if other users of your cloud could have created resources after running --init-saved-state, it would not protect those resources as they wouldn’t be present in the saved_state.json file.

  • --delete-tempest-conf-objects: If option is present, then the command will delete the admin project in addition to the resources associated with them on clean up. If option is not present, the command will delete the resources associated with the Tempest and alternate Tempest users and projects but will not delete the projects themselves.

  • --dry-run: Creates a report (./dry_run.json) of the projects that will be cleaned up (in the _projects_to_clean dictionary [1]) and the global objects that will be removed (domains, flavors, images, roles, projects, and users). Once the cleanup command is executed (e.g. run without parameters), running it again with --dry-run should yield an empty report. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE to run tempest cleanup with --dry-run first and then verify that the resources listed in the dry_run.json file are meant to be deleted.

  • --prefix: Only resources that match the prefix will be deleted. When this option is used, saved_state.json file is not needed (no need to run with --init-saved-state first).

    All tempest resources are created with the prefix value from the config option resource_name_prefix in tempest.conf. To cleanup only the resources created by tempest, you should use the prefix set in your tempest.conf (the default value of resource_name_prefix is tempest.

    Note, that some resources are not named thus they will not be deleted when filtering based on the prefix. This option will be ignored when --init-saved-state is used so that it can capture the true init state - all resources present at that moment. If there is any saved_state.json file present (e.g. if you ran the tempest cleanup with --init-saved-state before) and you run the tempest cleanup with --prefix, the saved_state.json file will be ignored and cleanup will be done based on the passed prefix only.

  • --resource-list: Allows the use of file ./resource_list.json, which contains all resources created by Tempest during all Tempest runs, to create another method for removing only resources created by Tempest. List of these resources is created when config option record_resources in default section is set to true. After using this option for cleanup, the existing ./resource_list.json is cleared from deleted resources.

    When this option is used, saved_state.json file is not needed (no need to run with --init-saved-state first). If there is any saved_state.json file present and you run the tempest cleanup with --resource-list, the saved_state.json file will be ignored and cleanup will be done based on the resource_list.json only.

    If you run tempest cleanup with both --prefix and --resource-list, the --resource-list option will be ignored and cleanup will be done based on the --prefix option only.

  • --help: Print the help text for the command and parameters.


If during execution of tempest cleanup NotImplemented exception occurres, tempest cleanup won’t fail on that, it will be logged only. NotImplemented errors are ignored because they are an outcome of some extensions being disabled and tempest cleanup is not checking their availability as it tries to clean up as much as possible without any complicated logic.