Swift storage backend¶
Swift is a widely deployed object storage solution for OpenStack. While it’s not particularly designed for high throughput of lots of small objects, which is what Zaqar mostly does, it scales really well, and is highly fault tolerant. It would also provide an alternative to people that want to avoid to deploy and manage MongoDB.
Driver description¶
The driver only implements the data part, SQL being available for the control driver. Containers are used per entity and per project, to provide multitenancy.
Proposed change¶
The driver uses one global service user, and stores all messages in one project. It uses suffix on container names to scope them. It will use mostly one container per entity type, plus other for additional indexes. We may need to increase or decrease the number of containers used, to find the appropriate performance balance.
It may be worth marking the driver experimental first, so that we can change the storage model without caring about migrating data.
What are the driver’s guarantees in terms of reliability?¶
We rely on Swift being configured appropriately to provide message reliability. By default objects are replicated 3 times, which offers good guarantees.
What are the driver’s guarantees in terms of scalability?¶
Again, we rely on Swift scalability guarantees here.
What are the driver’s guarantees in terms of interoperability?¶
We use publicly available Swift APIs, so the data is easily auditable and recoverable behind Zaqar.
What are the driver’s guarantees in terms of openness?¶
We use python-swiftclient to access Swift, which uses the Apache 2.0 license.
- Primary assignee:
- Target Milestone for completion:
Work Items¶
Implement storage driver, and make unit tests pass.
Add a voting gate against Swift.
Possibly make some performance testing to tweak how objects are stored.
Depend on Swift fix for if-none-match: https://review.opendev.org/395582
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