Add a common HBase lib in hdfs on cluster start¶
HBase applications written in Java require JARs on the HBase classpath. Java actions launched from Oozie may reference JARs stored in hdfs using the oozie.libpath configuration value, but there is no standard HBase directory location in hdfs that is installed with Oozie.
Users can build their own HBase directory in hdfs manually from a cluster node but it would be convenient if Sahara provided an option to build the directory at cluster launch time.
Problem description¶
HBase applications written in Java require the Hbase classpath. Typically, a Java program will be run this way using /usr/bin/hbase to get the classpath:
java -cp `hbase classpath`:MyHbaseApp.jar MyHBaseApp
Java jobs launched from EDP are Oozie actions, and there is no way to set an extra classpath value. Instead, the Oozie solution to this problem is to create a directory of JAR files in hdfs and then set the oozie.libpath configuration property on the job to that location. This causes Oozie to make all of the jars in the directory available to the job.
Sahara currently supports setting the oozie.libpath configuration on a job but there is no existing collection of HBase JARs to reference. Users can log into a cluster node and build an HBase directory in hdfs manually using bash or Python. The steps are relatively simple:
Run the
hbase classpath
command to retrieve the classpath as a stringSeparate the string on the : character
Prune away all paths that do not end in .jar
Upload all of the remaining paths to the designated directory in hdfs
However, it would be relatively simple for Sahara to do this optionally at cluster creation time for clusters that include HBase services.
Note that the same idea of a shared hdfs directory is used in two different but related ways in Oozie:
the Oozie sharelib is a pre-packaged collection of JARs released and supported as part of Oozie and referenced from a job by setting the oozie.use.system.libpath configuration parameter to True. Sahara already sets this option for all Ooozie-based jobs. The official Oozie sharelib changes over time, and Oozie uses a timestamp naming convention to support upgrades, multiple versions, etc.
the ability to create an hdfs directory containing JAR files and reference it from a job with the oozie.libpath configuration parameter is open to anyone. This is what is being proposed here. This change in no way touches the official Oozie sharelib. If Oozie ever adds HBase JARs to the system sharelib, we probably will no longer need this feature.
Proposed change¶
Create a class that can be shared by any provisioning plugins that support installing the HBase service on a cluster. This class should provide a method that runs remote commands on a cluster node to:
Run the
hbase classpath
command to retrieve the classpath as a stringSeparate the string on the : character
Prune away all paths that do not end in .jar
Upload all of the remaining paths to pre-determined directory in hdfs
A code sample in the reference section below shows one method of doing this in a Python script, which could be uploaded to the node and executed via remote utilities.
The HBase hdfs directory can be fixed, it does not need to be configurable. For example, it can be “/user/sahara-hbase-lib” or something similar. It should be readable by the user that runs Hadoop jobs on the cluster. The EDP engine can query this class for the location of the directory at runtime.
An option can be added to cluster configs that controls the creation of this hdfs library. The default for this option should be True. If the config option is True, and the cluster is provisioned with an HBase service, then the hdfs HBase library should be created after the hdfs service is up and running and before the cluster is moved to “Active”.
A job needs to set the oozie.libpath value to reference the library. Setting it directly presents a few problems:
the hdfs location needs to be known to the end user
it exposes more “Oozie-ness” to the end user. A lot of “Oozie-ness” has leaked into Sahara’s interfaces already but there is no reason to add to it.
Instead, we should use an edp.use_hbase_lib boolean configuration parameter to specify whether a job should use the HBase hdfs library. If this configuration parameter is True, EDP can retrieve the hdfs location from the utility class described above and set oozie.libpath accordingly. Note that if for some reason an advanced user has already set oozie.libpath to a value, the location of the HBase lib should be added to the value (which may be a comma-separated list).
Do nothing. Let users make their own shared libraries.
Support Oozie Shell actions in Sahara.
Shell actions are a much more general feature under consideration for Sahara. Assuming they are supported, a Shell action provides a way to launch a Java application from a script and the classpath can be set directly without the need for an HBase hdfs library.
Using a Shell action would allow a user to run a script. In a script a user would have complete control over how to launch a Java application and could set the classpath appropriately.
The user experience would be a little different. Instead of just writing a Java HBase application and launching it with edp.use_hbase_lib set to True, a user would have to write a wrapper script and launch that as a Shell action instead.
Data model impact¶
REST API impact¶
Other end user impact¶
Deployer impact¶
Developer impact¶
Sahara-image-elements impact¶
Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact¶
We may want a simple checkbox option on the UI for Java actions to set the edp.use_hbase_libpath config so that users don’t need to add it by hand.
- Primary assignee:
- Other contributors:
Work Items¶
An EDP integration test on a cluster with HBase installed would be great test coverage for this since it involves cluster configuration.
Unit tests can verify that the oozie.libpath is set correctly.
Documentation Impact¶
We need to document how to enable creation of the shared lib at cluster creation time, and how to configure a job to reference it
Here is a good blog entry on Oozie shared libraries in general.
Here is a simple script that can be used to create the lib:
import sys
import os
import subprocess
def main():
subprocess.Popen("hadoop fs -mkdir %s" % sys.argv[1], shell=True).wait()
cp, stderr = subprocess.Popen("hbase classpath",
paths = cp.split(':')
for p in paths:
if p.endswith(".jar"):
subprocess.Popen("hadoop fs -put %s %s" % (os.path.realpath(p),
if __name__ == "__main__":