Live migrate VFIO devices using kernel variant drivers

This spec outlines the necessary steps to live migrate SR-IOV devices using the new kernel VFIO SR-IOV variant driver interface.

Problem description

Support for devices using the variant driver interface is detailed in this specification.

However, the migration process is not covered there. This is addressed in the following section, which describes the Nova updates required for SRIOV devices using VFIO SR-IOV variant driver to be live migrated to other hosts supporting the same devices.

Use Cases

  • As an operator, I want to live migrate VMs with SR-IOV devices if such operation is supported by the variant driver.

  • As an operator, I want to declare whether a device is live migratable or non-live migratable.

  • As an operator, I want to define flavors that use live migratable or non-live migratable devices.

Proposed change


Configuring PCI device specification:

Administrator must specify whether the device is eligible for live migration to a similar device on another compute node.

The proposed solution is to add a live_migratable tag to the device specification in [pci]dev_spec config.

  • live_migratable='yes' means that the device can be live migrated.

  • live_migratable='no' means that the device cannot be live migrated.

When this tag is encountered by the PCI resource tracker, the corresponding information will be stored in the respective PciDevice object under the extra_info field.

  • If not specified, the default behavior will be equivalent to live_migratable=’no’. However, this value will not be persisted in the PciDevice object.


The PciDevice object version remains unchanged.

Additionally, if pci in placement is enabled and live_migratable='yes', it will record a new standard trait, HW_PCI_LIVE_MIGRATABLE, in the resource provider representing the physical device. While this trait will not be utilized by the migration flow, it can serve as a reference for inventory and later the PCI in Placement code path can be extended to automatically request this trait if the PCI alias requests live_migratable=yes device(s).


Since this is not mandatory for the migration, it will be included in separate commits.

Configuring PCI aliases:

Users must specify whether the PCI request, and consequently the flavor, requires a live migratable device.

The proposed solution is to add a new live_migratable key to the PCI alias definition in the [pci]alias config.

  • live_migratable='yes' means that the user wants a device(s) allowing live migration to a similar device(s) on another host.

  • live_migratable='no' This explicitly indicates that the user requires a non-live migratable device, making migration impossible.

  • If not specified, the default is live_migratable=None, meaning that either a live migratable or non-live migratable device will be picked automatically. However, in such cases, migration will not be possible.

Live migration modifications:

Verify in _check_can_migrate_pci() whether the source instance contains live migratable devices. If no live migratable devices are found, raise an exception indicating that the migration is not possible.


The VM on the source host might have PCI devices attached that are not related to any PCI alias, but it is there because of neutron direct or direct-physical ports. In this case nova should do what it does today, detach these ports at the start of the migration and re-attach them on the dest after the migration. Also such PCI devices having no live_migratable=yes key in their extra_info should not prevent the live migration to be accepted.

Modify in the filter_pools() function to handle PCI requests for live_migratable devices. Ensure it retrieves hosts with the appropriate number of live migratable devices by adding a new filter.

Since VIF field is not used in this context, we need to claim PCI devices and retrieve the PCI addresses of the destination host.

Update the LiveMigrateData object to include the PCI device mapping between the source and destination device addresses. A new field, pci_dev_map_src_dst, defined as a DictOfStringsField will be added to the LiveMigrateData object for this purpose.

Update the _live_migration_operation() function, with a specific focus on the get_updated_guest_xml() function, to map the source PCI addresses to the destination addresses in the destination XML file using the data provided by the LiveMigrateData object.


  • If PCI in Placement is enabled then live migration will work as today for neutron requested PCI devices (i.e. legacy behavior works)

  • If PCI in Placement is enabled then SR-IOV live migration proposed in this spec will still work (i.e. new functionality works)

  • Optionally PCI in Placement will be extended to automatically request HW_PCI_LIVE_MIGRATABLE trait if the alias has live_migratable=”yes”.

    • A further enhancement would be to extend the translation of the [pci]alias spec to placement RequestGroups to support forbidden traits. So when live_migratable=no is present in the alias the HW_PCI_LIVE_MIGRATABLE trait is requested as forbidden.

For NICs such as the Mellanox ConnectX-7, if both live_migrate=yes and physical_network=”label” are set, the migration mechanism defined in this specification will be used instead of the legacy one.

However, this change will:

  • Be implemented in a separate patch to allow the base case to land first.

  • Ensure that such NICs are properly live migrated using the new code path.



REST API impact

The schema definition for PCI aliases needs to be modified to allow the specification of live migratable devices.

However, this change should not require a microversion bump.

Data model impact

LiveMigrateDate object will be extended to supply the PCI devices info of the destination host introducing a new pci_devices field.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

If PCI in placement is enabled, this bug should be taken into account as it may impact performance.

Mitigation measures are currently being developed to minimize this impact.

Other deployer impact

The user is fully responsible for configuring the following:

  • Device specifications and aliases.

  • Flavors: If users need to support multiple kinds of VFs, they must use different flavors for each VF type.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

All VMs with devices that rely on the VFIO SR-IOV variant driver cannot be migrated until they use a new flavor that includes the correct updated aliases pointing to the revised PCI device specifications.

This can be achieved by resizing the VM and changing its flavor to the new one.

For NICs, an alternative approach could be to detach and reattach the device.



Primary assignee:

Uggla (René Ribaud)

Main contributors:

Bauzas (Sylvain Bauza)

Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Parse live_migratable from [pci]dev_spec config.


  • Check source instance for appropriate live migratable devices.

  • Add a new filter in filter_pools to manage live migratable devices.

  • Update LiveMigrateData to include PCI device information.

  • Update get_updated_guest_xml() function to include PCI device information.


  • Support for devices using the variant driver interface. specification.

  • Performance impact bug.


  • Unit tests and functional tests.

  • Tempest and/or whitebox tests cannot be executed in CI due to hardware limitations. They can, however, be developed in parallel with this implementation and deferred for later inclusion in CI.

Documentation Impact

Extensive admin and user documentation will be provided.




Release Name


