commit c2938e546939efc518817d37627f9c24965cdbc3 Author: Chandan Kumar (raukadah) Date: Thu Oct 8 21:10:23 2020 +0530 Remove tempest_run_skipped var from fs052 For generating tempest skiplist, tempest_run_skipped was added and needs to be removed once we have openstack-tempest-skiplist tool gets integrated. Since now it is available, it is no longer needed and all the tempest skip list tests are managed from openstack-tempest-skiplist. Change-Id: I52c1cb3b32af731a8e60a0ad68f2cbda44253b18 Signed-off-by: Chandan Kumar (raukadah) diff --git a/config/general_config/featureset052.yml b/config/general_config/featureset052.yml index 411e30b..e3f4aad 100644 --- a/config/general_config/featureset052.yml +++ b/config/general_config/featureset052.yml @@ -32,25 +32,11 @@ tempest_overcloud: false tempest_workers: 2 tempest_os_cloud: standalone -# This is only if we want to execute the tests on the skiplist -# TODO(arxcruz): This needs to be modified when we have the tempest skiplist -# tool -skip_test_file: "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/vars/tempest_skip_{{ release | default('master') }}.yml" -skip_list_tests: "{{ lookup('file', skip_test_file) | from_yaml }}" - -tempest_tests_skipped: "{{ skip_list_tests.known_failures | json_query('[?undercloud != `true`].test') }}" -tempest_default_whitelist: +tempest_whitelist: - 'tempest.scenario.test_minimum_basic.TestMinimumBasicScenario' - 'tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps' - 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern' -tempest_whitelist: >- - {% if tempest_run_skipped | default(false) | bool -%} - {{ tempest_tests_skipped }} - {%- else -%} - {{ tempest_default_whitelist }} - {%- endif -%} - # Settings for os_tempest run_tempest: >- {% if release not in ['pike', 'queens', 'rocky', 'stein'] -%}