commit ad432e115fc32bede1632937de29bb26c236e88c Author: Dmitriy Rabotyagov Date: Thu Oct 15 14:20:32 2020 +0300 Fix infra jobs Now we need haproxy to be present for all scenarios Change-Id: I0fe276b01d1302b61413c5f827de15a6aed078f7 diff --git a/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/vars/main.yml b/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/vars/main.yml index fabb67a..6f28f91 100644 --- a/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/vars/main.yml +++ b/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/vars/main.yml @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ bootstrap_host_scenarios: "{{ (bootstrap_host_scenario.split('_') | reject('equa # as part of the scenario bootstrap_host_scenarios_expanded: |- {# Keystone is included in every scenario #} - {% set scenario_list = bootstrap_host_scenarios + ['keystone'] %} + {% set scenario_list = bootstrap_host_scenarios + ['keystone', 'haproxy'] %} {% if ['aio', 'translations'] | intersect(bootstrap_host_scenarios) | length > 0 %} {# Base services deployed with aio and translations scenarios #} - {% set _ = scenario_list.extend(['cinder', 'glance', 'neutron', 'nova', 'placement', 'haproxy']) %} + {% set _ = scenario_list.extend(['cinder', 'glance', 'neutron', 'nova', 'placement']) %} {% if 'metal' not in bootstrap_host_scenarios %} {# Horizon is a base service in container jobs #} {% set _ = scenario_list.append('horizon') %}