commit 8f45645505a01f3700ff1ea2ece0b7ace0bf9c59
Author: Alex Kavanagh <>
Date:   Sat Sep 26 18:27:02 2020 +0100

    Sync libraries & common files prior to freeze
    * charm-helpers sync for classic charms
    * charms.ceph sync for ceph charms
    * rebuild for reactive charms
    * sync tox.ini files as needed
    * sync requirements.txt files to sync to standard
    Change-Id: I7c3e0a7e77e16b9bf318ca22c39f8220c5144ac7

diff --git a/actions/ b/actions/
index 13356ff..57234d3 100755
--- a/actions/
+++ b/actions/
@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ def openstack_upgrade():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/actions/ b/actions/
index f186a79..782d729 100755
--- a/actions/
+++ b/actions/
@@ -63,5 +63,6 @@ def main():
     config['neutron_config'] = dict(conf)
     return audits.action_parse_results(
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
index acb503b..3004125 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 ''' Helpers for interacting with OpenvSwitch '''
+import collections
 import hashlib
 import os
 import re
@@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ import six
 import subprocess
 from charmhelpers import deprecate
+from import ovsdb as ch_ovsdb
 from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install
 from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
@@ -592,3 +593,76 @@ def ovs_appctl(target, args):
     cmd = ['ovs-appctl', '-t', target]
     return subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
+def uuid_for_port(port_name):
+    """Get UUID of named port.
+    :param port_name: Name of port.
+    :type port_name: str
+    :returns: Port UUID.
+    :rtype: Optional[uuid.UUID]
+    """
+    for port in ch_ovsdb.SimpleOVSDB(
+            'ovs-vsctl').port.find('name={}'.format(port_name)):
+        return port['_uuid']
+def bridge_for_port(port_uuid):
+    """Find which bridge a port is on.
+    :param port_uuid: UUID of port.
+    :type port_uuid: uuid.UUID
+    :returns: Name of bridge or None.
+    :rtype: Optional[str]
+    """
+    for bridge in ch_ovsdb.SimpleOVSDB(
+            'ovs-vsctl').bridge:
+        # If there is a single port on a bridge the ports property will not be
+        # a list. ref: juju/charm-helpers#510
+        if (isinstance(bridge['ports'], list) and
+                port_uuid in bridge['ports'] or
+                port_uuid == bridge['ports']):
+            return bridge['name']
+PatchPort = collections.namedtuple('PatchPort', ('bridge', 'port'))
+Patch = collections.namedtuple('Patch', ('this_end', 'other_end'))
+def patch_ports_on_bridge(bridge):
+    """Find patch ports on a bridge.
+    :param bridge: Name of bridge
+    :type bridge: str
+    :returns: Iterator with bridge and port name for both ends of a patch.
+    :rtype: Iterator[Patch[PatchPort[str,str],PatchPort[str,str]]]
+    :raises: ValueError
+    """
+    # On any given vSwitch there will be a small number of patch ports, so we
+    # start by iterating over ports with type `patch` then look up which bridge
+    # they belong to and act on any ports that match the criteria.
+    for interface in ch_ovsdb.SimpleOVSDB(
+            'ovs-vsctl').interface.find('type=patch'):
+        for port in ch_ovsdb.SimpleOVSDB(
+                'ovs-vsctl').port.find('name={}'.format(interface['name'])):
+            if bridge_for_port(port['_uuid']) == bridge:
+                this_end = PatchPort(bridge, port['name'])
+                other_end = PatchPort(bridge_for_port(
+                    uuid_for_port(
+                        interface['options']['peer'])),
+                    interface['options']['peer'])
+                yield(Patch(this_end, other_end))
+            # We expect one result and it is ok if it turns out to be a port
+            # for a different bridge. However we need a break here to satisfy
+            # the for/else check which is in place to detect interface refering
+            # to non-existent port.
+            break
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Port for interface named "{}" does unexpectedly '
+                             'not exist.'.format(interface['name']))
+    else:
+        # Allow our caller to handle no patch ports found gracefully, in
+        # reference to PEP479 just doing a return will provide a emtpy iterator
+        # and not None.
+        return
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
index 5e50bc3..2f1e53d 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ovs/
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ class SimpleOVSDB(object):
     for br in ovsdb.bridge:
         if br['name'] == 'br-test':
             ovsdb.bridge.set(br['uuid'], 'external_ids:charm', 'managed')
+    WARNING: If a list type field only have one item `ovs-vsctl` will present
+    it as a single item. Since we do not know the schema we have no way of
+    knowing what fields should be de-serialized as lists so the caller has
+    to be careful of checking the type of values returned from this library.
     # For validation we keep a complete map of currently known good tool and
@@ -157,23 +162,59 @@ class SimpleOVSDB(object):
             self._tool = tool
             self._table = table
-        def _find_tbl(self, condition=None):
-            """Run and parse output of OVSDB `find` command.
+        def _deserialize_ovsdb(self, data):
+            """Deserialize OVSDB RFC7047 section 5.1 data.
-            :param condition: An optional RFC 7047 5.1 match condition
-            :type condition: Optional[str]
-            :returns: Dictionary with data
-            :rtype: Dict[str, any]
+            :param data: Multidimensional list where first row contains RFC7047
+                         type information
+            :type data: List[str,any]
+            :returns: Deserialized data.
+            :rtype: any
             # When using json formatted output to OVS commands Internal OVSDB
             # notation may occur that require further deserializing.
             # Reference:
             ovs_type_cb_map = {
                 'uuid': uuid.UUID,
-                # FIXME sets also appear to sometimes contain type/value tuples
+                # NOTE: OVSDB sets have overloaded type
+                # see special handling below
                 'set': list,
                 'map': dict,
+            assert len(data) > 1, ('Invalid data provided, expecting list '
+                                   'with at least two elements.')
+            if data[0] == 'set':
+                # special handling for set
+                #
+                # it is either a list of strings or a list of typed lists.
+                # taste first element to see which it is
+                for el in data[1]:
+                    # NOTE: We lock this handling down to the `uuid` type as
+                    # that is the only one we have a practical example of.
+                    # We could potentially just handle this generally based on
+                    # the types listed in `ovs_type_cb_map` but let's open for
+                    # that as soon as we have a concrete example to validate on
+                    if isinstance(
+                            el, list) and len(el) and el[0] == 'uuid':
+                        decoded_set = []
+                        for el in data[1]:
+                            decoded_set.append(self._deserialize_ovsdb(el))
+                        return(decoded_set)
+                    # fall back to normal processing below
+                    break
+            # Use map to deserialize data with fallback to `str`
+            f = ovs_type_cb_map.get(data[0], str)
+            return f(data[1])
+        def _find_tbl(self, condition=None):
+            """Run and parse output of OVSDB `find` command.
+            :param condition: An optional RFC 7047 5.1 match condition
+            :type condition: Optional[str]
+            :returns: Dictionary with data
+            :rtype: Dict[str, any]
+            """
             cmd = [self._tool, '-f', 'json', 'find', self._table]
             if condition:
@@ -182,9 +223,8 @@ class SimpleOVSDB(object):
             for row in data['data']:
                 values = []
                 for col in row:
-                    if isinstance(col, list):
-                        f = ovs_type_cb_map.get(col[0], str)
-                        values.append(f(col[1]))
+                    if isinstance(col, list) and len(col) > 1:
+                        values.append(self._deserialize_ovsdb(col))
                 yield dict(zip(data['headings'], values))
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
index 42abccf..54aed7f 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError
 import six
+import as ch_ceph
 from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.audits.openstack_security_guide import (
     _config_ini as config_ini
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
+    service_name,
 from charmhelpers.core.sysctl import create as sysctl_create
@@ -808,6 +811,12 @@ class CephContext(OSContextGenerator):
         ctxt['mon_hosts'] = ' '.join(sorted(mon_hosts))
+        if config('pool-type') and config('pool-type') == 'erasure-coded':
+            base_pool_name = config('rbd-pool') or config('rbd-pool-name')
+            if not base_pool_name:
+                base_pool_name = service_name()
+            ctxt['rbd_default_data_pool'] = base_pool_name
         if not os.path.isdir('/etc/ceph'):
@@ -3175,3 +3184,90 @@ class SRIOVContext(OSContextGenerator):
         :rtype: Dict[str,int]
         return self._map
+class CephBlueStoreCompressionContext(OSContextGenerator):
+    """Ceph BlueStore compression options."""
+    # Tuple with Tuples that map configuration option name to CephBrokerRq op
+    # property name
+    options = (
+        ('bluestore-compression-algorithm',
+            'compression-algorithm'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-mode',
+            'compression-mode'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-required-ratio',
+            'compression-required-ratio'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-min-blob-size',
+            'compression-min-blob-size'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-min-blob-size-hdd',
+            'compression-min-blob-size-hdd'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-min-blob-size-ssd',
+            'compression-min-blob-size-ssd'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-max-blob-size',
+            'compression-max-blob-size'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-max-blob-size-hdd',
+            'compression-max-blob-size-hdd'),
+        ('bluestore-compression-max-blob-size-ssd',
+            'compression-max-blob-size-ssd'),
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize context by loading values from charm config.
+        We keep two maps, one suitable for use with CephBrokerRq's and one
+        suitable for template generation.
+        """
+        charm_config = config()
+        # CephBrokerRq op map
+        self.op = {}
+        # Context exposed for template generation
+        self.ctxt = {}
+        for config_key, op_key in self.options:
+            value = charm_config.get(config_key)
+            self.ctxt.update({config_key.replace('-', '_'): value})
+            self.op.update({op_key: value})
+    def __call__(self):
+        """Get context.
+        :returns: Context
+        :rtype: Dict[str,any]
+        """
+        return self.ctxt
+    def get_op(self):
+        """Get values for use in CephBrokerRq op.
+        :returns: Context values with CephBrokerRq op property name as key.
+        :rtype: Dict[str,any]
+        """
+        return self.op
+    def get_kwargs(self):
+        """Get values for use as keyword arguments.
+        :returns: Context values with key suitable for use as kwargs to
+                  CephBrokerRq add_op_create_*_pool methods.
+        :rtype: Dict[str,any]
+        """
+        return {
+            k.replace('-', '_'): v
+            for k, v in self.op.items()
+        }
+    def validate(self):
+        """Validate options.
+        :raises: AssertionError
+        """
+        # We slip in a dummy name on class instantiation to allow validation of
+        # the other options. It will not affect further use.
+        #
+        # NOTE: once we retire Python 3.5 we can fold this into a in-line
+        # dictionary comprehension in the call to the initializer.
+        dummy_op = {'name': 'dummy-name'}
+        dummy_op.update(self.op)
+        pool = ch_ceph.BasePool('dummy-service', op=dummy_op)
+        pool.validate()
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/ceph.conf b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/ceph.conf
index a11ce8a..c0f2236 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/ceph.conf
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/ceph.conf
@@ -22,3 +22,7 @@ rbd default features = {{ rbd_features }}
 {{ key }} = {{ value }}
 {% endfor -%}
 {%- endif %}
+{% if rbd_default_data_pool -%}
+rbd default data pool = {{ rbd_default_data_pool }}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/section-ceph-bluestore-compression b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/section-ceph-bluestore-compression
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a643010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates/section-ceph-bluestore-compression
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{# section header omitted as options can belong to multiple sections #}
+{% if bluestore_compression_algorithm -%}
+bluestore compression algorithm = {{ bluestore_compression_algorithm }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_mode -%}
+bluestore compression mode = {{ bluestore_compression_mode }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_required_ratio -%}
+bluestore compression required ratio = {{ bluestore_compression_required_ratio }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_min_blob_size -%}
+bluestore compression min blob size = {{ bluestore_compression_min_blob_size }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_hdd -%}
+bluestore compression min blob size hdd = {{ bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_hdd }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_ssd -%}
+bluestore compression min blob size ssd = {{ bluestore_compression_min_blob_size_ssd }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_max_blob_size -%}
+bluestore compression max blob size = {{ bluestore_compression_max_blob_size }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_hdd -%}
+bluestore compression max blob size hdd = {{ bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_hdd }}
+{% endif -%}
+{% if bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_ssd -%}
+bluestore compression max blob size ssd = {{ bluestore_compression_max_blob_size_ssd }}
+{% endif -%}
diff --git a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/
index 814d5c7..526b95a 100644
--- a/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/
+++ b/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/storage/linux/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from subprocess import (
+from charmhelpers import deprecate
 from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
@@ -178,94 +179,293 @@ def send_osd_settings():
 def validator(value, valid_type, valid_range=None):
-    """
-    Used to validate these:
+    """Helper function for type validation.
+    Used to validate these:
     Example input:
                   valid_range=[0, 2])
     This says I'm testing value=1.  It must be an int inclusive in [0,2]
-    :param value: The value to validate
+    :param value: The value to validate.
+    :type value: any
     :param valid_type: The type that value should be.
+    :type valid_type: any
     :param valid_range: A range of values that value can assume.
-    :return:
+    :type valid_range: Optional[Union[List,Tuple]]
+    :raises: AssertionError, ValueError
-    assert isinstance(value, valid_type), "{} is not a {}".format(
-        value,
-        valid_type)
+    assert isinstance(value, valid_type), (
+        "{} is not a {}".format(value, valid_type))
     if valid_range is not None:
-        assert isinstance(valid_range, list), \
-            "valid_range must be a list, was given {}".format(valid_range)
+        assert isinstance(
+            valid_range, list) or isinstance(valid_range, tuple), (
+                "valid_range must be of type List or Tuple, "
+                "was given {} of type {}"
+                .format(valid_range, type(valid_range)))
         # If we're dealing with strings
         if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
-            assert value in valid_range, \
-                "{} is not in the list {}".format(value, valid_range)
+            assert value in valid_range, (
+                "{} is not in the list {}".format(value, valid_range))
         # Integer, float should have a min and max
             if len(valid_range) != 2:
                 raise ValueError(
-                    "Invalid valid_range list of {} for {}.  "
+                    "Invalid valid_range list of {} for {}. "
                     "List must be [min,max]".format(valid_range, value))
-            assert value >= valid_range[0], \
-                "{} is less than minimum allowed value of {}".format(
-                    value, valid_range[0])
-            assert value <= valid_range[1], \
-                "{} is greater than maximum allowed value of {}".format(
-                    value, valid_range[1])
+            assert value >= valid_range[0], (
+                "{} is less than minimum allowed value of {}"
+                .format(value, valid_range[0]))
+            assert value <= valid_range[1], (
+                "{} is greater than maximum allowed value of {}"
+                .format(value, valid_range[1]))
 class PoolCreationError(Exception):
-    """
-    A custom error to inform the caller that a pool creation failed.  Provides an error message
+    """A custom exception to inform the caller that a pool creation failed.
+    Provides an error message
     def __init__(self, message):
         super(PoolCreationError, self).__init__(message)
-class Pool(object):
-    """
-    An object oriented approach to Ceph pool creation. This base class is inherited by ReplicatedPool and ErasurePool.
-    Do not call create() on this base class as it will not do anything.  Instantiate a child class and call create().
+class BasePool(object):
+    """An object oriented approach to Ceph pool creation.
+    This base class is inherited by ReplicatedPool and ErasurePool. Do not call
+    create() on this base class as it will raise an exception.
+    Instantiate a child class and call create().
+    # Dictionary that maps pool operation properties to Tuples with valid type
+    # and valid range
+    op_validation_map = {
+        'compression-algorithm': (str, ('lz4', 'snappy', 'zlib', 'zstd')),
+        'compression-mode': (str, ('none', 'passive', 'aggressive', 'force')),
+        'compression-required-ratio': (float, None),
+        'compression-min-blob-size': (int, None),
+        'compression-min-blob-size-hdd': (int, None),
+        'compression-min-blob-size-ssd': (int, None),
+        'compression-max-blob-size': (int, None),
+        'compression-max-blob-size-hdd': (int, None),
+        'compression-max-blob-size-ssd': (int, None),
+    }
-    def __init__(self, service, name):
+    def __init__(self, service, name=None, percent_data=None, app_name=None,
+                 op=None):
+        """Initialize BasePool object.
+        Pool information is either initialized from individual keyword
+        arguments or from a individual CephBrokerRq operation Dict.
+        :param service: The Ceph user name to run commands under.
+        :type service: str
+        :param name: Name of pool to operate on.
+        :type name: str
+        :param percent_data: The expected pool size in relation to all
+                             available resources in the Ceph cluster. Will be
+                             used to set the ``target_size_ratio`` pool
+                             property. (default: 10.0)
+        :type percent_data: Optional[float]
+        :param app_name: Ceph application name, usually one of:
+                         ('cephfs', 'rbd', 'rgw') (default: 'unknown')
+        :type app_name: Optional[str]
+        :param op: Broker request Op to compile pool data from.
+        :type op: Optional[Dict[str,any]]
+        :raises: KeyError
+        """
+        # NOTE: Do not perform initialization steps that require live data from
+        # a running cluster here. The *Pool classes may be used for validation.
         self.service = service
- = name
+        self.nautilus_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '14.2.0') >= 0
+        self.op = op or {}
+        if op:
+            # When initializing from op the `name` attribute is required and we
+            # will fail with KeyError if it is not provided.
+   = op['name']
+            self.percent_data = op.get('weight')
+            self.app_name = op.get('app-name')
+        else:
+   = name
+            self.percent_data = percent_data
+            self.app_name = app_name
+        # Set defaults for these if they are not provided
+        self.percent_data = self.percent_data or 10.0
+        self.app_name = self.app_name or 'unknown'
+    def validate(self):
+        """Check that value of supplied operation parameters are valid.
+        :raises: ValueError
+        """
+        for op_key, op_value in self.op.items():
+            if op_key in self.op_validation_map and op_value is not None:
+                valid_type, valid_range = self.op_validation_map[op_key]
+                try:
+                    validator(op_value, valid_type, valid_range)
+                except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e:
+                    # Normalize on ValueError, also add information about which
+                    # variable we had an issue with.
+                    raise ValueError("'{}': {}".format(op_key, str(e)))
+    def _create(self):
+        """Perform the pool creation, method MUST be overridden by child class.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _post_create(self):
+        """Perform common post pool creation tasks.
+        Note that pool properties subject to change during the lifetime of a
+        pool / deployment should go into the ``update`` method.
+        Do not add calls for a specific pool type here, those should go into
+        one of the pool specific classes.
+        """
+        if self.nautilus_or_later:
+            # Ensure we set the expected pool ratio
+            update_pool(
+                client=self.service,
+      ,
+                settings={
+                    'target_size_ratio': str(
+                        self.percent_data / 100.0),
+                })
+        try:
+            set_app_name_for_pool(client=self.service,
+                        ,
+                                  name=self.app_name)
+        except CalledProcessError:
+            log('Could not set app name for pool {}'
+                .format(,
+                level=WARNING)
+        if 'pg_autoscaler' in enabled_manager_modules():
+            try:
+                enable_pg_autoscale(self.service,
+            except CalledProcessError as e:
+                log('Could not configure auto scaling for pool {}: {}'
+                    .format(, e),
+                    level=WARNING)
-    # Create the pool if it doesn't exist already
-    # To be implemented by subclasses
     def create(self):
-        pass
+        """Create pool and perform any post pool creation tasks.
-    def add_cache_tier(self, cache_pool, mode):
+        To allow for sharing of common code among pool specific classes the
+        processing has been broken out into the private methods ``_create``
+        and ``_post_create``.
+        Do not add any pool type specific handling here, that should go into
+        one of the pool specific classes.
-        Adds a new cache tier to an existing pool.
-        :param cache_pool: six.string_types.  The cache tier pool name to add.
-        :param mode: six.string_types. The caching mode to use for this pool.  valid range = ["readonly", "writeback"]
-        :return: None
+        if not pool_exists(self.service,
+            self.validate()
+            self._create()
+            self._post_create()
+            self.update()
+    def set_quota(self):
+        """Set a quota if requested.
+        :raises: CalledProcessError
+        """
+        max_bytes = self.op.get('max-bytes')
+        max_objects = self.op.get('max-objects')
+        if max_bytes or max_objects:
+            set_pool_quota(service=self.service,,
+                           max_bytes=max_bytes, max_objects=max_objects)
+    def set_compression(self):
+        """Set compression properties if requested.
+        :raises: CalledProcessError
+        """
+        compression_properties = {
+            key.replace('-', '_'): value
+            for key, value in self.op.items()
+            if key in (
+                'compression-algorithm',
+                'compression-mode',
+                'compression-required-ratio',
+                'compression-min-blob-size',
+                'compression-min-blob-size-hdd',
+                'compression-min-blob-size-ssd',
+                'compression-max-blob-size',
+                'compression-max-blob-size-hdd',
+                'compression-max-blob-size-ssd') and value}
+        if compression_properties:
+            update_pool(self.service,, compression_properties)
+    def update(self):
+        """Update properties for an already existing pool.
+        Do not add calls for a specific pool type here, those should go into
+        one of the pool specific classes.
+        """
+        self.validate()
+        self.set_quota()
+        self.set_compression()
+    def add_cache_tier(self, cache_pool, mode):
+        """Adds a new cache tier to an existing pool.
+        :param cache_pool: The cache tier pool name to add.
+        :type cache_pool: str
+        :param mode: The caching mode to use for this pool.
+                     valid range = ["readonly", "writeback"]
+        :type mode: str
         # Check the input types and values
         validator(value=cache_pool, valid_type=six.string_types)
-        validator(value=mode, valid_type=six.string_types, valid_range=["readonly", "writeback"])
-        check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'add',, cache_pool])
-        check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, mode])
-        check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'set-overlay',, cache_pool])
-        check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set', cache_pool, 'hit_set_type', 'bloom'])
+        validator(
+            value=mode, valid_type=six.string_types,
+            valid_range=["readonly", "writeback"])
+        check_call([
+            'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+            'osd', 'tier', 'add',, cache_pool,
+        ])
+        check_call([
+            'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+            'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, mode,
+        ])
+        check_call([
+            'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+            'osd', 'tier', 'set-overlay',, cache_pool,
+        ])
+        check_call([
+            'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+            'osd', 'pool', 'set', cache_pool, 'hit_set_type', 'bloom',
+        ])
     def remove_cache_tier(self, cache_pool):
-        """
-        Removes a cache tier from Ceph.  Flushes all dirty objects from writeback pools and waits for that to complete.
-        :param cache_pool: six.string_types.  The cache tier pool name to remove.
-        :return: None
+        """Removes a cache tier from Ceph.
+        Flushes all dirty objects from writeback pools and waits for that to
+        complete.
+        :param cache_pool: The cache tier pool name to remove.
+        :type cache_pool: str
         # read-only is easy, writeback is much harder
         mode = get_cache_mode(self.service, cache_pool)
         if mode == 'readonly':
-            check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, 'none'])
-            check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove',, cache_pool])
+            check_call([
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+                'osd', 'tier', 'cache-mode', cache_pool, 'none'
+            ])
+            check_call([
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+                'osd', 'tier', 'remove',, cache_pool,
+            ])
         elif mode == 'writeback':
             pool_forward_cmd = ['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier',
@@ -276,9 +476,15 @@ class Pool(object):
             # Flush the cache and wait for it to return
-            check_call(['rados', '--id', self.service, '-p', cache_pool, 'cache-flush-evict-all'])
-            check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove-overlay',])
-            check_call(['ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'tier', 'remove',, cache_pool])
+            check_call([
+                'rados', '--id', self.service,
+                '-p', cache_pool, 'cache-flush-evict-all'])
+            check_call([
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+                'osd', 'tier', 'remove-overlay',])
+            check_call([
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service,
+                'osd', 'tier', 'remove',, cache_pool])
     def get_pgs(self, pool_size, percent_data=DEFAULT_POOL_WEIGHT,
@@ -305,19 +511,23 @@ class Pool(object):
         selected for the specific rule, rather it is left to the user to tune
         in the form of 'expected-osd-count' config option.
-        :param pool_size: int. pool_size is either the number of replicas for
+        :param pool_size: pool_size is either the number of replicas for
             replicated pools or the K+M sum for erasure coded pools
-        :param percent_data: float. the percentage of data that is expected to
+        :type pool_size: int
+        :param percent_data: the percentage of data that is expected to
             be contained in the pool for the specific OSD set. Default value
             is to assume 10% of the data is for this pool, which is a
             relatively low % of the data but allows for the pg_num to be
             increased. NOTE: the default is primarily to handle the scenario
             where related charms requiring pools has not been upgraded to
             include an update to indicate their relative usage of the pools.
-        :param device_class: str. class of storage to use for basis of pgs
+        :type percent_data: float
+        :param device_class: class of storage to use for basis of pgs
             calculation; ceph supports nvme, ssd and hdd by default based
             on presence of devices of each type in the deployment.
-        :return: int.  The number of pgs to use.
+        :type device_class: str
+        :returns: The number of pgs to use.
+        :rtype: int
         # Note: This calculation follows the approach that is provided
@@ -357,7 +567,8 @@ class Pool(object):
             return LEGACY_PG_COUNT
         percent_data /= 100.0
-        target_pgs_per_osd = config('pgs-per-osd') or DEFAULT_PGS_PER_OSD_TARGET
+        target_pgs_per_osd = config(
+            'pgs-per-osd') or DEFAULT_PGS_PER_OSD_TARGET
         num_pg = (target_pgs_per_osd * osd_count * percent_data) // pool_size
         # NOTE: ensure a sane minimum number of PGS otherwise we don't get any
@@ -380,147 +591,174 @@ class Pool(object):
             return int(nearest)
-class ReplicatedPool(Pool):
-    def __init__(self, service, name, pg_num=None, replicas=2,
-                 percent_data=10.0, app_name=None):
-        super(ReplicatedPool, self).__init__(service=service, name=name)
-        self.replicas = replicas
-        self.percent_data = percent_data
-        if pg_num:
+class Pool(BasePool):
+    """Compability shim for any descendents external to this library."""
+    @deprecate(
+        'The ``Pool`` baseclass has been replaced by ``BasePool`` class.')
+    def __init__(self, service, name):
+        super(Pool, self).__init__(service, name=name)
+    def create(self):
+        pass
+class ReplicatedPool(BasePool):
+    def __init__(self, service, name=None, pg_num=None, replicas=None,
+                 percent_data=None, app_name=None, op=None):
+        """Initialize ReplicatedPool object.
+        Pool information is either initialized from individual keyword
+        arguments or from a individual CephBrokerRq operation Dict.
+        Please refer to the docstring of the ``BasePool`` class for
+        documentation of the common parameters.
+        :param pg_num: Express wish for number of Placement Groups (this value
+                       is subject to validation against a running cluster prior
+                       to use to avoid creating a pool with too many PGs)
+        :type pg_num: int
+        :param replicas: Number of copies there should be of each object added
+                         to this replicated pool.
+        :type replicas: int
+        :raises: KeyError
+        """
+        # NOTE: Do not perform initialization steps that require live data from
+        # a running cluster here. The *Pool classes may be used for validation.
+        # The common parameters are handled in our parents initializer
+        super(ReplicatedPool, self).__init__(
+            service=service, name=name, percent_data=percent_data,
+            app_name=app_name, op=op)
+        if op:
+            # When initializing from op `replicas` is a required attribute, and
+            # we will fail with KeyError if it is not provided.
+            self.replicas = op['replicas']
+            self.pg_num = op.get('pg_num')
+        else:
+            self.replicas = replicas or 2
+            self.pg_num = pg_num
+    def _create(self):
+        # Do extra validation on pg_num with data from live cluster
+        if self.pg_num:
             # Since the number of placement groups were specified, ensure
             # that there aren't too many created.
             max_pgs = self.get_pgs(self.replicas, 100.0)
-            self.pg_num = min(pg_num, max_pgs)
+            self.pg_num = min(self.pg_num, max_pgs)
-            self.pg_num = self.get_pgs(self.replicas, percent_data)
-        if app_name:
-            self.app_name = app_name
+            self.pg_num = self.get_pgs(self.replicas, self.percent_data)
+        # Create it
+        if self.nautilus_or_later:
+            cmd = [
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
+                '--pg-num-min={}'.format(
+                    min(AUTOSCALER_DEFAULT_PGS, self.pg_num)
+                ),
+      , str(self.pg_num)
+            ]
-            self.app_name = 'unknown'
+            cmd = [
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
+      , str(self.pg_num)
+            ]
+        check_call(cmd)
-    def create(self):
-        if not pool_exists(self.service,
-            nautilus_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '14.2.0') >= 0
-            # Create it
-            if nautilus_or_later:
-                cmd = [
-                    'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
-                    '--pg-num-min={}'.format(
-                        min(AUTOSCALER_DEFAULT_PGS, self.pg_num)
-                    ),
-          , str(self.pg_num)
-                ]
-            else:
-                cmd = [
-                    'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
-          , str(self.pg_num)
-                ]
+    def _post_create(self):
+        # Set the pool replica size
+        update_pool(client=self.service,
+          ,
+                    settings={'size': str(self.replicas)})
+        # Perform other common post pool creation tasks
+        super(ReplicatedPool, self)._post_create()
-            try:
-                check_call(cmd)
-                # Set the pool replica size
-                update_pool(client=self.service,
-                  ,
-                            settings={'size': str(self.replicas)})
-                if nautilus_or_later:
-                    # Ensure we set the expected pool ratio
-                    update_pool(client=self.service,
-                      ,
-                                settings={'target_size_ratio': str(self.percent_data / 100.0)})
-                try:
-                    set_app_name_for_pool(client=self.service,
-                                ,
-                                          name=self.app_name)
-                except CalledProcessError:
-                    log('Could not set app name for pool {}'.format(, level=WARNING)
-                if 'pg_autoscaler' in enabled_manager_modules():
-                    try:
-                        enable_pg_autoscale(self.service,
-                    except CalledProcessError as e:
-                        log('Could not configure auto scaling for pool {}: {}'.format(
-                  , e), level=WARNING)
-            except CalledProcessError:
-                raise
-# Default jerasure erasure coded pool
-class ErasurePool(Pool):
-    def __init__(self, service, name, erasure_code_profile="default",
-                 percent_data=10.0, app_name=None):
-        super(ErasurePool, self).__init__(service=service, name=name)
-        self.erasure_code_profile = erasure_code_profile
-        self.percent_data = percent_data
-        if app_name:
-            self.app_name = app_name
-        else:
-            self.app_name = 'unknown'
-    def create(self):
-        if not pool_exists(self.service,
-            # Try to find the erasure profile information in order to properly
-            # size the number of placement groups. The size of an erasure
-            # coded placement group is calculated as k+m.
-            erasure_profile = get_erasure_profile(self.service,
-                                                  self.erasure_code_profile)
-            # Check for errors
-            if erasure_profile is None:
-                msg = ("Failed to discover erasure profile named "
-                       "{}".format(self.erasure_code_profile))
-                log(msg, level=ERROR)
-                raise PoolCreationError(msg)
-            if 'k' not in erasure_profile or 'm' not in erasure_profile:
-                # Error
-                msg = ("Unable to find k (data chunks) or m (coding chunks) "
-                       "in erasure profile {}".format(erasure_profile))
-                log(msg, level=ERROR)
-                raise PoolCreationError(msg)
-            k = int(erasure_profile['k'])
-            m = int(erasure_profile['m'])
-            pgs = self.get_pgs(k + m, self.percent_data)
-            nautilus_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '14.2.0') >= 0
-            # Create it
-            if nautilus_or_later:
-                cmd = [
-                    'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
-                    '--pg-num-min={}'.format(
-                        min(AUTOSCALER_DEFAULT_PGS, pgs)
-                    ),
-          , str(pgs), str(pgs),
-                    'erasure', self.erasure_code_profile
-                ]
-            else:
-                cmd = [
-                    'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
-          , str(pgs), str(pgs),
-                    'erasure', self.erasure_code_profile
-                ]
+class ErasurePool(BasePool):
+    """Default jerasure erasure coded pool."""
-            try:
-                check_call(cmd)
-                try:
-                    set_app_name_for_pool(client=self.service,
-                                ,
-                                          name=self.app_name)
-                except CalledProcessError:
-                    log('Could not set app name for pool {}'.format(, level=WARNING)
-                if nautilus_or_later:
-                    # Ensure we set the expected pool ratio
-                    update_pool(client=self.service,
-                      ,
-                                settings={'target_size_ratio': str(self.percent_data / 100.0)})
-                if 'pg_autoscaler' in enabled_manager_modules():
-                    try:
-                        enable_pg_autoscale(self.service,
-                    except CalledProcessError as e:
-                        log('Could not configure auto scaling for pool {}: {}'.format(
-                  , e), level=WARNING)
-            except CalledProcessError:
-                raise
-    """Get an existing erasure code profile if it already exists.
-       Returns json formatted output"""
+    def __init__(self, service, name=None, erasure_code_profile=None,
+                 percent_data=None, app_name=None, op=None,
+                 allow_ec_overwrites=False):
+        """Initialize ReplicatedPool object.
+        Pool information is either initialized from individual keyword
+        arguments or from a individual CephBrokerRq operation Dict.
+        Please refer to the docstring of the ``BasePool`` class for
+        documentation of the common parameters.
+        :param erasure_code_profile: EC Profile to use (default: 'default')
+        :type erasure_code_profile: Optional[str]
+        """
+        # NOTE: Do not perform initialization steps that require live data from
+        # a running cluster here. The *Pool classes may be used for validation.
+        # The common parameters are handled in our parents initializer
+        super(ErasurePool, self).__init__(
+            service=service, name=name, percent_data=percent_data,
+            app_name=app_name, op=op)
+        if op:
+            # Note that the different default when initializing from op stems
+            # from different handling of this in the `charms.ceph` library.
+            self.erasure_code_profile = op.get('erasure-profile',
+                                               'default-canonical')
+            self.allow_ec_overwrites = op.get('allow-ec-overwrites')
+        else:
+            # We keep the class default when initialized from keyword arguments
+            # to not break the API for any other consumers.
+            self.erasure_code_profile = erasure_code_profile or 'default'
+            self.allow_ec_overwrites = allow_ec_overwrites
+    def _create(self):
+        # Try to find the erasure profile information in order to properly
+        # size the number of placement groups. The size of an erasure
+        # coded placement group is calculated as k+m.
+        erasure_profile = get_erasure_profile(self.service,
+                                              self.erasure_code_profile)
+        # Check for errors
+        if erasure_profile is None:
+            msg = ("Failed to discover erasure profile named "
+                   "{}".format(self.erasure_code_profile))
+            log(msg, level=ERROR)
+            raise PoolCreationError(msg)
+        if 'k' not in erasure_profile or 'm' not in erasure_profile:
+            # Error
+            msg = ("Unable to find k (data chunks) or m (coding chunks) "
+                   "in erasure profile {}".format(erasure_profile))
+            log(msg, level=ERROR)
+            raise PoolCreationError(msg)
+        k = int(erasure_profile['k'])
+        m = int(erasure_profile['m'])
+        pgs = self.get_pgs(k + m, self.percent_data)
+        self.nautilus_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '14.2.0') >= 0
+        # Create it
+        if self.nautilus_or_later:
+            cmd = [
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
+                '--pg-num-min={}'.format(
+                    min(AUTOSCALER_DEFAULT_PGS, pgs)
+                ),
+      , str(pgs), str(pgs),
+                'erasure', self.erasure_code_profile
+            ]
+        else:
+            cmd = [
+                'ceph', '--id', self.service, 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
+      , str(pgs), str(pgs),
+                'erasure', self.erasure_code_profile
+            ]
+        check_call(cmd)
+    def _post_create(self):
+        super(ErasurePool, self)._post_create()
+        if self.allow_ec_overwrites:
+            update_pool(self.service,,
+                        {'allow_ec_overwrites': 'true'})
 def enabled_manager_modules():
@@ -541,22 +779,28 @@ def enabled_manager_modules():
 def enable_pg_autoscale(service, pool_name):
-    """
-    Enable Ceph's PG autoscaler for the specified pool.
+    """Enable Ceph's PG autoscaler for the specified pool.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types. The name of the pool to enable sutoscaling on
-    :raise: CalledProcessError if the command fails
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: The name of the pool to enable sutoscaling on
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError if the command fails
-    check_call(['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set', pool_name, 'pg_autoscale_mode', 'on'])
+    check_call([
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'set', pool_name, 'pg_autoscale_mode', 'on'])
 def get_mon_map(service):
-    """
-    Returns the current monitor map.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :return: json string. :raise: ValueError if the monmap fails to parse.
-      Also raises CalledProcessError if our ceph command fails
+    """Return the current monitor map.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :returns: Dictionary with monitor map data
+    :rtype: Dict[str,any]
+    :raises: ValueError if the monmap fails to parse, CalledProcessError if our
+             ceph command fails.
         mon_status = check_output(['ceph', '--id', service,
@@ -576,17 +820,16 @@ def get_mon_map(service):
 def hash_monitor_names(service):
-    """
+    """Get a sorted list of monitor hashes in ascending order.
     Uses the get_mon_map() function to get information about the monitor
-    cluster.
-    Hash the name of each monitor.  Return a sorted list of monitor hashes
-    in an ascending order.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :rtype : dict.   json dict of monitor name, ip address and rank
-    example: {
-        'name': 'ip-172-31-13-165',
-        'rank': 0,
-        'addr': ''}
+    cluster. Hash the name of each monitor.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :returns: a sorted list of monitor hashes in an ascending order.
+    :rtype : List[str]
+    :raises: CalledProcessError, ValueError
         hash_list = []
@@ -603,46 +846,56 @@ def hash_monitor_names(service):
 def monitor_key_delete(service, key):
-    """
-    Delete a key and value pair from the monitor cluster
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    """Delete a key and value pair from the monitor cluster.
     Deletes a key value pair on the monitor cluster.
-    :param key: six.string_types.  The key to delete.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param key: The key to delete.
+    :type key: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
             ['ceph', '--id', service,
              'config-key', 'del', str(key)])
     except CalledProcessError as e:
-        log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}".format(
-            e.output))
+        log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}"
+            .format(e.output))
 def monitor_key_set(service, key, value):
-    """
-    Sets a key value pair on the monitor cluster.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param key: six.string_types.  The key to set.
-    :param value: The value to set.  This will be converted to a string
-        before setting
+    """Set a key value pair on the monitor cluster.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service str
+    :param key: The key to set.
+    :type key: str
+    :param value: The value to set. This will be coerced into a string.
+    :type value: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
             ['ceph', '--id', service,
              'config-key', 'put', str(key), str(value)])
     except CalledProcessError as e:
-        log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}".format(
-            e.output))
+        log("Monitor config-key put failed with message: {}"
+            .format(e.output))
 def monitor_key_get(service, key):
-    """
-    Gets the value of an existing key in the monitor cluster.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param key: six.string_types.  The key to search for.
+    """Get the value of an existing key in the monitor cluster.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param key: The key to search for.
+    :type key: str
     :return: Returns the value of that key or None if not found.
+    :rtype: Optional[str]
         output = check_output(
@@ -650,19 +903,21 @@ def monitor_key_get(service, key):
              'config-key', 'get', str(key)]).decode('UTF-8')
         return output
     except CalledProcessError as e:
-        log("Monitor config-key get failed with message: {}".format(
-            e.output))
+        log("Monitor config-key get failed with message: {}"
+            .format(e.output))
         return None
 def monitor_key_exists(service, key):
-    """
-    Searches for the existence of a key in the monitor cluster.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param key: six.string_types.  The key to search for
-    :return: Returns True if the key exists, False if not and raises an
-     exception if an unknown error occurs. :raise: CalledProcessError if
-     an unknown error occurs
+    """Search for existence of key in the monitor cluster.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param key: The key to search for.
+    :type key: str
+    :return: Returns True if the key exists, False if not.
+    :rtype: bool
+    :raises: CalledProcessError if an unknown error occurs.
@@ -675,16 +930,20 @@ def monitor_key_exists(service, key):
         if e.returncode == errno.ENOENT:
             return False
-            log("Unknown error from ceph config-get exists: {} {}".format(
-                e.returncode, e.output))
+            log("Unknown error from ceph config-get exists: {} {}"
+                .format(e.returncode, e.output))
 def get_erasure_profile(service, name):
-    """
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param name:
-    :return:
+    """Get an existing erasure code profile if it exists.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param name: Name of profile.
+    :type name: str
+    :returns: Dictionary with profile data.
+    :rtype: Optional[Dict[str]]
         out = check_output(['ceph', '--id', service,
@@ -698,54 +957,61 @@ def get_erasure_profile(service, name):
 def pool_set(service, pool_name, key, value):
+    """Sets a value for a RADOS pool in ceph.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: Name of pool to set property on.
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :param key: Property key.
+    :type key: str
+    :param value: Value, will be coerced into str and shifted to lowercase.
+    :type value: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
-    Sets a value for a RADOS pool in ceph.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types
-    :param key: six.string_types
-    :param value:
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set', pool_name, key,
-           str(value).lower()]
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'set', pool_name, key, str(value).lower()]
+    check_call(cmd)
 def snapshot_pool(service, pool_name, snapshot_name):
+    """Snapshots a RADOS pool in Ceph.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: Name of pool to snapshot.
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :param snapshot_name: Name of snapshot to create.
+    :type snapshot_name: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
-    Snapshots a RADOS pool in ceph.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types
-    :param snapshot_name: six.string_types
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'mksnap', pool_name, snapshot_name]
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'mksnap', pool_name, snapshot_name]
+    check_call(cmd)
 def remove_pool_snapshot(service, pool_name, snapshot_name):
+    """Remove a snapshot from a RADOS pool in Ceph.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: Name of pool to remove snapshot from.
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :param snapshot_name: Name of snapshot to remove.
+    :type snapshot_name: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
-    Remove a snapshot from a RADOS pool in ceph.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types
-    :param snapshot_name: six.string_types
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'rmsnap', pool_name, snapshot_name]
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'rmsnap', pool_name, snapshot_name]
+    check_call(cmd)
 def set_pool_quota(service, pool_name, max_bytes=None, max_objects=None):
-    """
+    """Set byte quota on a RADOS pool in Ceph.
     :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
     :type service: str
     :param pool_name: Name of pool
@@ -756,7 +1022,9 @@ def set_pool_quota(service, pool_name, max_bytes=None, max_objects=None):
     :type max_objects: int
     :raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set-quota', pool_name]
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'set-quota', pool_name]
     if max_bytes:
         cmd = cmd + ['max_bytes', str(max_bytes)]
     if max_objects:
@@ -765,119 +1033,216 @@ def set_pool_quota(service, pool_name, max_bytes=None, max_objects=None):
 def remove_pool_quota(service, pool_name):
+    """Remove byte quota on a RADOS pool in Ceph.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: Name of pool to remove quota from.
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
-    Set a byte quota on a RADOS pool in ceph.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'set-quota', pool_name, 'max_bytes', '0']
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'set-quota', pool_name, 'max_bytes', '0']
+    check_call(cmd)
 def remove_erasure_profile(service, profile_name):
+    """Remove erasure code profile.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param profile_name: Name of profile to remove.
+    :type profile_name: str
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
-    Create a new erasure code profile if one does not already exist for it.  Updates
-    the profile if it exists. Please see
-    for more details
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param profile_name: six.string_types
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'erasure-code-profile', 'rm',
-           profile_name]
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'erasure-code-profile', 'rm', profile_name]
+    check_call(cmd)
-def create_erasure_profile(service, profile_name, erasure_plugin_name='jerasure',
-                           failure_domain='host',
+def create_erasure_profile(service, profile_name,
+                           erasure_plugin_name='jerasure',
+                           failure_domain=None,
                            data_chunks=2, coding_chunks=1,
                            locality=None, durability_estimator=None,
-                           device_class=None):
-    """
-    Create a new erasure code profile if one does not already exist for it.  Updates
-    the profile if it exists. Please see
-    for more details
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param profile_name: six.string_types
-    :param erasure_plugin_name: six.string_types
-    :param failure_domain: six.string_types.  One of ['chassis', 'datacenter', 'host', 'osd', 'pdu', 'pod', 'rack', 'region',
-        'room', 'root', 'row'])
-    :param data_chunks: int
-    :param coding_chunks: int
-    :param locality: int
-    :param durability_estimator: int
-    :param device_class: six.string_types
-    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError
-    """
-    # Ensure this failure_domain is allowed by Ceph
-    validator(failure_domain, six.string_types,
-              ['chassis', 'datacenter', 'host', 'osd', 'pdu', 'pod', 'rack', 'region', 'room', 'root', 'row'])
+                           helper_chunks=None,
+                           scalar_mds=None,
+                           crush_locality=None,
+                           device_class=None,
+                           erasure_plugin_technique=None):
+    """Create a new erasure code profile if one does not already exist for it.
+    Updates the profile if it exists. Please refer to [0] for more details.
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'erasure-code-profile', 'set', profile_name,
-           'plugin=' + erasure_plugin_name, 'k=' + str(data_chunks), 'm=' + str(coding_chunks)
-           ]
-    if locality is not None and durability_estimator is not None:
-        raise ValueError("create_erasure_profile should be called with k, m and one of l or c but not both.")
+    0:
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param profile_name: Name of profile.
+    :type profile_name: str
+    :param erasure_plugin_name: Erasure code plugin.
+    :type erasure_plugin_name: str
+    :param failure_domain: Failure domain, one of:
+                           ('chassis', 'datacenter', 'host', 'osd', 'pdu',
+                            'pod', 'rack', 'region', 'room', 'root', 'row').
+    :type failure_domain: str
+    :param data_chunks: Number of data chunks.
+    :type data_chunks: int
+    :param coding_chunks: Number of coding chunks.
+    :type coding_chunks: int
+    :param locality: Locality.
+    :type locality: int
+    :param durability_estimator: Durability estimator.
+    :type durability_estimator: int
+    :param helper_chunks: int
+    :type helper_chunks: int
+    :param device_class: Restrict placement to devices of specific class.
+    :type device_class: str
+    :param scalar_mds: one of ['isa', 'jerasure', 'shec']
+    :type scalar_mds: str
+    :param crush_locality: LRC locality faulure domain, one of:
+                           ('chassis', 'datacenter', 'host', 'osd', 'pdu', 'pod',
+                            'rack', 'region', 'room', 'root', 'row') or unset.
+    :type crush_locaity: str
+    :param erasure_plugin_technique: Coding technique for EC plugin
+    :type erasure_plugin_technique: str
+    :return: None.  Can raise CalledProcessError, ValueError or AssertionError
+    """
+    plugin_techniques = {
+        'jerasure': [
+            'reed_sol_van',
+            'reed_sol_r6_op',
+            'cauchy_orig',
+            'cauchy_good',
+            'liberation',
+            'blaum_roth',
+            'liber8tion'
+        ],
+        'lrc': [],
+        'isa': [
+            'reed_sol_van',
+            'cauchy',
+        ],
+        'shec': [
+            'single',
+            'multiple'
+        ],
+        'clay': [],
+    }
+    failure_domains = [
+        'chassis', 'datacenter',
+        'host', 'osd',
+        'pdu', 'pod',
+        'rack', 'region',
+        'room', 'root',
+        'row',
+    ]
+    device_classes = [
+        'ssd',
+        'hdd',
+        'nvme'
+    ]
+    validator(erasure_plugin_name, six.string_types,
+              list(plugin_techniques.keys()))
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'erasure-code-profile', 'set', profile_name,
+        'plugin={}'.format(erasure_plugin_name),
+        'k={}'.format(str(data_chunks)),
+        'm={}'.format(str(coding_chunks)),
+    ]
+    if erasure_plugin_technique:
+        validator(erasure_plugin_technique, six.string_types,
+                  plugin_techniques[erasure_plugin_name])
+        cmd.append('technique={}'.format(erasure_plugin_technique))
     luminous_or_later = cmp_pkgrevno('ceph-common', '12.0.0') >= 0
-    # failure_domain changed in luminous
-    if luminous_or_later:
-        cmd.append('crush-failure-domain=' + failure_domain)
-    else:
-        cmd.append('ruleset-failure-domain=' + failure_domain)
+    # Set failure domain from options if not provided in args
+    if not failure_domain and config('customize-failure-domain'):
+        # Defaults to 'host' so just need to deal with
+        # setting 'rack' if feature is enabled
+        failure_domain = 'rack'
+    if failure_domain:
+        validator(failure_domain, six.string_types, failure_domains)
+        # failure_domain changed in luminous
+        if luminous_or_later:
+            cmd.append('crush-failure-domain={}'.format(failure_domain))
+        else:
+            cmd.append('ruleset-failure-domain={}'.format(failure_domain))
     # device class new in luminous
     if luminous_or_later and device_class:
+        validator(device_class, six.string_types, device_classes)
         log('Skipping device class configuration (ceph < 12.0.0)',
     # Add plugin specific information
-    if locality is not None:
-        # For local erasure codes
-        cmd.append('l=' + str(locality))
-    if durability_estimator is not None:
-        # For Shec erasure codes
-        cmd.append('c=' + str(durability_estimator))
+    if erasure_plugin_name == 'lrc':
+        # LRC mandatory configuration
+        if locality:
+            cmd.append('l={}'.format(str(locality)))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("locality must be provided for lrc plugin")
+        # LRC optional configuration
+        if crush_locality:
+            validator(crush_locality, six.string_types, failure_domains)
+            cmd.append('crush-locality={}'.format(crush_locality))
+    if erasure_plugin_name == 'shec':
+        # SHEC optional configuration
+        if durability_estimator:
+            cmd.append('c={}'.format((durability_estimator)))
+    if erasure_plugin_name == 'clay':
+        # CLAY optional configuration
+        if helper_chunks:
+            cmd.append('d={}'.format(str(helper_chunks)))
+        if scalar_mds:
+            cmd.append('scalar-mds={}'.format(scalar_mds))
     if erasure_profile_exists(service, profile_name):
-    try:
-        check_call(cmd)
-    except CalledProcessError:
-        raise
+    check_call(cmd)
 def rename_pool(service, old_name, new_name):
-    """
-    Rename a Ceph pool from old_name to new_name
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param old_name: six.string_types
-    :param new_name: six.string_types
-    :return: None
+    """Rename a Ceph pool from old_name to new_name.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under.
+    :type service: str
+    :param old_name: Name of pool subject to rename.
+    :type old_name: str
+    :param new_name: Name to rename pool to.
+    :type new_name: str
     validator(value=old_name, valid_type=six.string_types)
     validator(value=new_name, valid_type=six.string_types)
-    cmd = ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'pool', 'rename', old_name, new_name]
+    cmd = [
+        'ceph', '--id', service,
+        'osd', 'pool', 'rename', old_name, new_name]
 def erasure_profile_exists(service, name):
-    """
-    Check to see if an Erasure code profile already exists.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param name: six.string_types
-    :return: int or None
+    """Check to see if an Erasure code profile already exists.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param name: Name of profile to look for.
+    :type name: str
+    :returns: True if it exists, False otherwise.
+    :rtype: bool
     validator(value=name, valid_type=six.string_types)
@@ -890,11 +1255,14 @@ def erasure_profile_exists(service, name):
 def get_cache_mode(service, pool_name):
-    """
-    Find the current caching mode of the pool_name given.
-    :param service: six.string_types. The Ceph user name to run the command under
-    :param pool_name: six.string_types
-    :return: int or None
+    """Find the current caching mode of the pool_name given.
+    :param service: The Ceph user name to run the command under
+    :type service: str
+    :param pool_name: Name of pool.
+    :type pool_name: str
+    :returns: Current cache mode.
+    :rtype: Optional[int]
     validator(value=service, valid_type=six.string_types)
     validator(value=pool_name, valid_type=six.string_types)
@@ -976,17 +1344,23 @@ def create_rbd_image(service, pool, image, sizemb):
 def update_pool(client, pool, settings):
+    """Update pool properties.
+    :param client: Client/User-name to authenticate with.
+    :type client: str
+    :param pool: Name of pool to operate on
+    :type pool: str
+    :param settings: Dictionary with key/value pairs to set.
+    :type settings: Dict[str, str]
+    :raises: CalledProcessError
+    """
     cmd = ['ceph', '--id', client, 'osd', 'pool', 'set', pool]
     for k, v in six.iteritems(settings):
-        cmd.append(k)
-        cmd.append(v)
-    check_call(cmd)
+        check_call(cmd + [k, v])
 def set_app_name_for_pool(client, pool, name):
-    """
-    Calls `osd pool application enable` for the specified pool name
+    """Calls `osd pool application enable` for the specified pool name
     :param client: Name of the ceph client to use
     :type client: str
@@ -1043,8 +1417,7 @@ def _keyring_path(service):
 def add_key(service, key):
-    """
-    Add a key to a keyring.
+    """Add a key to a keyring.
     Creates the keyring if it doesn't already exist.
@@ -1288,13 +1661,33 @@ class CephBrokerRq(object):
     The API is versioned and defaults to version 1.
-    def __init__(self, api_version=1, request_id=None):
-        self.api_version = api_version
-        if request_id:
-            self.request_id = request_id
+    def __init__(self, api_version=1, request_id=None, raw_request_data=None):
+        """Initialize CephBrokerRq object.
+        Builds a new empty request or rebuilds a request from on-wire JSON
+        data.
+        :param api_version: API version for request (default: 1).
+        :type api_version: Optional[int]
+        :param request_id: Unique identifier for request.
+                           (default: string representation of generated UUID)
+        :type request_id: Optional[str]
+        :param raw_request_data: JSON-encoded string to build request from.
+        :type raw_request_data: Optional[str]
+        :raises: KeyError
+        """
+        if raw_request_data:
+            request_data = json.loads(raw_request_data)
+            self.api_version = request_data['api-version']
+            self.request_id = request_data['request-id']
+            self.set_ops(request_data['ops'])
-            self.request_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
-        self.ops = []
+            self.api_version = api_version
+            if request_id:
+                self.request_id = request_id
+            else:
+                self.request_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
+            self.ops = []
     def add_op(self, op):
         """Add an op if it is not already in the list.
@@ -1336,12 +1729,119 @@ class CephBrokerRq(object):
             group=group, namespace=namespace, app_name=app_name,
             max_bytes=max_bytes, max_objects=max_objects)
+    # Use function parameters and docstring to define types in a compatible
+    # manner.
+    #
+    # NOTE: Our caller should always use a kwarg Dict when calling us so
+    # no need to maintain fixed order/position for parameters. Please keep them
+    # sorted by name when adding new ones.
+    def _partial_build_common_op_create(self,
+                                        app_name=None,
+                                        compression_algorithm=None,
+                                        compression_mode=None,
+                                        compression_required_ratio=None,
+                                        compression_min_blob_size=None,
+                                        compression_min_blob_size_hdd=None,
+                                        compression_min_blob_size_ssd=None,
+                                        compression_max_blob_size=None,
+                                        compression_max_blob_size_hdd=None,
+                                        compression_max_blob_size_ssd=None,
+                                        group=None,
+                                        max_bytes=None,
+                                        max_objects=None,
+                                        namespace=None,
+                                        weight=None):
+        """Build common part of a create pool operation.
+        :param app_name: Tag pool with application name. Note that there is
+                         certain protocols emerging upstream with regard to
+                         meaningful application names to use.
+                         Examples are 'rbd' and 'rgw'.
+        :type app_name: Optional[str]
+        :param compression_algorithm: Compressor to use, one of:
+                                      ('lz4', 'snappy', 'zlib', 'zstd')
+        :type compression_algorithm: Optional[str]
+        :param compression_mode: When to compress data, one of:
+                                 ('none', 'passive', 'aggressive', 'force')
+        :type compression_mode: Optional[str]
+        :param compression_required_ratio: Minimum compression ratio for data
+                                           chunk, if the requested ratio is not
+                                           achieved the compressed version will
+                                           be thrown away and the original
+                                           stored.
+        :type compression_required_ratio: Optional[float]
+        :param compression_min_blob_size: Chunks smaller than this are never
+                                          compressed (unit: bytes).
+        :type compression_min_blob_size: Optional[int]
+        :param compression_min_blob_size_hdd: Chunks smaller than this are not
+                                              compressed when destined to
+                                              rotational media (unit: bytes).
+        :type compression_min_blob_size_hdd: Optional[int]
+        :param compression_min_blob_size_ssd: Chunks smaller than this are not
+                                              compressed when destined to flash
+                                              media (unit: bytes).
+        :type compression_min_blob_size_ssd: Optional[int]
+        :param compression_max_blob_size: Chunks larger than this are broken
+                                          into N * compression_max_blob_size
+                                          chunks before being compressed
+                                          (unit: bytes).
+        :type compression_max_blob_size: Optional[int]
+        :param compression_max_blob_size_hdd: Chunks larger than this are
+                                              broken into
+                                              N * compression_max_blob_size_hdd
+                                              chunks before being compressed
+                                              when destined for rotational
+                                              media (unit: bytes)
+        :type compression_max_blob_size_hdd: Optional[int]
+        :param compression_max_blob_size_ssd: Chunks larger than this are
+                                              broken into
+                                              N * compression_max_blob_size_ssd
+                                              chunks before being compressed
+                                              when destined for flash media
+                                              (unit: bytes).
+        :type compression_max_blob_size_ssd: Optional[int]
+        :param group: Group to add pool to
+        :type group: Optional[str]
+        :param max_bytes: Maximum bytes quota to apply
+        :type max_bytes: Optional[int]
+        :param max_objects: Maximum objects quota to apply
+        :type max_objects: Optional[int]
+        :param namespace: Group namespace
+        :type namespace: Optional[str]
+        :param weight: The percentage of data that is expected to be contained
+                       in the pool from the total available space on the OSDs.
+                       Used to calculate number of Placement Groups to create
+                       for pool.
+        :type weight: Optional[float]
+        :returns: Dictionary with kwarg name as key.
+        :rtype: Dict[str,any]
+        :raises: AssertionError
+        """
+        return {
+            'app-name': app_name,
+            'compression-algorithm': compression_algorithm,
+            'compression-mode': compression_mode,
+            'compression-required-ratio': compression_required_ratio,
+            'compression-min-blob-size': compression_min_blob_size,
+            'compression-min-blob-size-hdd': compression_min_blob_size_hdd,
+            'compression-min-blob-size-ssd': compression_min_blob_size_ssd,
+            'compression-max-blob-size': compression_max_blob_size,
+            'compression-max-blob-size-hdd': compression_max_blob_size_hdd,
+            'compression-max-blob-size-ssd': compression_max_blob_size_ssd,
+            'group': group,
+            'max-bytes': max_bytes,
+            'max-objects': max_objects,
+            'group-namespace': namespace,
+            'weight': weight,
+        }
     def add_op_create_replicated_pool(self, name, replica_count=3, pg_num=None,
-                                      weight=None, group=None, namespace=None,
-                                      app_name=None, max_bytes=None,
-                                      max_objects=None):
+                                      **kwargs):
         """Adds an operation to create a replicated pool.
+        Refer to docstring for ``_partial_build_common_op_create`` for
+        documentation of keyword arguments.
         :param name: Name of pool to create
         :type name: str
         :param replica_count: Number of copies Ceph should keep of your data.
@@ -1349,66 +1849,114 @@ class CephBrokerRq(object):
         :param pg_num: Request specific number of Placement Groups to create
                        for pool.
         :type pg_num: int
-        :param weight: The percentage of data that is expected to be contained
-                       in the pool from the total available space on the OSDs.
-                       Used to calculate number of Placement Groups to create
-                       for pool.
-        :type weight: float
-        :param group: Group to add pool to
-        :type group: str
-        :param namespace: Group namespace
-        :type namespace: str
-        :param app_name: (Optional) Tag pool with application name.  Note that
-                         there is certain protocols emerging upstream with
-                         regard to meaningful application names to use.
-                         Examples are ``rbd`` and ``rgw``.
-        :type app_name: str
-        :param max_bytes: Maximum bytes quota to apply
-        :type max_bytes: int
-        :param max_objects: Maximum objects quota to apply
-        :type max_objects: int
+        :raises: AssertionError if provided data is of invalid type/range
-        if pg_num and weight:
+        if pg_num and kwargs.get('weight'):
             raise ValueError('pg_num and weight are mutually exclusive')
-        self.add_op({'op': 'create-pool', 'name': name,
-                     'replicas': replica_count, 'pg_num': pg_num,
-                     'weight': weight, 'group': group,
-                     'group-namespace': namespace, 'app-name': app_name,
-                     'max-bytes': max_bytes, 'max-objects': max_objects})
+        op = {
+            'op': 'create-pool',
+            'name': name,
+            'replicas': replica_count,
+            'pg_num': pg_num,
+        }
+        op.update(self._partial_build_common_op_create(**kwargs))
+        # Initialize Pool-object to validate type and range of ops.
+        pool = ReplicatedPool('dummy-service', op=op)
+        pool.validate()
+        self.add_op(op)
     def add_op_create_erasure_pool(self, name, erasure_profile=None,
-                                   weight=None, group=None, app_name=None,
-                                   max_bytes=None, max_objects=None):
+                                   allow_ec_overwrites=False, **kwargs):
         """Adds an operation to create a erasure coded pool.
+        Refer to docstring for ``_partial_build_common_op_create`` for
+        documentation of keyword arguments.
         :param name: Name of pool to create
         :type name: str
         :param erasure_profile: Name of erasure code profile to use.  If not
                                 set the ceph-mon unit handling the broker
                                 request will set its default value.
         :type erasure_profile: str
-        :param weight: The percentage of data that is expected to be contained
-                       in the pool from the total available space on the OSDs.
-        :type weight: float
-        :param group: Group to add pool to
-        :type group: str
-        :param app_name: (Optional) Tag pool with application name.  Note that
-                         there is certain protocols emerging upstream with
-                         regard to meaningful application names to use.
-                         Examples are ``rbd`` and ``rgw``.
-        :type app_name: str
-        :param max_bytes: Maximum bytes quota to apply
-        :type max_bytes: int
-        :param max_objects: Maximum objects quota to apply
-        :type max_objects: int
+        :param allow_ec_overwrites: allow EC pools to be overriden
+        :type allow_ec_overwrites: bool
+        :raises: AssertionError if provided data is of invalid type/range
-        self.add_op({'op': 'create-pool', 'name': name,
-                     'pool-type': 'erasure',
-                     'erasure-profile': erasure_profile,
-                     'weight': weight,
-                     'group': group, 'app-name': app_name,
-                     'max-bytes': max_bytes, 'max-objects': max_objects})
+        op = {
+            'op': 'create-pool',
+            'name': name,
+            'pool-type': 'erasure',
+            'erasure-profile': erasure_profile,
+            'allow-ec-overwrites': allow_ec_overwrites,
+        }
+        op.update(self._partial_build_common_op_create(**kwargs))
+        # Initialize Pool-object to validate type and range of ops.
+        pool = ErasurePool('dummy-service', op)
+        pool.validate()
+        self.add_op(op)
+    def add_op_create_erasure_profile(self, name,
+                                      erasure_type='jerasure',
+                                      erasure_technique=None,
+                                      k=None, m=None,
+                                      failure_domain=None,
+                                      lrc_locality=None,
+                                      shec_durability_estimator=None,
+                                      clay_helper_chunks=None,
+                                      device_class=None,
+                                      clay_scalar_mds=None,
+                                      lrc_crush_locality=None):
+        """Adds an operation to create a erasure coding profile.
+        :param name: Name of profile to create
+        :type name: str
+        :param erasure_type: Which of the erasure coding plugins should be used
+        :type erasure_type: string
+        :param erasure_technique: EC plugin technique to use
+        :type erasure_technique: string
+        :param k: Number of data chunks
+        :type k: int
+        :param m: Number of coding chunks
+        :type m: int
+        :param lrc_locality: Group the coding and data chunks into sets of size locality
+                             (lrc plugin)
+        :type lrc_locality: int
+        :param durability_estimator: The number of parity chuncks each of which includes
+                                     a data chunk in its calculation range (shec plugin)
+        :type durability_estimator: int
+        :param helper_chunks: The number of helper chunks to use for recovery operations
+                              (clay plugin)
+        :type: helper_chunks: int
+        :param failure_domain: Type of failure domain from Ceph bucket types
+                               to be used
+        :type failure_domain: string
+        :param device_class: Device class to use for profile (ssd, hdd)
+        :type device_class: string
+        :param clay_scalar_mds: Plugin to use for CLAY layered construction
+                                (jerasure|isa|shec)
+        :type clay_scaler_mds: string
+        :param lrc_crush_locality: Type of crush bucket in which set of chunks
+                                   defined by lrc_locality will be stored.
+        :type lrc_crush_locality: string
+        """
+        self.add_op({'op': 'create-erasure-profile',
+                     'name': name,
+                     'k': k,
+                     'm': m,
+                     'l': lrc_locality,
+                     'c': shec_durability_estimator,
+                     'd': clay_helper_chunks,
+                     'erasure-type': erasure_type,
+                     'erasure-technique': erasure_technique,
+                     'failure-domain': failure_domain,
+                     'device-class': device_class,
+                     'scalar-mds': clay_scalar_mds,
+                     'crush-locality': lrc_crush_locality})
     def set_ops(self, ops):
         """Set request ops to provided value.
@@ -1424,12 +1972,14 @@ class CephBrokerRq(object):
                            'request-id': self.request_id})
     def _ops_equal(self, other):
+        keys_to_compare = [
+            'replicas', 'name', 'op', 'pg_num', 'group-permission',
+            'object-prefix-permissions',
+        ]
+        keys_to_compare += list(self._partial_build_common_op_create().keys())
         if len(self.ops) == len(other.ops):
             for req_no in range(0, len(self.ops)):
-                for key in [
-                        'replicas', 'name', 'op', 'pg_num', 'weight',
-                        'group', 'group-namespace', 'group-permission',
-                        'object-prefix-permissions']:
+                for key in keys_to_compare:
                     if self.ops[req_no].get(key) != other.ops[req_no].get(key):
                         return False
@@ -1522,18 +2072,15 @@ class CephBrokerRsp(object):
 def get_previous_request(rid):
     """Return the last ceph broker request sent on a given relation
-    @param rid: Relation id to query for request
+    :param rid: Relation id to query for request
+    :type rid: str
+    :returns: CephBrokerRq object or None if relation data not found.
+    :rtype: Optional[CephBrokerRq]
-    request = None
     broker_req = relation_get(attribute='broker_req', rid=rid,
     if broker_req:
-        request_data = json.loads(broker_req)
-        request = CephBrokerRq(api_version=request_data['api-version'],
-                               request_id=request_data['request-id'])
-        request.set_ops(request_data['ops'])
-    return request
+        return CephBrokerRq(raw_request_data=broker_req)
 def get_request_states(request, relation='ceph'):
diff --git a/hooks/ b/hooks/
index 5ba66c7..1bf410d 100644
--- a/hooks/
+++ b/hooks/
@@ -876,12 +876,12 @@ class NeutronApiApiPasteContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
             t, n, c = [m.get(v) for v in ['type', 'name', 'config']]
             # note that dict has to be non-empty
             if not types_valid(t, n, c):
-                    raise ValueError('Extra middleware key type(s) are'
-                                     ' invalid: {}'.format(repr(m)))
+                raise ValueError('Extra middleware key type(s) are'
+                                 ' invalid: {}'.format(repr(m)))
             if not mtype_valid(t):
-                    raise ValueError('Extra middleware type key is not'
-                                     ' a valid PasteDeploy middleware '
-                                     'type {}'.format(repr(t)))
+                raise ValueError('Extra middleware type key is not'
+                                 ' a valid PasteDeploy middleware '
+                                 'type {}'.format(repr(t)))
             if not c:
                 raise ValueError('Extra middleware config dictionary'
                                  ' is empty')
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ class NeutronApiApiPasteContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
         if rdata_middleware:
                 middleware = ast.literal_eval(rdata_middleware)
-            except:
+            except Exception:
                 import traceback
                 raise ValueError('Invalid extra middleware data'
diff --git a/hooks/ b/hooks/
index 258ba4e..ada05a8 100755
--- a/hooks/
+++ b/hooks/
@@ -877,8 +877,10 @@ def router_feature_present(feature):
             return True
     return False
 l3ha_router_present = partial(router_feature_present, feature='ha')
 dvr_router_present = partial(router_feature_present, feature='distributed')
@@ -892,7 +894,7 @@ def neutron_ready():
         log('neutron client ready')
         return True
-    except:
+    except Exception:
         log('neutron query failed, neutron not ready ')
         return False
@@ -953,7 +955,7 @@ def check_optional_relations(configs):
     if relation_ids('ha'):
-        except:
+        except Exception:
             return ('blocked',
                     'hacluster missing configuration: '
                     'vip, vip_iface, vip_cidr')
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2316401..8ba1941 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #       requirements.  They are intertwined.  Also, Zaza itself should specify
 #       all of its own requirements and if it doesn't, fix it there.
+setuptools<50.0.0  #
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 7d9c258..56fbf92 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
 #       requirements.  They are intertwined.  Also, Zaza itself should specify
 #       all of its own requirements and if it doesn't, fix it there.
+setuptools<50.0.0  #
 pyudev              # for ceph-* charm unit tests (need to fix the ceph-* charm unit tests/mocking)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index b835733..e2d58f5 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -116,5 +116,5 @@ commands =
     functest-run-suite --keep-model --bundle {posargs}
-ignore = E402,E226
+ignore = E402,E226,W503,W504
 exclude = */charmhelpers
diff --git a/unit_tests/ b/unit_tests/
index ea09d93..19e5d87 100644
--- a/unit_tests/
+++ b/unit_tests/
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ class TestConfig(object):
         return self.config
     def set(self, attr, value):
-            if attr not in self.config:
-                raise KeyError
-            self.config[attr] = value
+        if attr not in self.config:
+            raise KeyError
+        self.config[attr] = value
 class TestRelation(object):