Flags a getter method as being cached using oslo_cache.
It is assumed that the containing class defines an attribute named _cache that is an instance of an oslo_cache backend.
The getter should raise an exception if the value can’t be loaded, which will skip the caching step. Otherwise, the getter must return a value that can be encoded with msgpack.
Note that you can also flag a remover method such that it will purge an associated item from the cache, e.g.:
def project_cache_key(user, project=None):
return user + ':' + str(project)
class Project(object):
def __init__(self, db, cache):
self._db = db
self._cache = cache
@decorators.caches(project_cache_key, 60)
def get_project(self, user, project=None):
return self._db.get_project(user, project)
def del_project(self, user, project=None):
self._db.delete_project(user, project)
Parameters: |
Creates a lazy property.
Parameters: |
Memoizes attributes returned by __getattr__
It can be used to remember the results from __getattr__ and reduce the debt of calling it again when the same attribute is accessed.
This decorator memoizes attributes by setting them on the object itself.
The wrapper returned by this decorator won’t alter the returned value.
Returns: | A wrapper around the decorated method. |