validations_common.tests.callback_plugins.test_validation_stdout module


Tests for validation_stdout callback plugin.

class validations_common.tests.callback_plugins.test_validation_stdout.TestValidationStdout(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: validations_common.tests.base.TestCase

Tests of validation_stdout callback module.


Verifying that the CallbackModule is instantiated properly. Test checks presence of CallbackBase in the inheritance chain, in order to ensure that folowing tests are performed with the correct assumptions.

test_new_play(mock_play, mock_play_name, mock_play_uuid)[source]

From the callback point of view, both Play and Task are virtually identical. Test involving them are therefore also very similar.

test_new_task(mock_task, mock_task_name, mock_task_uuid)[source]

From the callback point of view, both Play and Task are virtually identical. Test involving them are therefore also very similar.


_val_task and _val_task_host methods are virtually identical. Their tests are too.


_val_task and _val_task_host methods are virtually identical. Their tests are too.


Checks if string represents valid time in ISO format, with the default delimiter. Regex is somewhat convoluted, but general enough to last at least until the 9999 AD.


True if string matches the pattern. False otherwise.