TripleO Overcloud deployment with Puppet


This document outlines how to deploy a TripleO overcloud using Puppet for configuration. TripleO currently supports using Puppet for configuration using Heat metadata directly via the normal os-collect-config/os-refresh-config agents. No puppet-master or puppet DB infrastructure is required.

Building Images

When building TripleO images for use with Puppet the following elements should be installed:

  • hosts
  • os-net-config
  • os-collect-config
  • heat-config-puppet
  • puppet-modules
  • hiera

The hosts and os-net-config are normal TripleO image elements and are still used to deploy basic physical networking configuration required to bootstrap the node.

The os-collect-config, and heat-config-puppet elements provide mechanism to run puppet apply commands that have been configured via Heat software deployment configurations.

The puppet-modules element installs all of the required stackforge puppet-* modules. This element has two modes of operation: package or source installs. The package mode assumes that all of the required modules exist in a single distribution provided package. The source mode deploys the puppet modules from Git at image build time and automatically links them into /etc/puppet/modules. The source mode makes use of source repositories so you can, for example, pin to a specific puppetlabs-mysql module version by setting:

DIB_REPOREF_puppetlabs_mysql=<GIT COMMIT HASH>

The hiera element provides a way to configure the hiera.yaml and hieradata files on each node directly via Heat metadata. The tripleo-heat-templates are used to drive this configuration.

When building images for use with Puppet it is important to note that regardless of whether you use source or package mode to install these core elements the actual OpenStack service packages (Nova, Neutron, Keystone, etc) will need to be installed via normal distro packages. This is required in order to work with the stackforge puppet modules.

The OpenStack service packages can be installed at DIB time via the -p option or at deployment time when Puppet is executed on each node.

Heat Templates

When deploying an overcloud with Heat only the newer overcloud-without-mergepy.yaml supports Puppet. To enable Puppet simply use the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml instead of the normal overcloud-resource-registry.yaml with your Heat stack-create command.

Running Devtest Overcloud with Delorean on Fedora

This section describes the variables required in order to run with Puppet. It assumes you have a fully working TripleO undercloud (or seed) which has been preconfigured to work in your environment.


The following instructions assume this pre-existing config from a normal devtest Fedora setup:

export NODE_DIST='fedora selinux-permissive'
export DIB_RELEASE=21
export RDO_RELEASE=kilo

# Enable packages for all elements by default

# Do not manage /etc/hosts via cloud-init

# Set ROOT_DISK == NODE_DISK (no ephemeral partition)
export ROOT_DISK=40
export NODE_DISK=40

By default TripleO uses puppet for configuration only. Packages (RPMs, etc) are typically installed at image build time.

If you wish to have packages installed at deploy time via Puppet it is important to have a working undercloud nameserver. You can configure this by adding the appropriate undercloud.nameserver setting settings to your undercoud-env.json file. Alternately, If going directly from the seed to the overcloud then you’ll need to set seed.nameserver in your testenv.json. If you wish to install packages at deploy time you will also need to set EnablePackageInstall to true in your overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml (see below for instructions on how to override your Heat resource registry).

  1. Git clone the tripleo-puppet-elements [1] project into your $TRIPLEO_ROOT. This is currently a non-standard image elements repository and needs to be manually cloned in order to build Puppet images.

  2. Add tripleo-puppet-elements to your ELEMENTS_PATH:

    export ELEMENTS_PATH=$ELEMENTS_PATH:$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-puppet-elements/elements:$TRIPLEO_ROOT/heat-templates/hot/software-config/elements
  3. Set a variable so that a custom puppet image gets built and loaded into Glance:

    export OVERCLOUD_DISK_IMAGES_CONFIG=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts/overcloud_puppet_disk_images.yaml
  4. Override the tripleo-heat-templates resource registry:

    export RESOURCE_REGISTRY_PATH="$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml"
  5. Configure your Delorean repo URL. This is used to fetch more recently built upstream packages for your OpenStack services:

    export DELOREAN_REPO_URL=""
For more information on Delorean see [2]
  1. Enable the use of stackforge modules from Git. This is to work around the fact that the Fedora RPM doesn’t have support for all the required modules yet:

    export DIB_INSTALLTYPE_puppet_modules=source
  2. Source your undercloud environment RC file (perhaps via the select-cloud script). Then execute