
  1. Build images. There are two helper scripts which can be used to build images. The first method uses environment variables to create a specific image for each overcloud role. This method works best if you are using tripleo-image-elements for configuration (which requires per role image customization). See devtest_overcloud_images for documentation. This method is currently the default.

    Another option is to make use of the build-images script which dynamically creates a set of images using a YAML (or JSON) config file (see the build-images script for details and the expected config file format). This method is typically preferred when using tripleo-puppet-elements (Puppet) for configuration which allows the contents and number of images used to deploy an overcloud to be more flexibly defined. Example:

    build-images -d -c $DISK_IMAGES_CONFIG

  2. Load all images into Glance (based on the provided disk images config). This captures all the Glance IDs into a Heat env file which maps them to the appropriate parameter names. This allows us some amount of flexability how many images to use for the overcloud deployment.

    load-images -d --remove -c $DISK_IMAGES_CONFIG -o $OVERCLOUD_IMAGE_IDS_ENV
  3. For running an overcloud in VM’s. For Physical machines, set to kvm:

  4. Set the public interface of overcloud network node::

  5. Set the NTP server for the overcloud::

  6. If you want to permit VM’s access to bare metal networks, you need to define flat-networks and bridge mappings in Neutron. We default to creating one called datacentre, which we use to grant external network access to VMs::

  7. If you are using SSL, your compute nodes will need static mappings to your endpoint in /etc/hosts (because we don’t do dynamic undercloud DNS yet). set this to the DNS name you’re using for your SSL certificate - the heat template looks up the controller address within the cloud:

  8. Detect if we are deploying with a VLAN for API endpoints / floating IPs. This is done by looking for a ‘public’ network in Neutron, and if found we pull out the VLAN id and pass that into Heat, as well as using a VLAN enabled Heat template.

    if (neutron net-list | grep -q public); then
        VLAN_ID=$(neutron net-show public | awk '/provider:segmentation_id/ { print $4 }')
        # This should be in the heat template, but see
        # note that this will break if there are more than one subnet, as if
        # more reason to fix the bug is needed :).
        PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID=$(neutron net-show public | awk '/subnets/ { print $4 }')
        VLAN_GW=$(neutron subnet-show $PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID | awk '/gateway_ip/ { print $4}')
        BM_VLAN_CIDR=$(neutron subnet-show $PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID | awk '/cidr/ { print $4}')
        export CONTROLEXTRA=overcloud-vlan-port.yaml
  9. TripleO explicitly models key settings for OpenStack, as well as settings that require cluster awareness to configure. To configure arbitrary additional settings, provide a JSON string with them in the structure required by the template ExtraConfig parameter.


  10. Choose whether to deploy or update. Use stack-update to update:

  11. Wait for the BM cloud to register BM nodes with the scheduler:

    wait_for -w $((60 * $expected_nodes)) --delay 10 -- wait_for_hypervisor_stats $expected_nodes
  12. Set password for Overcloud SNMPd, same password needs to be set in Undercloud Ceilometer

    UNDERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_SNMPD_PASSWORD=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE –key undercloud.ceilometer_snmpd_password –type raw –key-default ‘’)


  13. Create unique credentials:

    setup-overcloud-passwords $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-overcloud-passwords
    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-overcloud-passwords
  14. We need an environment file to store the parameters we’re gonig to give heat.:

  15. Read the heat env in for updating.:

    if [ -e "${HEAT_ENV}" ]; then
        ENV_JSON=$(cat "${HEAT_ENV}")
  16. Set parameters we need to deploy a KVM cloud.:

    NeutronControlPlaneID=$(neutron net-show ctlplane | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}')
    ENV_JSON=$(jq '.parameters = {
    "MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize": 100
    } + .parameters + {
    "AdminPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"'",
    "AdminToken": "'"${OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_TOKEN}"'",
    "CeilometerPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_PASSWORD}"'",
    "CeilometerMeteringSecret": "'"${OVERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_SECRET}"'",
    "CinderPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_CINDER_PASSWORD}"'",
    "CloudName": "'"${OVERCLOUD_NAME}"'",
    "GlancePassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_GLANCE_PASSWORD}"'",
    "HeatPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_HEAT_PASSWORD}"'",
    "HeatStackDomainAdminPassword":  "'"${OVERCLOUD_HEAT_STACK_DOMAIN_PASSWORD}"'",
    "HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge": "'"${OVERCLOUD_HYPERVISOR_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE}"'",
    "HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface": "'"${OVERCLOUD_HYPERVISOR_PUBLIC_INTERFACE}"'",
    "NeutronBridgeMappings": "'"${OVERCLOUD_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS}"'",
    "NeutronControlPlaneID": "'${NeutronControlPlaneID}'",
    "NeutronFlatNetworks": "'"${OVERCLOUD_FLAT_NETWORKS}"'",
    "NeutronPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_NEUTRON_PASSWORD}"'",
    "NeutronPublicInterface": "'"${NeutronPublicInterface}"'",
    "NeutronPublicInterfaceTag": "'"${NeutronPublicInterfaceTag}"'",
    "NovaComputeLibvirtType": "'"${OVERCLOUD_LIBVIRT_TYPE}"'",
    "NovaPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_NOVA_PASSWORD}"'",
    "NtpServer": "'"${OVERCLOUD_NTP_SERVER}"'",
    "SwiftHashSuffix": "'"${OVERCLOUD_SWIFT_HASH}"'",
    "SwiftPassword": "'"${OVERCLOUD_SWIFT_PASSWORD}"'",
    "SSLCertificate": "'"${OVERCLOUD_SSL_CERT}"'",
    "SSLKey": "'"${OVERCLOUD_SSL_KEY}"'",
    "OvercloudComputeFlavor": "'"${COMPUTE_FLAVOR}"'",
    "OvercloudControlFlavor": "'"${CONTROL_FLAVOR}"'",
    "OvercloudBlockStorageFlavor": "'"${BLOCKSTORAGE_FLAVOR}"'",
    "OvercloudSwiftStorageFlavor": "'"${SWIFTSTORAGE_FLAVOR}"'"
    }' <<< $ENV_JSON)
  17. We enable the automatic relocation of L3 routers in Neutron by default, alternatively you can use the L3 agents high availability mechanism (only works with three or more controller nodes) or the distributed virtul routing mechanism (deploying routers on compute nodes). Set the environment variable OVERCLOUD_L3 to relocate, ha or dvr.

  18. If enabling distributed virtual routing on the overcloud, some values need to be set so that Neutron DVR will work.

    if [ ${OVERCLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_ROUTERS:-'False'} == "True" -o $OVERCLOUD_L3 == "dvr" ]; then
        ENV_JSON=$(jq '.parameters = {} + .parameters + {
        "NeutronDVR": "True",
        "NeutronTunnelTypes": "vxlan",
        "NeutronNetworkType": "vxlan",
        "NeutronMechanismDrivers": "openvswitch,l2population",
        "NeutronAllowL3AgentFailover": "False",
        }' <<< $ENV_JSON)
    if [ ${OVERCLOUD_L3_HA:-'False'} == "True" -o $OVERCLOUD_L3 == "ha" ]; then
        ENV_JSON=$(jq '.parameters = {} + .parameters + {
        "NeutronL3HA": "True",
        "NeutronAllowL3AgentFailover": "False",
        }' <<< $ENV_JSON)
  19. Save the finished environment file.:

    jq . > "${HEAT_ENV}" <<< $ENV_JSON
    chmod 0600 "${HEAT_ENV}"
  20. Add Keystone certs/key into the environment file.:

    generate-keystone-pki --heatenv $HEAT_ENV
  21. Deploy an overcloud:

    heat $HEAT_OP -e "$HEAT_ENV" \
        -f $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/overcloud.yaml \
        -P "ExtraConfig=${OVERCLOUD_EXTRA_CONFIG}" \

    You can watch the console via virsh/virt-manager to observe the PXE boot/deploy process. After the deploy is complete, the machines will reboot and be available.

  22. While we wait for the stack to come up, build an end user disk image and register it with glance.:

            $TRIPLEO_ROOT/diskimage-builder/bin/disk-image-create $NODE_DIST vm $TEST_IMAGE_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS \
                -a $NODE_ARCH -o $TRIPLEO_ROOT/user 2>&1 | tee $TRIPLEO_ROOT/dib-user.log
  23. Get the overcloud IP from the heat stack

    wait_for_stack_ready -w $(($OVERCLOUD_STACK_TIMEOUT * 60)) 10 $STACKNAME
    OVERCLOUD_ENDPOINT=$(heat output-show $STACKNAME KeystoneURL|sed 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/')
    OVERCLOUD_IP=$(echo $OVERCLOUD_ENDPOINT | awk -F '[/:]' '{print $4}')
  24. We don’t (yet) preserve ssh keys on rebuilds.

    ssh-keygen -R $OVERCLOUD_IP
  25. Export the overcloud endpoint and credentials to your test environment.

    NEW_JSON=$(jq '.overcloud.password="'${OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD}'" | .overcloud.endpoint="'${OVERCLOUD_ENDPOINT}'" | .overcloud.endpointhost="'${OVERCLOUD_IP}'"' $TE_DATAFILE)
  26. Source the overcloud configuration:

    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/overcloudrc
  27. Exclude the overcloud from proxies:

    export no_proxy=$no_proxy,$OVERCLOUD_IP
  28. If we updated the cloud we don’t need to do admin setup again - skip down to Wait for Nova Compute.

  29. Perform admin setup of your overcloud.

        init-keystone -o $OVERCLOUD_IP -t $OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_TOKEN \
            -e -p $OVERCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD \
            ${SSLBASE:+-s $PUBLIC_API_URL} --no-pki-setup
        # Creating these roles to be used by tenants using swift
        openstack role create swiftoperator
        openstack role create ResellerAdmin
        setup-endpoints $OVERCLOUD_IP \
            --cinder-password $OVERCLOUD_CINDER_PASSWORD \
            --glance-password $OVERCLOUD_GLANCE_PASSWORD \
            --heat-password $OVERCLOUD_HEAT_PASSWORD \
            --neutron-password $OVERCLOUD_NEUTRON_PASSWORD \
            --nova-password $OVERCLOUD_NOVA_PASSWORD \
            --swift-password $OVERCLOUD_SWIFT_PASSWORD \
            --ceilometer-password $OVERCLOUD_CEILOMETER_PASSWORD \
            ${SSLBASE:+--ssl $PUBLIC_API_URL}
        openstack role create heat_stack_user
        BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.gateway-ip --type raw --key-default '')
        OVERCLOUD_NAMESERVER=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key overcloud.nameserver --type netaddress --key-default "$OVERCLOUD_FIXED_RANGE_NAMESERVER")
        jq "." <<EOF > $NETWORK_JSON
        "float": {
            "cidr": "$OVERCLOUD_FIXED_RANGE_CIDR",
            "name": "default-net",
            "nameserver": "$OVERCLOUD_NAMESERVER",
            "segmentation_id": "$NeutronPublicInterfaceTag",
            "physical_network": "datacentre",
            "gateway": "$OVERCLOUD_FIXED_RANGE_GATEWAY"
        "external": {
            "name": "ext-net",
            "provider:network_type": "flat",
            "provider:physical_network": "datacentre",
            "cidr": "$FLOATING_CIDR",
            "allocation_start": "$FLOATING_START",
            "allocation_end": "$FLOATING_END",
            "gateway": "$BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY"
        setup-neutron -n $NETWORK_JSON
        rm $NETWORK_JSON
  30. If you want a demo user in your overcloud (probably a good idea).

    os-adduser -p $OVERCLOUD_DEMO_PASSWORD demo
  31. Workaround

    nova flavor-delete m1.tiny
    nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 2 1
  32. Register the end user image with glance.

    glance image-create --name user --visibility public --disk-format qcow2 \
        --container-format bare --file $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$USER_IMG_NAME
  33. Wait for Nova Compute

    wait_for -w 300 --delay 10 -- nova service-list --binary nova-compute 2\>/dev/null \| grep 'enabled.*\ up\ '
  34. Wait for L2 Agent On Nova Compute

    wait_for 30 10 neutron agent-list -f csv -c alive -c agent_type -c host \| grep "\":-).*Open vSwitch agent.*-novacompute\""
  35. Log in as a user.

    source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/overcloudrc-user
  36. If you just created the cloud you need to add your keypair to your user.

  37. So that you can deploy a VM.

    IMAGE_ID=$(nova image-show user | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
    nova boot --key-name default --flavor m1.tiny --block-device source=image,id=$IMAGE_ID,dest=volume,size=3,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0 demo
  38. Add an external IP for it.

    wait_for -w 50 --delay 5 -- neutron port-list -f csv -c id --quote none \| grep id
    PORT=$(neutron port-list -f csv -c id --quote none | tail -n1)
    FLOATINGIP=$(neutron floatingip-create ext-net \
        --port-id "${PORT//[[:space:]]/}" \
        | awk '$2=="floating_ip_address" {print $4}')
  39. And allow network access to it.

    neutron security-group-rule-create default --protocol icmp \
        --direction ingress --port-range-min 8
    neutron security-group-rule-create default --protocol tcp \
        --direction ingress --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22
  40. After which, you should be able to ping it

    wait_for -w 300 --delay 10 -- ping -c 1 $FLOATINGIP