Installing a Development Environment

This guide gives a step by step installation instructions that are equivalent to what does. The intention is to make the reader more familiar with what is involved in installing Storlets on top of Swift

The below steps must be executed using a passwordless sudoer user.

Install Swift and Keystone using devstack

Clone devstack:

git clone git://

Create a localrc file under the devstack repository root directory:



# service local host is used for ring building
# service listen address for prox

Run the script. Before proceeding, we need to stop the swift instances that were executed by the script. From the same directory do:

source functions
source lib/swift

Finally, add the swift devices to fstab:

sudo sh -c 'echo "/opt/stack/data/swift/drives/images/swift.img /opt/stack/data/swift/drives/sdb1 xfs loop" >> /etc/fstab'

Configure a user and project in Keystone

We use the openstack cli to configure a user and project used by the storlets functional tests. We start by defining some environment variables:

export OS_AUTH_URL="http://$KEYSTONE_IP/identity/v3"
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=default
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=default
export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne

We now create the project and users with Keystone.

openstack project create test
openstack user create --project test --password testing tester
openstack role add --user tester --project test admin
openstack user create --project test --password member tester_member
openstack role add --user tester --project test _member_

We now test that the setup by having the user ‘tester’ to stat the account ‘test’. We use the Swift client cli. A convenient way to do so is to edit the user’s .bashrc adding the lines:

export OS_USERNAME=tester
export OS_PASSWORD=testing
export OS_TENANT_NAME=test
export OS_AUTH_URL=

Now do:

source .bashrc
swift stat

Install Storlets

Install Dependencies

We need the following for the Java parts

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install ant

We need the following for Docker

sudo apt-get install
ln -sf /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/docker
sed -i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' /etc/bash_completion.d/docker
update-rc.d docker defaults

Get and install the storlets code

cd $HOME
git clone
cd storlets
sudo ./
sudo python install
cd -


You don’t need sudo for ‘python install’ when installing the storlets package into your python virtualenv.

Build the Docker image to be used for running storlets

Step 1: Create a working space for building the docker images, e.g.

mkdir -p $HOME/docker_repos
sudo docker pull ubuntu:18.04

Step 2: Create a Docker image with Java

mkdir -p $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8

Create the file: $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8/Dockerfile with the following content:

FROM ubuntu:18.04

# The following operations shoud be defined in one line
# to prevent docker images from including apt cache file.
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install python && \
apt-get install software-properties-common && \
add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install openjdk-8-jre && \
apt-get clean

Build the image

cd $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8
sudo docker build -q -t ubuntu_18.04_jre8 .
cd -

Step 3: Augment the above created image with the storlets stuff

mkdir -p $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets
cp $HOME/storlets/install/storlets/roles/docker_storlet_engine_image/files/logback.xml .
cd -

Create the file: $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets/Dockerfile with the following content:

FROM ubuntu_18.04_jre8


RUN [ "groupadd", "-g", "1003", "swift" ]
RUN [ "useradd", "-u" , "1003", "-g", "1003", "swift" ]

# Copy files
COPY ["logback.xml", "", "/usr/local/lib/storlets/"]

RUN ["chmod", "0744", "/usr/local/lib/storlets/logback.xml"]

CMD ["prod", "/mnt/channels/factory_pipe", "DEBUG"]

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/libexec/storlets/"]

Build the image

cd $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets
sudo docker build -q -t ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets .
cd -

Step 4: Create a tenant specific image. The engine looks for images having the name <tenand id>. First, we get the tenant id. Using the Swift cli and the above create user do:

swift --os-auth-url --os-project-name test --os-project-domain-name default --os-username tester --os-password testing stat

The response from the above contains the account line, e.g.:

Account: AUTH_719caee804974c14a8632a760a7f85f7

The account id is the number following the ‘AUTH_’ prefix.

Next create the file $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets_<account id>/Dockerfile with the following content:

FROM ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets

Build the image

cd $HOME/docker_repos/ubuntu_18.04_jre8_storlets_<account id>
sudo docker build -q -t <account id> .
cd -

Create the storlets run time environment

Create the run time directory

export STORLETS_HOME=/home/docker_device
sudo mkdir -p $STORLETS_HOME
sudo chmod 777 $STORLETS_HOME

Create the scripts directory and populate it. Note that these scripts are executed by the middleware but require root privileges.

mkdir $STORLETS_HOME/scripts
cd STORLETS_HOME/scripts
cp $HOME/scripts/restart_docker_container .
sudo chown root:root restart_docker_container
sudo chmod 04755 restart_docker_container
The run time directory will be later populated by the middleware with:
  1. storlets - Docker container mapped directories keeping storlet jars

  2. pipe - A Docker container mapped directories holding named pipes shared between the middleware and the containers.

  3. logs - the logs of storlets running inside the docker containers

  4. cache - a local cache for storlet jars

Configure Swift to work with the middleware components

Step 1: Edit the proxy server config file /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf and do the following:

  1. Add the storlet_handler to the proxy server pipline just before the slo middleware as shown below:

pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas storlet_handler slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
  1. At the bottom of the file add the following configuration block:

use = egg:storlets#storlet_handler
storlet_container = storlet
storlet_dependency = dependency
storlet_gateway_module = docker
storlet_gateway_conf = /etc/swift/storlet_docker_gateway.conf
storlet_execute_on_proxy_only = false
execution_server = proxy

Step 2: Edit the object server(s) config file(s). In a SAIO environment these would be: /etc/swift/object-server/1.conf through /etc/swift/object-server/4.conf otherwise the file is typically /etc/swift/object-server.conf

  1. Add the storlet_handler to the object server pipline just before the slo object-server as shown below:

pipeline = recon storlet_handler object-server
  1. At the bottom of the file add the following configuration block:

use = egg:storlets#storlet_handler
storlet_container = storlet
storlet_dependency = dependency
storlet_gateway_module = docker
storlet_gateway_conf = /etc/swift/storlet_docker_gateway.conf
storlet_execute_on_proxy_only = false
execution_server = object

Step 3: Add the Docker gateway configuration file. Under /etc/swift create a file named storlet_docker_gateway.conf with the following content:

storlet_logcontainer = storletlog
host_root = /home/docker_device
cache_dir = /home/docker_device/cache/scopes
log_dir = /home/docker_device/logs/scopes
script_dir = /home/docker_device/scripts
storlets_dir = /home/docker_device/storlets/scopes
pipes_dir = /home/docker_device/pipes/scopes
storlet_timeout = 40
docker_repo =
restart_linux_container_timeout = 3

Step 4: Create and edit the file /etc/swift/storlet-proxy-server.conf:

cp /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf /etc/swift/storlet-proxy-server.conf

Change the pipeline in /etc/swift/storlet-proxy-server.conf to be:

pipeline = proxy-logging cache slo proxy-logging proxy-server

Step 5: restart swift

sudo swift-init all restart

Enable the account for storlets

We use the same test account and tester user created above. To enable the account for storlets we need to set an appropriate user metadata on the account and create within the account the various Swift containers assumed by the engine.

We use the swift cli as follows:

swift post \
--os-auth-url= \
--os-username=tester \
--os-password=testing \
--os-project-name=test \
--os-project-domain-name default \
--meta "Storlet-Enabled:True"

swift post \
--os-auth-url= \
--os-username=tester \
--os-password=testing \
--os-project-name=test \
--os-project-domain-name default \
--read-acl test:tester_member \

swift post \
--os-auth-url= \
--os-username=tester \
--os-password=testing \
--os-project-name=test \
--os-project-domain-name default \
--read-acl test:tester_member \

swift post \
--os-auth-url= \
--os-username=tester \
--os-password=testing \
--os-project-name=test \
--os-project-domain-name default \

Run the functional tests

The functional tests upload various storlets and execute them. Running the functional tests successfully proves the installation completed successfully.

The functional tests are designed to run over a clustered installation (that is not an all in one install). Hence, running the tests require a cluster connfiguration file.

Step 1: Create the file $HOME/storlets/test.conf with the below content.

region = RegionOne
storlets_default_project_member_password = member
storlets_default_project_member_user = tester_member
storlets_default_project_user_password = testing
storlets_default_project_user_name = tester
storlets_default_project_name = test
keystone_public_url =
keystone_default_domain = default

Step 2: Run the functional tests

cd $HOME/storlets
./.functests dev