Extension Manager Classes¶
- class stevedore.driver.DriverManager(namespace, name, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=True)¶
Load a single plugin with a given name from the namespace.
- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
name (str) – The name of the driver to load.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- __call__(func, *args, **kwds)¶
Invokes func() for the single loaded extension.
The signature for func() should be:
def func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass
The first argument to func(), ‘ext’, is the
instance.Exceptions raised from within func() are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
func – Callable to invoke for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to func()
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to func()
- Returns
List of values returned from func()
- __init__(namespace, name, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=True)¶
- property driver¶
Returns the driver being used by this manager.
- classmethod make_test_instance(extension, namespace='TESTING', propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Construct a test DriverManager
Test instances are passed a list of extensions to work from rather than loading them from entry points.
- Parameters
extension (
) – Pre-configured Extension instancenamespace (str) – The namespace for the manager; used only for identification since the extensions are passed in.
propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- Returns
The manager instance, initialized for testing
- class stevedore.hook.HookManager(namespace, name, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, on_missing_entrypoints_callback=None, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=False)¶
Coordinate execution of multiple extensions using a common name.
- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
name (str) – The name of the hooks to load.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
warn_on_missing_entrypoint (bool) – Flag to control whether failing to load a plugin is reported via a log mess. Only applies if on_missing_entrypoints_callback is None.
- __getitem__(name)¶
Return the named extensions.
Accessing a HookManager as a dictionary (
) produces a list of theExtension
instance(s) with the specified name, in the order they would be invoked by map().
- __init__(namespace, name, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, on_missing_entrypoints_callback=None, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=False)¶
- class stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager(namespace, names, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, name_order=False, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, on_missing_entrypoints_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=True)¶
Loads only the named extensions.
This is useful for explicitly enabling extensions in a configuration file, for example.
- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
names (list(str)) – The names of the extensions to load.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
name_order (bool) – If true, sort the loaded extensions to match the order used in
.propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
on_missing_entrypoints_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when one or more names cannot be found. The provided argument will be a subset of the ‘names’ parameter.
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
warn_on_missing_entrypoint (bool) – Flag to control whether failing to load a plugin is reported via a log mess. Only applies if on_missing_entrypoints_callback is None.
- __init__(namespace, names, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, name_order=False, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, on_missing_entrypoints_callback=None, verify_requirements=False, warn_on_missing_entrypoint=True)¶
- classmethod make_test_instance(extensions, namespace='TESTING', propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Construct a test NamedExtensionManager
Test instances are passed a list of extensions to use rather than loading them from entry points.
- Parameters
extensions (list of
) – Pre-configured Extension instancesnamespace (str) – The namespace for the manager; used only for identification since the extensions are passed in.
propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- Returns
The manager instance, initialized for testing
- class stevedore.enabled.EnabledExtensionManager(namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Loads only plugins that pass a check function.
The check_func argument should return a boolean, with
indicating that the extension should be loaded and made available andFalse
indicating that the extension should be ignored.- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
check_func (callable, taking an
instance as argument) – Function to determine which extensions to load.invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- __init__(namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
- class stevedore.dispatch.DispatchExtensionManager(namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Loads all plugins and filters on execution.
This is useful for long-running processes that need to pass different inputs to different extensions.
- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
check_func (callable) – Function to determine which extensions to load.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
propagate_map_exceptions – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
- map(filter_func, func, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for any where filter_func() returns True.
The signature of filter_func() should be:
def filter_func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass
The first argument to filter_func(), ‘ext’, is the
instance. filter_func() should return True if the extension should be invoked for the input arguments.The signature for func() should be:
def func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass
The first argument to func(), ‘ext’, is the
instance.Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
filter_func – Callable to test each extension.
func – Callable to invoke for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to func()
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to func()
- Returns
List of values returned from func()
- map_method(filter_func, method_name, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking each one’s object method called method_name for any where filter_func() returns True.
This is equivalent of using
with func set to lambda x: x.obj.method_name() while being more convenient.Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
filter_func – Callable to test each extension.
method_name – The extension method name to call for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to method
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to method
- Returns
List of values returned from methods
- class stevedore.dispatch.NameDispatchExtensionManager(namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Loads all plugins and filters on execution.
This is useful for long-running processes that need to pass different inputs to different extensions and can predict the name of the extensions before calling them.
The check_func argument should return a boolean, with
indicating that the extension should be loaded and made available andFalse
indicating that the extension should be ignored.- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
check_func (callable) – Function to determine which extensions to load.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
propagate_map_exceptions – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- __init__(namespace, check_func, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
- map(names, func, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for any where the name is in the given list of names.
The signature for func() should be:
def func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass
The first argument to func(), ‘ext’, is the
instance.Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
names – List or set of name(s) of extension(s) to invoke.
func – Callable to invoke for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to func()
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to func()
- Returns
List of values returned from func()
- map_method(names, method_name, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking each one’s object method called method_name for any where the name is in the given list of names.
This is equivalent of using
with func set to lambda x: x.obj.method_name() while being more convenient.Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
names – List or set of name(s) of extension(s) to invoke.
method_name – The extension method name to call for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to method
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to method
- Returns
List of values returned from methods
- class stevedore.extension.ExtensionManager(namespace, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Base class for all of the other managers.
- Parameters
namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- __contains__(name)¶
Return true if name is in list of enabled extensions.
- __getitem__(name)¶
Return the named extension.
Accessing an ExtensionManager as a dictionary (
) produces theExtension
instance with the specified name.
- __init__(namespace, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
- __iter__()¶
Produce iterator for the manager.
Iterating over an ExtensionManager produces the
instances in the order they would be invoked.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- entry_points_names()¶
Return the list of entry points names for this namespace.
- items()¶
Return an iterator of tuples of the form (name, extension).
This is analogous to the Mapping.items() method.
- list_entry_points()¶
Return the list of entry points for this namespace.
The entry points are not actually loaded, their list is just read and returned.
- classmethod make_test_instance(extensions, namespace='TESTING', propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False)¶
Construct a test ExtensionManager
Test instances are passed a list of extensions to work from rather than loading them from entry points.
- Parameters
extensions (list of
) – Pre-configured Extension instances to usenamespace (str) – The namespace for the manager; used only for identification since the extensions are passed in.
propagate_map_exceptions (bool) – When calling map, controls whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored
on_load_failure_callback (function) – Callback function that will be called when an entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception)
verify_requirements (bool) – Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False.
- Returns
The manager instance, initialized for testing
- map(func, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for each.
The signature for func() should be:
def func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass
The first argument to func(), ‘ext’, is the
instance.Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
func – Callable to invoke for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to func()
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to func()
- Returns
List of values returned from func()
- map_method(method_name, *args, **kwds)¶
Iterate over the extensions invoking a method by name.
This is equivalent of using
with func set to lambda x: x.obj.method_name() while being more convenient.Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored.
- Parameters
method_name – The extension method name to call for each extension.
args – Variable arguments to pass to method
kwds – Keyword arguments to pass to method
- Returns
List of values returned from methods
- names()¶
Returns the names of the discovered extensions
- class stevedore.extension.Extension(name, entry_point, plugin, obj)¶
Book-keeping object for tracking extensions.
The arguments passed to the constructor are saved as attributes of the instance using the same names, and can be accessed by the callables passed to
or when iterating over anExtensionManager
directly.- Parameters
name (str) – The entry point name.
entry_point (EntryPoint) – The EntryPoint instance returned by
.plugin – The value returned by entry_point.load()
obj – The object returned by
plugin(*args, **kwds)
if the manager invoked the extension on load.
- property attr¶
The attribute of the module to be loaded.
- property entry_point_target¶
The module and attribute referenced by this extension’s entry_point.
- Returns
A string representation of the target of the entry point in ‘dotted.module:object’ format.
- property extras¶
The ‘extras’ settings for the plugin.
- property module_name¶
The name of the module from which the entry point is loaded.
- Returns
A string in ‘dotted.module’ format.
- class stevedore.tests.manager.TestExtensionManager(extensions, namespace='test', invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={})¶
ExtensionManager that is explicitly initialized for tests.
class method of the class being replaced by the test instance instead of using this class directly.- Parameters
extensions (list of
) – Pre-configured Extension instances to use instead of loading them from entry points.namespace (str) – The namespace for the entry points.
invoke_on_load (bool) – Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded.
invoke_args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
invoke_kwds (dict) – Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True.
- __init__(extensions, namespace='test', invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={})¶