Secret data : Passphrases, Encryption Keys, RSA Keys - persisted in
Database [PKCS#11] or HSM [KMIP] or [KMIP, Dogtag]
Secret metadata - persisted in database
RBAC rulesets - persisted in policy.json
ACL rules - persisted in database
DB Credentials - persisted in barbican.conf
HSM Credentials - persisted in barbican.conf, clients are also paired with
the HSM (for Safenet anyway) via PKI
RabbitMQ Credentials - persisted in barbican.conf
keystone Event Queue Credentials - persisted in barbican.conf
Middleware configuration - persisted in paste.ini
[PKCS#11] HSM HMAC Key - persisted in HSM
[PKCS#11] HSM Master Key Encryption Key (MKEK) - persisted in HSM
Per-project KEKs wrapped by MKEK - stored in DB
CA (dogtag) credentials - persisted in worker process barbican.conf
keystone Credentials (barbican service account) - should be configured to
only allow token validation but in some configurations may have higher
Client keystone token - ephemeral token provided by client, validated
against keystone by barbican service account, could be any level of
permissions (e.g. service accounts for other services)
CADF Credentials - write only access to rabbit server