Quickstart guide

This guide will help you setup a vanilla Hadoop cluster using a combination of OpenStack command line tools and the sahara REST API.

1. Install sahara


2. Identity service configuration

To use the OpenStack command line tools you should specify environment variables with the configuration details for your OpenStack installation. The following example assumes that the Identity service is at, with a user admin in the admin tenant whose password is nova:

$ export OS_AUTH_URL=
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
$ export OS_USERNAME=admin
$ export OS_PASSWORD=nova

With these environment variables set you can get an authentication token using the keystone command line client as follows:

$ keystone token-get

If authentication succeeds, the output will be as follows:

|  Property |              Value               |
|  expires  |       2013-07-08T15:21:18Z       |
|     id    | dd92e3cdb4e1462690cd444d6b01b746 |
| tenant_id | 62bd2046841e4e94a87b4a22aa886c13 |
|  user_id  | 720fb87141a14fd0b204f977f5f02512 |

The id and tenant_id values will be used for creating REST calls to sahara and should be saved. The id value is the token provided by the Identity service, and the tenant_id is the UUID for the tenant name specified earlier. These values should be exported to environment variables for ease of use later.

$ export AUTH_TOKEN="dd92e3cdb4e1462690cd444d6b01b746"
$ export TENANT_ID="62bd2046841e4e94a87b4a22aa886c13"

3. Upload an image to the Image service

You will need to upload a virtual machine image to the OpenStack Image service. You can download pre-built images with vanilla Apache Hadoop installed, or build the images yourself:

  • Download and install a pre-built image with Ubuntu 13.10
$ ssh user@hostname
$ wget http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10.qcow2
$ glance image-create --name=sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10 \
   --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < ./sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10.qcow2


  • with Fedora 20
$ ssh user@hostname
$ wget http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20.qcow2
$ glance image-create --name=sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20 \
   --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < ./sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20.qcow2


  • build the image using ../userdoc/diskimagebuilder.

Save the image id, this will be used during the image registration with sahara. You can get the image id using the glance command line tool as follows:

$ glance image-list --name sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10
 | ID                                   | Name                                        |
 | 3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b | sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10  |

$ export IMAGE_ID="3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b"

4. Register the image with the sahara image registry

Now you will begin to interact with sahara by registering the virtual machine image in the sahara image registry.

Register the image with the username ubuntu. Note, the username will vary depending on the source image used, for more please see Vanilla Plugin

$ sahara image-register --id $IMAGE_ID --username ubuntu

Tag the image to inform sahara about the plugin with which it shall be used:

$ sahara image-add-tag --id $IMAGE_ID --tag vanilla
$ sahara image-add-tag --id $IMAGE_ID --tag 1.2.1

Ensure that the image is registered correctly by querying sahara. If registered successfully, the image will appear in the output as follows:

$ sahara image-list
 | name                                       | id                                    | username | tags           | description |
 | sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10 | 3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b  | ubuntu   | vanilla, 1.2.1 | None        |

5. Create node group templates

Node groups are the building blocks of clusters in sahara. Before you can begin provisioning clusters you must define a few node group templates to describe their configurations.

Note, these templates assume that floating IP addresses are not being used, for more information please see Floating IP management

Create a file named ng_master_template_create.json with the following content:

    "name": "test-master-tmpl",
    "flavor_id": "2",
    "plugin_name": "vanilla",
    "hadoop_version": "1.2.1",
    "node_processes": ["jobtracker", "namenode"],
    "auto_security_group": true

Create a file named ng_worker_template_create.json with the following content:

    "name": "test-worker-tmpl",
    "flavor_id": "2",
    "plugin_name": "vanilla",
    "hadoop_version": "1.2.1",
    "node_processes": ["tasktracker", "datanode"],
    "auto_security_group": true

Use the sahara client to upload the node group templates:

$ sahara node-group-template-create --json ng_master_template_create.json
$ sahara node-group-template-create --json ng_worker_template_create.json

List the available node group templates to ensure that they have been added properly:

$ sahara node-group-template-list
 | name             | id                                   | plugin_name | node_processes        | description |
 | test-master-tmpl | b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3 | vanilla     | jobtracker, namenode  | None        |
 | test-worker-tmpl | 634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c | vanilla     | datanode, nodemanager | None        |

Save the id for the master and worker node group templates as they will be used during cluster template creation. For example:

  • Master node group template id: b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3
  • Worker node group template id: 634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c

6. Create a cluster template

The last step before provisioning the cluster is to create a template that describes the node groups of the cluster.

Create a file named cluster_template_create.json with the following content:

    "name": "demo-cluster-template",
    "plugin_name": "vanilla",
    "hadoop_version": "1.2.1",
    "node_groups": [
            "name": "master",
            "node_group_template_id": "b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3",
            "count": 1
            "name": "workers",
            "node_group_template_id": "634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c",
            "count": 2

Upload the Cluster template using the sahara command line tool:

$ sahara cluster-template-create --json cluster_template_create.json

Save the template id for use in the cluster provisioning command. The cluster id can be found in the output of the creation command or by listing the cluster templates as follows:

$ sahara cluster-template-list
| name                  | id                                   | plugin_name | node_groups           | description |
| demo-cluster-template | c0609da7-faac-4dcf-9cbc-858a3aa130cd | vanilla     | master: 1, workers: 2 | None        |

7. Create cluster

Now you will provision the cluster. This step requires a few pieces of information that will be found by querying various OpenStack services.

Create a file named cluster_create.json with the following content:

    "name": "cluster-1",
    "plugin_name": "vanilla",
    "hadoop_version": "1.2.1",
    "cluster_template_id" : "c0609da7-faac-4dcf-9cbc-858a3aa130cd",
    "user_keypair_id": "stack",
    "default_image_id": "3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b"
    "neutron_management_network": "8cccf998-85e4-4c5f-8850-63d33c1c6916"

The parameter user_keypair_id with the value stack is generated by creating a keypair. You can create your own keypair in the OpenStack Dashboard, or through the nova command line client as follows:

$ nova keypair-add stack --pub-key $PATH_TO_PUBLIC_KEY

If sahara is configured to use neutron for networking, you will also need to include the neutron_management_network parameter in cluster_create.json. Cluster instances will get fixed IP addresses in this network. You can determine the neutron network id with the following command:

$ neutron net-list

Create and start the cluster:

$ sahara cluster-create --json cluster_create.json
 | Property                   | Value                                           |
 | status                     | Validating                                      |
 | neutron_management_network | 8cccf998-85e4-4c5f-8850-63d33c1c6916            |
 | is_transient               | False                                           |
 | description                | None                                            |
 | user_keypair_id            | stack                                           |
 | updated_at                 | 2013-07-07T19:01:51                             |
 | plugin_name                | vanilla                                         |
 | anti_affinity              | []                                              |
 | node_groups                | [{u'count': 1, u'name': u'master',              |
 |                            | u'instances': [], u'volume_mount_prefix':       |
 |                            | u'/volumes/disk', u'created_at': u'2015-03-17   |
 |                            | 18:33:42', u'updated_at': None,                 |
 |                            | u'floating_ip_pool': u'70b8c139-096b-4b3b-b29f- |
 |                            | f42b16316758', u'image_id': None,               |
 |                            | u'volumes_size': 0, u'node_configs': {},        |
 |                            | u'node_group_template_id': u'09946a01-7973-4f63 |
 |                            | -9aca-7fc6d498d8a6', u'volumes_per_node': 0,    |
 |                            | u'node_processes': [u'jobtracker',              |
 |                            | u'namenode'], u'auto_security_group': True,     |
 |                            | u'security_groups': None, u'flavor_id': u'2'},  |
 |                            | {u'count': 2, u'name': u'workers',              |
 |                            | u'instances': [], u'volume_mount_prefix':       |
 |                            | u'/volumes/disk', u'created_at': u'2015-03-17   |
 |                            | 18:33:42', u'updated_at': None,                 |
 |                            | u'floating_ip_pool': u'70b8c139-096b-4b3b-b29f- |
 |                            | f42b16316758', u'image_id': None,               |
 |                            | u'volumes_size': 0, u'node_configs': {},        |
 |                            | u'node_group_template_id': u'ceb017bd-0568-42e9 |
 |                            | -890b-03eb298dc99f', u'volumes_per_node': 0,    |
 |                            | u'node_processes': [u'tasktracker',             |
 |                            | u'datanode'], u'auto_security_group': True,     |
 |                            | u'security_groups': None, u'flavor_id': u'2'}]  |
 | management_public_key      | ssh-rsa BBBBB3NzaB1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCziEF+3oJ |
 |                            | ki6Fd1rvuiducJ470DN9ZFagiFbLfcwqu7TNKee10uice5P |
 |                            | KmvpusXMaL5LiZFTHafbFJfNUlah90yGpfsYqbcx2dMNqoU |
 |                            | EF4ZvEVO7RVU8jCe7DXBEkBFGQ1x/v17vyaxIJ8AqnFVSuu |
 |                            | FgfcHuihLAC250ZlfNWMcoFhUy6MsBocoxCF6MVal5Xt8nw |
 |                            | Y8o8xTQwd/f4wbAeAE3P0TaOCpXpMxxLL/hMDALekdxs1Gh |
 |                            | Mk0k5rbj4oD9AKx8+/jucIxS6mmwqWwwqo7jmy2jIsukOGZ |
 |                            | 1LdeNe0ctOX56k1LoZybzMzT6NbgUwfuIRbOwuryy2QbWwV |
 |                            | gX6t Generated by Sahara                        |
 | status_description         |                                                 |
 | hadoop_version             | 1.2.1                                           |
 | id                         | c5e755a2-b3f9-417b-948b-e99ed7fbf1e3            |
 | trust_id                   | None                                            |
 | info                       | {}                                              |
 | cluster_template_id        | c0609da7-faac-4dcf-9cbc-858a3aa130cd            |
 | name                       | cluster-1                                       |
 | cluster_configs            | {}                                              |
 | created_at                 | 2013-07-07T19:01:51                             |
 | default_image_id           | 3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b            |
 | tenant_id                  | 3fd7266fb3b547b1a45307b481bcadfd                |

Verify the cluster launched successfully by using the sahara command line tool as follows:

$ sahara cluster-list
 | name      | id                                   | status | node_count |
 | cluster-1 | c5e755a2-b3f9-417b-948b-e99ed7fbf1e3 | Active | 3          |

The cluster creation operation may take several minutes to complete. During this time the “status” returned from the previous command may show states other than “Active”.

8. Run a MapReduce job

Check that your Hadoop installation is working properly by running an example job on the cluster manually.

  • Login to the NameNode via ssh:
$ ssh ubuntu@<namenode_ip>
  • Switch to the hadoop user:
$ sudo su hadoop
  • Go to the shared hadoop directory and run the simplest MapReduce example:
$ cd /usr/share/hadoop
$ hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar pi 10 100

Congratulations! Now you have the Hadoop cluster ready on the OpenStack cloud.