Current Series Release Notes

Upgrade Notes

  • Any deployments using the amqp1 oslo.messaging driver should be migrated to use the default rabbitmq oslo.messaging driver. Previously deprecated support for amqp1 has been removed from oslo.messaging for the Epoxy release, see Accordingly, support for amqp1 messaging and deployment of qdrouterd has been removed from OpenStack-Ansible. A migration away from amqp1 is required before any upgrade of OpenStack-Ansible to the Epoxy release. qdrouterd can be removed entirely from the deployment and ansible inventory once the migration to rabbitmq is complete.

Deprecation Notes

  • Use of amqp1 messaging, previously deprecated in oslo.messaging is not supported in the Epoxy release of OpenStack-Ansible. The previously supported provider of amqp1 messaging, qdrouterd, can no longer be deployed using the OpenStack-Ansible playbooks.


Behavior of rabbitmq_upgrade variable has changed. It no longer can be used to reset the cluster state. It now acts solely as a flag to perform a rolling-upgrade of the existing cluster.

New Features

  • Added a variable rabbitmq_erlang_package_version that can be used to define an erlang version being used when external_repo is used as package source.

  • The neutron firewall-as-a-servie dashboard will be automatically deployed if the FWaaS service is enabled. FWaaS is now an active deliverable again fron the Neutron project.

  • RabbitMQ version is upgraded to a new major version 4.0

Upgrade Notes

  • uWSGI has been re-enabled by default for Neutron one more time. With that new services are introduced which should ensure adequate functionality of Neutron when uWSGI is being used.

    • neutron-periodic-workers service is enabled for all drivers when WSGI is being used. It runs along with previously existing neutron-rpc-server

    • neutron-ovn-maintenance-worker service is added only if ml2.ovn is being used as neutron_plugin_type. The service will be enabled and running only when WSGI is used for Neutron neutron_use_uwsgi is set to True

  • If you are using Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish and install_method: distro please make sure to disable neutron_use_uwsgi as required binaries for this mode to work are missing from packages for this distro.

  • Please, make sure you are running RabbitMQ version of 3.13 before proceeding with the upgrade. In case you RabbitMQ version is lower then 3.13 upgrade to 4.0 will fail. You can run upgrade to 3.13 with same version of role by supplying variable rabbitmq_package_version during runtime, for example: openstack-ansible openstack.osa.rabbitmq_server -e rabbitmq_upgrade=true -e rabbitmq_package_version=3.13.7-1 and then re-running upgrade normally to 4.0.

Deprecation Notes

  • Following deprecated variables were removed and have no effect:

    • cinder_service_v2_name

    • cinder_service_v2_port

    • cinder_service_v2_proto

    • cinder_service_v2_type

    • cinder_service_v2_description

    • cinder_service_v2_publicuri

    • cinder_service_v2_publicurl

    • cinder_service_v2_adminuri

    • cinder_service_v2_adminurl

    • cinder_service_v2_internaluri

    • cinder_service_v2_internalurl

  • Following variables were deprecated and removed in favor of their analogues

    • cinder_service_description -> cinder_service_v3_description

    • cinder_service_publicuri_proto -> cinder_service_v3_publicuri_proto

    • cinder_service_adminuri_proto -> cinder_service_v3_adminuri_proto

    • cinder_service_internaluri_proto -> cinder_service_v3_internaluri_proto

    • cinder_service_type -> cinder_service_v3_type

    • cinder_service_publicuri -> cinder_service_v3_publicurl

    • cinder_service_adminuri -> cinder_service_v3_adminurl

    • cinder_service_internaluri -> cinder_service_v3_internalurl

    • cinder_service_v3_port -> cinder_service_port

    • cinder_service_v3_proto -> cinder_service_proto

  • Variable rabbitmq_erlang_version_spec has been deprecated and does not have any effect anymore. Please, use rabbitmq_erlang_package_version instead.

  • Variable haproxy_tls_vip_binds has been renamed to haproxy_vip_binds to better reflect variable purpose. Old variable name is still respected but it’s usage is descouraged and old naming will be removed in the future.

Bug Fixes

  • Issues with uWSGI mode for Neutron has been addressed and uWSGI be used for the service.

Other Notes

  • Supplying rabbitmq_upgrade=true no longer re-initialize cluster and will perform regular rolling upgrade of the RabbitMQ cluster.