2023.1 Series Release Notes


Upgrade Notes

  • Python 3.6 & 3.7 support has been dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported is Python 3.8.



Neutron-fwaas-dashboard project is now deprecated in the Neutron stadium.

Upgrade Notes

  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Last release of neutron-fwaas dashboard to support py2.7 is OpenStack Train. The minimum version of Python now supported by neutron-fwaas-dashboard is Python 3.6.

Deprecation Notes

  • Due to lack of maintainers neutron-fwaas-dashboard project is now deprecated in the Neutron stadium. There is no planned releases of this project in the Victoria cycle. In W cycle project will be moved out from the stadium to the unofficial OpenStack projects. If You want to step in and be maintainer of this project to keep it in the Neutron stadium, please contact the neutron team via openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org or IRC channel #openstack-neutron @freenode.


Upgrade Notes

  • FWaaS v1 support was dropped. FWaaS v1 has been deprecated in neutron-fwaas and was dropped in Stein release. Along with neutron-fwaas, neutron-fwaas-dashboard dropped its support.



  • FWaaS v2 用のパネルが新たに追加されました。 neutron-fwaas-dashboard の新リリースをインストールすると、お使いの環境の neutron で FWaaS v2 API が利用可能であれば、 FWaaS v2 用のパネルが表示されます、



OpenStack Dashboard の Neutron FWaaS 対応は、別の Python パッケージに分離されました。


  • OpenStack Dashboard の Neutron FWaaS 対応は、別のパッケージ neutron-fwaas-dashboard として分離されました。 OpenStack Dashboard を Pike リリースにアップグレードした後で、 neutron-fwaas-dashboard をインストールし、 Neutron FWaaS ダッシュボード用の enabled ファイルを追加する必要があります。詳しくは https://docs.openstack.org/neutron-fwaas-dashboard/latest/ を参照してください。


  • "Add Router" and "Remove Router" operations are now controlled by update_firewall rule in the policy.json file. Previously they were controlled by get_firewall rule and non-existing rules like add_router and remove_router. If operators define their custom policy rules for add_router and remove_router, such policy rules need to updated accordingly. [bug 1703952]

  • Handling a shared rule or policy is now controlled by the policy mechanism. Only admin users (by default) can set shared attribute when creating or updating a firewall rule or policy. The checkbox on shared attribute is now disabled if a user has no sufficient permission. [bug 1699717]