현재 시리즈 릴리즈 노트

새로운 기능

  • Glance now inspects image content on upload and import, checking format adherence with the declared disk_format and running safety checks on content it recognizes. The new config knob [image_format]/require_image_format_match controls whether or not images are rejected when the format set on image create does not match the content that is uploaded. Some images that are currently treated as raw may trigger safety check failures when examining the MBR record (or what glance thinks is an MBR). These may be legit failures (due to proliferation of GPT images with invalid Protective MBR structures) as well as other content that attempts to be PC-BIOS-Bootable and thus have a quasi-MBR structure ahead of the payload which may not be fully compliant. Thus a new config knob [image_format]/gpt_safety_checks_nonfatal is added to (by default) allow these failures to be non-fatal.

업그레이드 노트

  • The stores_info_detail policy has deprecated the rule rule:context_is_admin in favor of rule:context_is_admin AND service_roles:service to allow service to service interaction.

  • Glance will check that uploaded content matches disk_format by default, so operators should be on the lookout for any false positives and be ready for reports of upload failures if users are currently not properly representing their uploads.

  • Support for Python 3.8 has been removed. Now the minimum python version supported is 3.9 .

지원 종료된 기능 노트

  • The stores_info_detail policy has deprecated the rule rule:context_is_admin in favor of rule:context_is_admin AND service_roles:service to allow service to service interaction.

새로운 기능

  • A new file, glance/wsgi/api.py, has been added as a place to hold a WSGI application object. This is intended to ease deployment by providing a consistent location for these objects. For example, if using uWSGI then instead of:

    wsgi-file = /bin/glance-wsgi-api

    You can now use:

    module = glance.wsgi.api:application

    This also simplifies deployment with other WSGI servers that expect module paths such as gunicorn.

업그레이드 노트

  • Support for running glance services in Windows operating systems has been removed.

버그 수정

  • Bug 2081009: oslo_config.cfg.NotInitializedError when switching default policy_file in oslo.policy

  • Bug 2086675: Suspected performance regression for RBD back end linked to location sorting

기타 기능

  • Updated the stores detail API response to include fsid field in RBD store properties.