consistency group snapshot

Block Storage v2

consistency group snapshot create

Create new consistency group snapshot.

os consistency group snapshot create
    [--consistency-group <consistency-group>]
    [--description <description>]
--consistency-group <consistency-group>

Consistency group to snapshot (name or ID) (default to be the same as <snapshot-name>)

--description <description>

Description of this consistency group snapshot


Name of new consistency group snapshot (default to None)

consistency group snapshot delete

Delete consistency group snapshot(s)

os consistency group snapshot delete
    <consistency-group-snapshot> [<consistency-group-snapshot> ...]

Consistency group snapshot(s) to delete (name or ID)

consistency group snapshot list

List consistency group snapshots.

os consistency group snapshot list
    [--status <status>]
    [--consistency-group <consistency-group>]

Show detail for all projects. Admin only. (defaults to False)


List additional fields in output

--status <status>

Filters results by a status (“available”, “error”, “creating”, “deleting” or “error_deleting”)

--consistency-group <consistency-group>

Filters results by a consistency group (name or ID)

consistency group snapshot show

Display consistency group snapshot details.

os consistency group snapshot show

Consistency group snapshot to display (name or ID)