Cinder volume replication¶
Cinder volume replication is a primary/secondary failover solution based on two-way Ceph RBD mirroring.
The cloud deployment in this document is based on the stable openstack-base bundle in the openstack-bundles repository. The necessary documentation is found in the bundle README.
A custom overlay bundle (cinder-volume-replication-overlay) is used to extend the base cloud in order to implement volume replication.
The key elements for adding volume replication to Ceph RBD mirroring is the
relation between cinder-ceph in one site and ceph-mon in the other (using the
endpoint) and the cinder-ceph charm
configuration option rbd-mirroring-mode=image
Cloud notes:
The cloud used in these instructions is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) and OpenStack Victoria. The openstack-base bundle may have been updated since.
The two Ceph clusters are named ‘site-a’ and ‘site-b’ and are placed in the same Juju model.
A site’s pool is named after its corresponding cinder-ceph application (e.g. ‘cinder-ceph-a’ for site-a) and is mirrored to the other site. Each site will therefore have two pools: ‘cinder-ceph-a’ and ‘cinder-ceph-b’.
Glance is only backed by site-a.
To deploy:
juju deploy ./bundle.yaml --overlay ./cinder-volume-replication-overlay.yaml
Configuration and verification of the base cloud¶
Configure the base cloud as per the referenced documentation.
Before proceeding, verify the base cloud by creating a VM and connecting to it over SSH. See the main bundle’s README for guidance.
A known issue affecting the interaction of the ceph-rbd-mirror charm and
Ceph itself gives the impression of a fatal error. The symptom is messaging
that appears in juju status command output: Pools WARNING (1)
OK (1) Images unknown (1)
. This remains a cosmetic issue however. See bug
LP #1892201 for details.
Cinder volume types¶
For each site, create replicated and non-replicated Cinder volumes types. A type is referenced at volume-creation time in order to specify whether the volume is replicated (or not) and what pool it will reside in.
Type ‘site-a-repl’ denotes replication in site-a:
openstack volume type create site-a-repl \
--property volume_backend_name=cinder-ceph-a \
--property replication_enabled='<is> True'
Type ‘site-a-local’ denotes non-replication in site-a:
openstack volume type create site-a-local \
--property volume_backend_name=cinder-ceph-a
Type ‘site-b-repl’ denotes replication in site-b:
openstack volume type create site-b-repl \
--property volume_backend_name=cinder-ceph-b \
--property replication_enabled='<is> True'
Type ‘site-b-local’ denotes non-replication in site-b:
openstack volume type create site-b-local \
--property volume_backend_name=cinder-ceph-b
List the volume types:
openstack volume type list
| ID | Name | Is Public |
| ee70dfd9-7b97-407d-a860-868e0209b93b | site-b-local | True |
| b0f6d6b5-9c76-4967-9eb4-d488a6690712 | site-b-repl | True |
| fc89ca9b-d75a-443e-9025-6710afdbfd5c | site-a-local | True |
| 780980dc-1357-4fbd-9714-e16a79df252a | site-a-repl | True |
| d57df78d-ff27-4cf0-9959-0ada21ce86ad | __DEFAULT__ | True |
In this document, site-b volume types will not be used. They are created here for the more generalised case where new volumes may be needed while site-a is in a failover state. In such a circumstance, any volumes created in site-b will naturally not be replicated (in site-a).
RBD image status¶
The status of the two RBD images associated with a replicated volume can be
queried using the status
action of the ceph-rbd-mirror unit for each site.
A state of up+replaying
in combination with the presence of
in the image description means the image in one
site is in sync with its counterpart in the other site.
A state of up+syncing
indicates that the sync process is still underway.
A description of local image is primary
means that the image is the
Consider the volume below that is created and given the volume type of ‘site-a-repl’. Its primary will be in site-a and its non-primary (secondary) will be in site-b:
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl vol-site-a-repl
Their statuses can be queried in each site as shown:
Site a (primary),
juju run-action --wait site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status verbose=true | grep -A3 volume-
global_id: f66140a6-0c09-478c-9431-4eb1eb16ca86
state: up+stopped
description: local image is primary
Site b (secondary is in sync with the primary),
juju run-action --wait site-b-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status verbose=true | grep -A3 volume-
global_id: f66140a6-0c09-478c-9431-4eb1eb16ca86
state: up+replaying
description: replaying, {"bytes_per_second":0.0,"entries_behind_primary":0,.....
Cinder service list¶
To verify the state of Cinder services the cinder service-list
command is
cinder service-list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T15:59:25.000000 | - | - | |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-a | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T15:59:24.000000 | - | - | up |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-b | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T15:59:25.000000 | - | - | up |
Each of the below examples ends with a failback to site-a. The above output is the desired result.
The failover of a particular site entails the referencing of its corresponding
cinder-volume service host (e.g. cinder@cinder-ceph-a
for site-a). We’ll
see how to do this later on.
‘cinder-ceph-a’ and ‘cinder-ceph-b’ correspond to the two applications deployed via the cinder-ceph charm. The express purpose of this charm is to connect Cinder to a Ceph cluster. See the cinder-volume-replication-overlay bundle for details.
Failover, volumes, images, and pools¶
This section will show the basics of failover/failback, non-replicated vs replicated volumes, and what pools are used for the volume images.
In site-a, create one non-replicated and one replicated data volume and list them:
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-local vol-site-a-local
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl vol-site-a-repl
openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| fba13395-62d1-468e-9b9a-40bebd0373e8 | vol-site-a-local | available | 5 | |
| c21a539e-d524-4f4d-991b-9b9476d4f930 | vol-site-a-repl | available | 5 | |
Pools and images¶
For ‘vol-site-a-local’ there should be one image in the ‘cinder-ceph-a’ pool of site-a.
For ‘vol-site-a-repl’ there should be two images: one in the ‘cinder-ceph-a’ pool of site-a and one in the ‘cinder-ceph-a’ pool of site-b:
This can all be confirmed by querying a Ceph MON in each site:
juju ssh site-a-ceph-mon/0 sudo rbd ls -p cinder-ceph-a
juju ssh site-b-ceph-mon/0 sudo rbd ls -p cinder-ceph-a
Perform the failover of site-a:
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a
Wait until the failover is complete:
cinder service-list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T17:11:56.000000 | - | - | |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-a | nova | disabled | up | 2021-04-08T17:11:56.000000 | - | failed-over | - |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-b | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T17:11:56.000000 | - | - | up |
A failover triggers the promotion of one site and the demotion of the other (site-b and site-a respectively in this example). Communication between Cinder and each Ceph cluster is therefore ideal, as in this example.
By consulting the volume list we see that the replicated volume is still available but that the non-replicated volume has errored:
openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| fba13395-62d1-468e-9b9a-40bebd0373e8 | vol-site-a-local | error | 5 | |
| c21a539e-d524-4f4d-991b-9b9476d4f930 | vol-site-a-repl | available | 5 | |
Generally a failover indicates a significant degree of non-confidence in the primary site, site-a in this case. Once a local volume goes into an error state due to a failover it is expected to not recover after failback. The errored local volumes should normally be discarded (deleted).
Failback site-a and confirm the original health of Cinder services (as per Cinder service list):
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a --backend_id default
cinder service-list
The following two examples will be considered. They will both use replication and involve the failing over of site-a to site-b:
Data volume used by a VM¶
In this example, a replicated data volume will be created in site-a and attached to a VM. The volume’s block device will then have some test data written to it. This will allow for verification of the replicated data once failover has occurred and the volume is re-attached to the VM.
Create the replicated data volume:
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl vol-site-a-repl-data
openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| f23732c1-3257-4e58-a214-085c460abf56 | vol-site-a-repl-data | available | 5 | |
Create the VM (named ‘vm-with-data-volume’):
openstack server create --image focal-amd64 --flavor m1.tiny \
--key-name mykey --network int_net vm-with-data-volume
FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack server add floating ip vm-with-data-volume $FLOATING_IP
openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| fbe07fea-731e-4973-8455-c8466be72293 | vm-with-data-volume | ACTIVE | int_net=, | focal-amd64 | m1.tiny |
Attach the data volume to the VM:
openstack server add volume vm-with-data-volume vol-site-a-repl-data
Prepare the block device and write the test data to it:
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
> sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdc
> mkdir data
> sudo mount /dev/vdc data
> sudo chown ubuntu: data
> echo "This is a test." > data/test.txt
> sync
> exit
When both sites are online, as is here, it is not recommended to perform a failover when volumes are in use. This is because Cinder will try to demote the Ceph image from the primary site, and if there is an active connection to it the operation may fail (i.e. the volume will transition to an error state).
Here we ensure the volume is not in use by unmounting the block device and removing it from the VM:
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP sudo umount /dev/vdc
openstack server remove vm-with-data-volume vol-site-a-repl-data
Prior to failover the images of all replicated volumes must be fully
synchronised. Perform a check with the ceph-rbd-mirror charm’s status
action as per RBD image status. If the volumes were created in site-a then
the ceph-rbd-mirror unit in site-b is the target:
juju run-action --wait site-b-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status verbose=true | grep -A3 volume-
If all images look good, perform the failover of site-a:
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a
cinder service-list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T19:30:29.000000 | - | - | |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-a | nova | disabled | up | 2021-04-08T19:30:28.000000 | - | failed-over | - |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-b | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T19:30:28.000000 | - | - | up |
Re-attach the volume to the VM:
openstack server add volume vm-with-data-volume vol-site-a-repl-data
Verify that the secondary device contains the expected data:
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
> sudo mount /dev/vdc /data
> cat /data/test.txt
This is a test.
Failback site-a and confirm the original health of Cinder services (as per Cinder service list):
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a --backend_id default
cinder service-list
Bootable volume used by a VM¶
In this example, a bootable volume will be created in site-a and have a newly-created VM use that volume as its root device. Identically to the previous example, the volume’s block device will have test data written to it to use for verification purposes.
Create the replicated bootable volume:
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl --image focal-amd64 --bootable vol-site-a-repl-boot
Wait for the volume to become available (it may take a while):
openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| c44d4d20-6ede-422a-903d-588d1b0d51b0 | vol-site-a-repl-boot | available | 5 | |
Create a VM (named ‘vm-with-boot-volume’) by specifying the newly-created bootable volume:
openstack server create --volume vol-site-a-repl-boot --flavor m1.tiny \
--key-name mykey --network int_net vm-with-boot-volume
FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack server add floating ip vm-with-boot-volume $FLOATING_IP
openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| c0a152d7-376b-4500-95d4-7c768a3ff280 | vm-with-boot-volume | ACTIVE | int_net=, | N/A (booted from volume) | m1.tiny |
Write the test data to the block device:
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
> echo "This is a test." > test.txt
> sync
> exit
As explained previously, when both sites are functional, prior to failover the replicated volume should not be in use. Since the testing of the replicated boot volume requires the VM to be rebuilt anyway (Cinder needs to give the updated Ceph connection credentials to Nova) the easiest way forward is to simply delete the VM:
openstack server delete vm-with-boot-volume
Like before, prior to failover, confirm that the images of all replicated
volumes in site-b are fully synchronised. Perform a check with the
ceph-rbd-mirror charm’s status
action as per RBD image status:
juju run-action --wait site-b-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status verbose=true | grep -A3 volume-
If all images look good, perform the failover of site-a:
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a
cinder service-list
| Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated_at | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-scheduler | cinder | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T21:29:12.000000 | - | - | |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-a | nova | disabled | up | 2021-04-08T21:29:12.000000 | - | failed-over | - |
| cinder-volume | cinder@cinder-ceph-b | nova | enabled | up | 2021-04-08T21:29:11.000000 | - | - | up |
Re-create the VM:
openstack server create --volume vol-site-a-repl-boot --flavor m1.tiny \
--key-name mykey --network int_net vm-with-boot-volume
FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address ext_net)
openstack server add floating ip vm-with-boot-volume $FLOATING_IP
Verify that the root device contains the expected data:
ssh -i ~/cloud-keys/mykey ubuntu@$FLOATING_IP
> cat test.txt
This is a test.
> exit
Failback site-a and confirm the original health of Cinder services (as per Cinder service list):
cinder failover-host cinder@cinder-ceph-a --backend_id default
cinder service-list
Disaster recovery¶
An uncontrolled failover is known as the disaster recovery scenario. It is characterised by the sudden failure of the primary Ceph cluster. See the Cinder volume replication - Disaster recovery page for more information.