oslo_vmware package¶
oslo_vmware.api module¶
Session and API call management for VMware ESX/VC server.
This module contains classes to invoke VIM APIs. It supports automatic session re-establishment and retry of API invocations in case of connection problems or server API call overload.
- class oslo_vmware.api.RetryDecorator(max_retry_count=- 1, inc_sleep_time=10, max_sleep_time=60, exceptions=())¶
Decorator for retrying a function upon suggested exceptions.
The decorated function is retried for the given number of times, and the sleep time between the retries is incremented until max sleep time is reached. If the max retry count is set to -1, then the decorated function is invoked indefinitely until an exception is thrown, and the caught exception is not in the list of suggested exceptions.
- class oslo_vmware.api.VMwareAPISession(host, server_username, server_password, api_retry_count, task_poll_interval, scheme='https', create_session=True, wsdl_loc=None, pbm_wsdl_loc=None, port=443, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_size=10, connection_timeout=None, op_id_prefix='oslo.vmware')¶
Setup a session with the server and handles all calls made to it.
- Example:
- api_session = VMwareAPISession(‘’, ‘administrator’,
‘password’, 10, 0.1, create_session=False, port=443)
- result = api_session.invoke_api(vim_util, ‘get_objects’,
api_session.vim, ‘HostSystem’, 100)
- invoke_api(module, method, *args, **kwargs)¶
Wrapper method for invoking APIs.
The API call is retried in the event of exceptions due to session overload or connection problems.
- Parameters
module – module corresponding to the VIM API call
method – method in the module which corresponds to the VIM API call
args – arguments to the method
kwargs – keyword arguments to the method
- Returns
response from the API call
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- is_current_session_active()¶
Check if current session is active.
- Returns
True if the session is active; False otherwise
- logout()¶
Log out and terminate the current session.
- property pbm¶
- pbm_wsdl_loc_set(pbm_wsdl_loc)¶
- property vim¶
- wait_for_lease_ready(lease)¶
Waits for the given lease to be ready.
This method return when the lease is ready. In case of any error, appropriate exception is raised.
- Parameters
lease – lease to be checked for
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- wait_for_task(task)¶
Waits for the given task to complete and returns the result.
The task is polled until it is done. The method returns the task information upon successful completion. In case of any error, appropriate exception is raised.
- Parameters
task – managed object reference of the task
- Returns
task info upon successful completion of the task
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
oslo_vmware.constants module¶
Shared constants across the VMware ecosystem.
oslo_vmware.dvs_util module¶
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.add_port_group(session, dvs_moref, name, vlan_id=None, trunk_mode=False)¶
Add a new port group to the dvs_moref
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
dvs_moref – managed DVS object reference
name – the name of the port group
vlan_id – vlan_id for the port
trunk_mode – indicates if the port will have trunk mode or use specific tag above
- Returns
The new portgroup moref
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.delete_port_group(session, portgroup_moref)¶
Delete a specific port group
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
portgroup_moref – managed portgroup object reference
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.get_dvs_moref(value)¶
Get managed DVS object reference.
- Parameters
value – value of the DVS managed object
- Returns
managed object reference with given value and type ‘VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch’
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.get_port_group_spec(session, name, vlan_id, trunk_mode=False)¶
Gets the port group spec for a distributed port group
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
name – the name of the port group
vlan_id – vlan_id for the port
trunk_mode – indicates if the port will have trunk mode or use specific tag above
- Returns
The configuration for a port group.
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.get_portgroups(session, dvs_moref)¶
Gets all configured portgroups on the dvs_moref
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
dvs_moref – managed DVS object reference
- Returns
List of tuples that have the following format: (portgroup name, port group moref)
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.get_trunk_vlan_spec(session, start=0, end=4094)¶
Gets portgroup trunk vlan spec.
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
start – the starting id
end – then end id
- Returns
The configuration when a port uses trunk mode. This allows a guest to manage the vlan id.
- oslo_vmware.dvs_util.get_vlan_spec(session, vlan_id)¶
Gets portgroup vlan spec.
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
vlan_id – the vlan_id for the port
- Returns
The configuration when a single vlan_id is used for a port
oslo_vmware.exceptions module¶
Exception definitions.
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 409¶
- msg_fmt = 'Resource already exists.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.CannotDeleteFileException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 403¶
- msg_fmt = 'Cannot delete file.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.DuplicateName(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- msg_fmt = 'Duplicate name.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.FileAlreadyExistsException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 409¶
- msg_fmt = 'File already exists.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.FileFaultException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 409¶
- msg_fmt = 'File fault.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.FileLockedException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 403¶
- msg_fmt = 'File locked.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.FileNotFoundException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 404¶
- msg_fmt = 'File not found.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.ImageTransferException(message, cause=None)¶
Thrown when there is an error during image transfer.
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.InvalidPowerStateException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 409¶
- msg_fmt = 'Invalid power state.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.InvalidPropertyException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 400¶
- msg_fmt = 'Invalid property.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.ManagedObjectNotFoundException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 404¶
- msg_fmt = 'Managed object not found.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.MissingParameter(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- msg_fmt = 'Missing parameter : %(param)s'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.NoDiskSpaceException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- msg_fmt = 'Insufficient disk space.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.NoPermissionException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 403¶
- msg_fmt = 'No Permission.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- code = 403¶
- msg_fmt = 'Not Authenticated.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.TaskInProgress(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- msg_fmt = 'Entity has another operation in process.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.UseLinkedCloneConfigurationFault(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
- msg_fmt = 'No default value for use_linked_clone found.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverConfigurationException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
Base class for all configuration exceptions.
- msg_fmt = 'VMware Driver configuration fault.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
Base oslo.vmware exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a ‘msg_fmt’ property. That msg_fmt will get printf’d with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
- property description¶
- property msg¶
- msg_fmt = 'An unknown exception occurred.'¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VimAttributeException(message, cause=None)¶
Thrown when a particular attribute cannot be found.
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VimConnectionException(message, cause=None)¶
Thrown when there is a connection problem.
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VimException(message=None, cause=None, details=None, **kwargs)¶
The base exception class for all VIM related exceptions.
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VimFaultException(fault_list, message, cause=None, details=None)¶
Exception thrown when there are unrecognized VIM faults.
- property description¶
- exception oslo_vmware.exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(message, cause=None)¶
Thrown when there is an API call overload at the VMware server.
- oslo_vmware.exceptions.get_fault_class(name)¶
Get a named subclass of VimException.
- oslo_vmware.exceptions.register_fault_class(name, exception)¶
- oslo_vmware.exceptions.translate_fault(localized_method_fault, excep_msg=None)¶
Produce proper VimException subclass object,
The exception is based on a vmodl.LocalizedMethodFault.
- Parameters
excep_msg – Message to set to the exception. Defaults to localizedMessage of the fault.
oslo_vmware.image_transfer module¶
Functions and classes for image transfer between ESX/VC & image service.
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.copy_stream_optimized_disk(context, timeout_secs, write_handle, **kwargs)¶
Copy virtual disk from VMware server to the given write handle.
- Parameters
context – context
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the copy to complete
write_handle – copy destination
kwargs – keyword arguments to configure the source VMDK read handle
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException, ImageTransferException, ValueError
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.download_file(read_handle, host, port, dc_name, ds_name, cookies, upload_file_path, file_size, cacerts, timeout_secs)¶
Download file to VMware server.
- Parameters
read_handle – file read handle
host – VMware server host name or IP address
port – VMware server port number
dc_name – name of the datacenter which contains the destination datastore
ds_name – name of the destination datastore
cookies – cookies to build the cookie header while establishing http connection with VMware server
upload_file_path – destination datastore file path
file_size – source file size
cacerts – CA bundle file to use for SSL verification
timeout_secs – timeout in seconds to wait for the download to complete
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.download_flat_image(context, timeout_secs, image_service, image_id, **kwargs)¶
Download flat image from the image service to VMware server.
- Parameters
context – image service write context
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the download to complete
image_service – image service handle
image_id – ID of the image to be downloaded
kwargs – keyword arguments to configure the destination file write handle
- Raises
VimConnectionException, ImageTransferException, ValueError
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.download_image(image, image_meta, session, datastore, rel_path, bypass=True, timeout_secs=7200)¶
Transfer an image to a datastore.
- Parameters
image – file-like iterator
image_meta – image metadata
session – VMwareAPISession object
datastore – Datastore object
rel_path – path where the file will be stored in the datastore
bypass – if set to True, bypass vCenter to download the image
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the xfer to complete
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.download_stream_optimized_data(context, timeout_secs, read_handle, **kwargs)¶
Download stream optimized data to VMware server.
- Parameters
context – image service write context
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the download to complete
read_handle – handle from which to read the image data
kwargs – keyword arguments to configure the destination VMDK write handle
- Returns
managed object reference of the VM created for import to VMware server
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException, ImageTransferException, ValueError
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.download_stream_optimized_image(context, timeout_secs, image_service, image_id, **kwargs)¶
Download stream optimized image from image service to VMware server.
- Parameters
context – image service write context
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the download to complete
image_service – image service handle
image_id – ID of the image to be downloaded
kwargs – keyword arguments to configure the destination VMDK write handle
- Returns
managed object reference of the VM created for import to VMware server
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException, ImageTransferException, ValueError
- oslo_vmware.image_transfer.upload_image(context, timeout_secs, image_service, image_id, owner_id, **kwargs)¶
Upload the VM’s disk file to image service.
- Parameters
context – image service write context
timeout_secs – time in seconds to wait for the upload to complete
image_service – image service handle
image_id – upload destination image ID
kwargs – keyword arguments to configure the source VMDK read handle
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException, ImageTransferException, ValueError
oslo_vmware.image_util module¶
- oslo_vmware.image_util.get_vmdk_name_from_ovf(ovf_handle)¶
Get the vmdk name from the given ovf descriptor.
oslo_vmware.pbm module¶
VMware PBM service client and PBM related utility methods
PBM is used for policy based placement in VMware datastores. Refer http://goo.gl/GR2o6U for more details.
- class oslo_vmware.pbm.Pbm(protocol='https', host='localhost', port=443, wsdl_url=None, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10, connection_timeout=None, op_id_prefix='oslo.vmware')¶
Service class that provides access to the Storage Policy API.
- retrieve_service_content()¶
- set_soap_cookie(cookie)¶
Set the specified vCenter session cookie in the SOAP header
- Parameters
cookie – cookie to set
- oslo_vmware.pbm.convert_datastores_to_hubs(pbm_client_factory, datastores)¶
Convert given datastore morefs to PbmPlacementHub morefs.
- Parameters
pbm_client_factory – Factory to create PBM API input specs
datastores – list of datastore morefs
- Returns
list of PbmPlacementHub morefs
- oslo_vmware.pbm.filter_datastores_by_hubs(hubs, datastores)¶
Get filtered subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list.
- Parameters
hubs – list of PbmPlacementHub morefs
datastores – all candidate datastores
- Returns
subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list
- oslo_vmware.pbm.filter_hubs_by_profile(session, hubs, profile_id)¶
Filter and return hubs that match the given profile.
- Parameters
hubs – PbmPlacementHub morefs
profile_id – profile ID
- Returns
subset of hubs that match the given profile
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.pbm.get_all_profiles(session)¶
Get all the profiles defined in VC server.
- Returns
PbmProfile data objects
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.pbm.get_pbm_wsdl_location(vc_version)¶
Return PBM WSDL file location corresponding to VC version.
- Parameters
vc_version – a dot-separated version string. For example, “1.2”.
- Returns
the pbm wsdl file location.
- oslo_vmware.pbm.get_profile_id_by_name(session, profile_name)¶
Get the profile UUID corresponding to the given profile name.
- Parameters
profile_name – profile name whose UUID needs to be retrieved
- Returns
profile UUID string or None if profile not found
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.pbm.get_profiles(session, vm)¶
Query storage profiles associated with the given vm.
- Parameters
session – VMwareAPISession instance
vm – vm reference
- Returns
profile IDs
- oslo_vmware.pbm.get_profiles_by_ids(session, profile_ids)¶
Get storage profiles by IDs.
- Parameters
session – VMwareAPISession instance
profile_ids – profile IDs
- Returns
profile objects
oslo_vmware.rw_handles module¶
Classes defining read and write handles for image transfer.
This module defines various classes for reading and writing files including VMDK files in VMware servers. It also contains a class to read images from glance server.
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.FileHandle(file_handle)¶
Base class for VMware server file (including VMDK) access over HTTP.
This class wraps a backing file handle and provides utility methods for various sub-classes.
- close()¶
Close the file handle.
- fileno()¶
returns the integer file descriptor by default this is not supported and raises IOError
- flush()¶
flushes the internal buffer
- get_size()¶
Get size of the file to be read.
- Raises
- read(chunk_size)¶
Read a chunk of data.
- Parameters
chunk_size – read chunk size
- Raises
- seek(offset)¶
sets the file’s current position at the offset
- Parameters
offset – offset
- tell()¶
Get the position of File Handle
- Returns
- write(data)¶
Write data to the file.
- Parameters
data – data to be written
- Raises
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.FileReadHandle(host_or_url, port=None, data_center_name=None, datastore_name=None, cookies=None, file_path=None, scheme='https', cacerts=False, thumbprint=None)¶
Read handle for a file in VMware server.
- close()¶
Closes the connection.
- get_size()¶
Get size of the file to be read.
- Raises
- read(length)¶
Read data from the file. :param length: amount of data to be read :raises: VimConnectionException, VimException
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.FileWriteHandle(host_or_url, port=None, data_center_name=None, datastore_name=None, cookies=None, file_path=None, file_size=None, scheme='https', cacerts=False, thumbprint=None)¶
Write handle for a file in VMware server.
- close()¶
Get the response and close the connection.
- write(data)¶
Write data to the file.
- Parameters
data – data to be written
- Raises
VimConnectionException, VimException
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.ImageReadHandle(glance_read_iter)¶
Read handle for glance images.
- close()¶
Close the read handle.
This is a NOP.
- get_next()¶
Get the next item from the image iterator.
- read(chunk_size)¶
Read an item from the image data iterator.
The input chunk size is ignored since the client ImageBodyIterator uses its own chunk size.
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.VmdkHandle(session, lease, url, file_handle)¶
VMDK handle based on HttpNfcLease.
- update_progress()¶
Updates progress to lease.
This call back to the lease is essential to keep the lease alive across long running write/read operations.
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.VmdkReadHandle(session, host, port, vm_ref, vmdk_path, vmdk_size)¶
VMDK read handle based on HttpNfcLease.
- close()¶
Releases the lease and close the connection.
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- read(chunk_size=65536)¶
Read a chunk of data from the VMDK file.
- Parameters
chunk_size – size of read chunk
- Returns
the data
- Raises
- tell()¶
Get the position of File Handle
- Returns
- class oslo_vmware.rw_handles.VmdkWriteHandle(session, host, port, rp_ref, vm_folder_ref, import_spec, vmdk_size, http_method='PUT')¶
VMDK write handle based on HttpNfcLease.
This class creates a vApp in the specified resource pool and uploads the virtual disk contents.
- close()¶
Releases the lease and close the connection.
- Raises
VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- get_imported_vm()¶
“Get managed object reference of the VM created for import.
- Raises
- tell()¶
Get the position of File Handle
- Returns
- write(data)¶
Write data to the file.
- Parameters
data – data to be written
- Raises
VimConnectionException, VimException
oslo_vmware.service module¶
Common classes that provide access to vSphere services.
- class oslo_vmware.service.CompatibilitySudsClient(*args, **kwargs)¶
suds client with added cookiejar attribute
The cookiejar properties allow reading/setting the cookiejar used by the underlying transport.
- property cookiejar¶
- class oslo_vmware.service.LocalFileAdapter(pool_maxsize=10)¶
Transport adapter for local files.
See http://stackoverflow.com/a/22989322
- send(request, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None)¶
Sends request for a local file.
- class oslo_vmware.service.MemoryCache¶
- get(key)¶
Retrieves the value for a key or None.
- put(key, value, time=3600)¶
Sets the value for a key.
- class oslo_vmware.service.RequestsTransport(cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10, connection_timeout=None)¶
- open(request)¶
Open the URL in the specified request.
@param request: A transport request. @type request: L{Request} @return: An input stream. @rtype: stream @raise TransportError: On all transport errors.
- send(request)¶
- Send SOAP message. Implementations are expected to handle:
I{HTTP} headers
sending message
brokering exceptions into L{TransportError}
@param request: A transport request. @type request: L{Request} @return: The reply @rtype: L{Reply} @raise TransportError: On all transport errors.
- class oslo_vmware.service.Response(stream, status=200, headers=None)¶
Response with an input stream as source.
- get_all(name, default)¶
- getheaders(name)¶
- info()¶
- property msg¶
- read(chunk_size, **kwargs)¶
Read at most size bytes, returned as a bytes object.
If the size argument is negative, read until EOF is reached. Return an empty bytes object at EOF.
- release_conn()¶
- class oslo_vmware.service.Service(wsdl_url=None, soap_url=None, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10, connection_timeout=None, op_id_prefix='oslo.vmware')¶
Base class containing common functionality for invoking vSphere services
- static build_base_url(protocol, host, port)¶
- get_http_cookie()¶
Return the vCenter session cookie.
- property service_content¶
- class oslo_vmware.service.ServiceMessagePlugin¶
Suds plug-in handling some special cases while calling VI SDK.
- EMPTY_ELEMENTS = ['VirtualMachineEmptyProfileSpec']¶
- add_attribute_for_value(node)¶
Helper to handle AnyType.
Suds does not handle AnyType properly. But VI SDK requires type attribute to be set when AnyType is used.
- Parameters
node – XML value node
- marshalled(context)¶
Modifies the envelope document before it is sent.
This method provides the plug-in with the opportunity to prune empty nodes and fix nodes before sending it to the server.
- Parameters
context – send context
- prune(el)¶
- class oslo_vmware.service.SudsLogFilter(name='')¶
Filter to mask/truncate vCenter credentials in suds logs.
- filter(record)¶
Determine if the specified record is to be logged.
Returns True if the record should be logged, or False otherwise. If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.
oslo_vmware.version module¶
oslo_vmware.vim module¶
- class oslo_vmware.vim.Vim(protocol='https', host='localhost', port=None, wsdl_url=None, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10, connection_timeout=None, op_id_prefix='oslo.vmware')¶
Service class that provides access to the VIM API.
- retrieve_service_content()¶
oslo_vmware.vim_util module¶
The VMware API utility module.
- class oslo_vmware.vim_util.WithRetrieval(vim, retrieve_result)¶
Context to retrieve results.
This context provides an iterator to retrieve results and cancel (when needed) retrieve operation on __exit__.
- with WithRetrieval(vim, retrieve_result) as objects:
- for obj in objects:
# Use obj
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_object_spec(client_factory, root_folder, traversal_specs)¶
Builds the object spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
root_folder – root folder reference; the starting point of traversal
traversal_specs – filter specs required for traversal
- Returns
object spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_property_filter_spec(client_factory, property_specs, object_specs)¶
Builds the property filter spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
property_specs – property specs to be collected for filtered objects
object_specs – object specs to identify objects to be filtered
- Returns
property filter spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_property_spec(client_factory, type_='VirtualMachine', properties_to_collect=None, all_properties=False)¶
Builds the property spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
type – type of the managed object
properties_to_collect – names of the managed object properties to be collected while traversal filtering
all_properties – whether all properties of the managed object need to be collected
- Returns
property spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_recursive_traversal_spec(client_factory)¶
Builds recursive traversal spec to traverse managed object hierarchy.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
- Returns
recursive traversal spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_selection_spec(client_factory, name)¶
Builds the selection spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
name – name for the selection spec
- Returns
selection spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.build_traversal_spec(client_factory, name, type_, path, skip, select_set)¶
Builds the traversal spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
name – name for the traversal spec
type – type of the managed object
path – property path of the managed object
skip – whether or not to filter the object identified by param path
select_set – set of selection specs specifying additional objects to filter
- Returns
traversal spec
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.cancel_retrieval(vim, retrieve_result)¶
Cancels the retrieve operation if necessary.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
retrieve_result – result of RetrievePropertiesEx API call
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.continue_retrieval(vim, retrieve_result)¶
Continue retrieving results, if available.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
retrieve_result – result of RetrievePropertiesEx API call
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.find_extension(vim, key)¶
Looks for an existing extension.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
key – the key to search for
- Returns
the data object Extension or None
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_http_service_request_spec(client_factory, method, uri)¶
Build a HTTP service request spec.
- Parameters
client_factory – factory to get API input specs
method – HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT)
uri – target URL
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_inventory_path(vim, entity_ref, max_objects=100)¶
Get the inventory path of a managed entity.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
entity_ref – managed entity reference
max_objects – maximum number of objects that should be returned in a single call
- Returns
inventory path of the entity_ref
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_moref(value, type_)¶
Get managed object reference.
- Parameters
value – value of the managed object
type – type of the managed object
- Returns
managed object reference with given value and type
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_moref_type(moref)¶
Get the type of a managed object reference
This function accepts a string representation of a ManagedObjectReference like VirtualMachine:vm-123, but is also able to extract it from the actual object as returned by the API.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_moref_value(moref)¶
Get the value/id of a managed object reference
This function accepts a string representation of a ManagedObjectReference like VirtualMachine:vm-123 or only vm-123, but is also able to extract it from the actual object as returned by the API.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_obj_spec(client_factory, obj, select_set=None)¶
Builds the Object Spec object.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_object_properties(vim, moref, properties_to_collect, skip_op_id=False)¶
Get properties of the given managed object.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
moref – managed object reference
properties_to_collect – names of the managed object properties to be collected
skip_op_id – whether to skip putting opID in the request
- Returns
properties of the given managed object
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_object_properties_dict(vim, moref, properties_to_collect)¶
Get properties of the given managed object as a dict.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
moref – managed object reference
properties_to_collect – names of the managed object properties to be collected
- Returns
a dict of properties of the given managed object
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_object_property(vim, moref, property_name, skip_op_id=False)¶
Get property of the given managed object.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
moref – managed object reference
property_name – name of the property to be retrieved
skip_op_id – whether to skip putting opID in the request
- Returns
property of the given managed object
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_objects(vim, type_, max_objects, properties_to_collect=None, all_properties=False)¶
Get all managed object references of the given type.
It is the caller’s responsibility to continue or cancel retrieval.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
type – type of the managed object
max_objects – maximum number of objects that should be returned in a single call
properties_to_collect – names of the managed object properties to be collected
all_properties – whether all properties of the managed object need to be collected
- Returns
all managed object references of the given type
- Raises
VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_prop_filter_spec(client_factory, obj_spec, prop_spec)¶
Builds the Property Filter Spec Object.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_prop_spec(client_factory, spec_type, properties)¶
Builds the Property Spec Object.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_properties_for_a_collection_of_objects(vim, type_, obj_list, properties, max_objects=None)¶
Gets the list of properties for the collection of objects of the type specified.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.get_vc_version(session)¶
Return the dot-separated vCenter version string. For example, “1.2”.
- Parameters
session – vCenter soap session
- Returns
vCenter version
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.propset_dict(propset)¶
Turn a propset list into a dictionary
PropSet is an optional attribute on ObjectContent objects that are returned by the VMware API.
You can read more about these at: | http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-51/index.jsp | #com.vmware.wssdk.apiref.doc/ | vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectContent.html
- Parameters
propset – a property “set” from ObjectContent
- Returns
dictionary representing property set
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.register_extension(vim, key, type, label='OpenStack', summary='OpenStack services', version='1.0')¶
Create a new extension.
- Parameters
vim – Vim object
key – the key for the extension
type – Managed entity type, as defined by the extension. This matches the type field in the configuration about a virtual machine or vApp
label – Display label
summary – Summary description
version – Extension version number as a dot-separated string
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.serialize_object(obj)¶
Convert Suds object into serializable format - a dict.
- oslo_vmware.vim_util.storage_placement_spec(client_factory, dsc_ref, type, clone_spec=None, config_spec=None, relocate_spec=None, vm_ref=None, folder=None, clone_name=None, res_pool_ref=None, host_ref=None)¶