OpenStackConfig subclass for argument compatibility
Bases: os_client_config.config.OpenStackConfig
Allow examination of config values before loading auth plugin
OpenStackClient will override this to perform additional chacks on auth_type.
argparse Custom Actions
Bases: argparse.Action
A custom action to parse arguments as key=value pairs
Ensures that dest is a dict
Bases: argparse.Action
A custom action to parse arguments as key1=value1,key2=value2 pairs
Ensure that dest is a list. The list will finally contain multiple dicts, with key=value pairs in them.
NOTE: The arguments string should be a comma separated key-value pairs. And comma(‘,’) and equal(‘=’) may not be used in the key or value.
Bases: argparse.Action
A custom action to check whether the value is non-negative or not
Ensures the value is >= 0.
Bases: argparse.Action
A custom action to parse a single value or a range of values
Parses single integer values or a range of integer values delimited by a colon and returns a tuple of integers: ‘4’ sets dest to (4, 4) ‘6:9’ sets dest to (6, 9)