Using OpenStack Key Manager

Before working with the Key Manager service, you’ll need to create a connection to your OpenStack cloud by following the Connect user guide. This will provide you with the conn variable used in the examples below.


Some interactions with the Key Manager service differ from that of other services in that resources do not have a proper id parameter, which is necessary to make some calls. Instead, resources have a separately named id attribute, e.g., the Secret resource has secret_id.

The examples below outline when to pass in those id values.

Create a Secret

The Key Manager service allows you to create new secrets by passing the attributes of the Secret to the create_secret() method.

def create_secret(conn):
    print("Create a secret:")

    conn.key_manager.create_secret(name="My public key",
                                   payload="ssh rsa...",

List Secrets

Once you have stored some secrets, they are available for you to list via the secrets() method. This method returns a generator, which yields each Secret.

def list_secrets(conn):
    print("List Secrets:")

    for secret in conn.key_manager.secrets():

The secrets() method can also make more advanced queries to limit the secrets that are returned.

def list_secrets_query(conn):
    print("List Secrets:")

    for secret in conn.key_manager.secrets(

Get Secret Payload

Once you have received a Secret, you can obtain the payload for it by passing the secret’s id value to the secrets() method. Use the secret_id attribute when making this request.

def get_secret_payload(conn):
    print("Get a secret's payload:")

    # Assuming you have an object `s` which you perhaps received from
    # a conn.key_manager.secrets() call...
    secret = conn.key_manager.get_secret(s.secret_id)