Cluster API

The Cluster Class

The cluster high-level interface is available through the cluster member of a Connection object. The cluster member will only be added if the service is detected.

Build Info Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get build info for service engine and API


A dictionary containing the API and engine revision string.

Profile Type Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a generator of profile types.


A generator of objects that are of type ProfileType


Get the details about a profile type.


profile_type – The name of the profile_type to retrieve or an object of ProfileType.


A ProfileType object.


NotFoundException when no profile_type matching the name could be found.

Profile Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new profile from attributes.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a Profile, it is comprised of the properties on the Profile class.


The results of profile creation.

Return type:


delete_profile(profile, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a profile.

  • profile – The value can be either the name or ID of a profile or a Profile instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception NotFoundException will be raised when the profile could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent profile.



find_profile(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)

Find a single profile.

  • name_or_id (str) – The name or ID of a profile.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False NotFoundException will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource.


One Profile object or None


Get a single profile.


profile – The value can be the name or ID of a profile or a Profile instance.


One Profile


NotFoundException when no profile matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of profiles.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the profiles to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • name: The name of a profile.

  • type: The type name of a profile.

  • metadata: A list of key-value pairs that are associated with a profile.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests a specified size of returned items from the query. Returns a number of items up to the specified limit value.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

  • global_project: A boolean value indicating whether profiles from all projects will be returned.


A generator of profile instances.

update_profile(profile, **attrs)

Update a profile.

  • profile – Either the name or the ID of the profile, or an instance of Profile.

  • attrs – The attributes to update on the profile represented by the value parameter.


The updated profile.

Return type:



Validate a profile spec.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a ProfileValidate, it is comprised of the properties on the Profile class.


The results of profile validation.

Return type:


Policy Type Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a generator of policy types.


A generator of objects that are of type PolicyType


Get the details about a policy type.


policy_type – The name of a poicy_type or an object of PolicyType.


A PolicyType object.


NotFoundException when no policy_type matching the name could be found.

Policy Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new policy from attributes.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a Policy, it is comprised of the properties on the Policy class.


The results of policy creation.

Return type:


delete_policy(policy, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a policy.

  • policy – The value can be either the name or ID of a policy or a Policy instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception NotFoundException will be raised when the policy could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent policy.



find_policy(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)

Find a single policy.

  • name_or_id (str) – The name or ID of a policy.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False NotFoundException will be raised when the specified policy does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent policy.


A policy object or None.

Return type:



Get a single policy.


policy – The value can be the name or ID of a policy or a Policy instance.


A policy object.

Return type:



NotFoundException when no policy matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of policies.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the policies to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • name: The name of a policy.

  • type: The type name of a policy.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests a specified size of returned items from the query. Returns a number of items up to the specified limit value.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

  • global_project: A boolean value indicating whether policies from all projects will be returned.


A generator of policy instances.

update_policy(policy, **attrs)

Update a policy.

  • policy – Either the name or the ID of a policy, or an instance of Policy.

  • attrs – The attributes to update on the policy represented by the value parameter.


The updated policy.

Return type:



Cluster Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new cluster from attributes.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a Cluster, it is comprised of the properties on the Cluster class.


The results of cluster creation.

Return type:


delete_cluster(cluster, ignore_missing=True, force_delete=False)

Delete a cluster.

  • cluster – The value can be either the name or ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception NotFoundException will be raised when the cluster could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent cluster.

  • force_delete (bool) – When set to True, the cluster deletion will be forced immediately.


The instance of the Cluster which was deleted.

Return type:


find_cluster(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)

Find a single cluster.

  • name_or_id (str) – The name or ID of a cluster.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False NotFoundException will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource.


One Cluster object or None


Get a single cluster.


cluster – The value can be the name or ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.


One Cluster


NotFoundException when no cluster matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of clusters.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the clusters to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • name: The name of a cluster.

  • status: The current status of a cluster.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests a specified size of returned items from the query. Returns a number of items up to the specified limit value.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

  • global_project: A boolean value indicating whether clusters from all projects will be returned.


A generator of cluster instances.

update_cluster(cluster, **attrs)

Update a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • attrs – The attributes to update on the cluster represented by the cluster parameter.


The updated cluster.

Return type:


add_nodes_to_cluster(cluster, nodes)

Add nodes to a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • nodes – List of nodes to be added to the cluster.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

remove_nodes_from_cluster(cluster, nodes, **params)

Remove nodes from a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • nodes – List of nodes to be removed from the cluster.

  • params (kwargs) –

    Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the nodes to be returned. Available parameters include:

    • destroy_after_deletion: A boolean value indicating whether the deleted nodes to be destroyed right away.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

replace_nodes_in_cluster(cluster, nodes)

Replace the nodes in a cluster with specified nodes.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • nodes – List of nodes to be deleted/added to the cluster.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

scale_out_cluster(cluster, count=None)

Inflate the size of a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • count – Optional parameter specifying the number of nodes to be added.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

scale_in_cluster(cluster, count=None)

Shrink the size of a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • count – Optional parameter specifying the number of nodes to be removed.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

resize_cluster(cluster, **params)

Resize of cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parameters for the resize action.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

attach_policy_to_cluster(cluster, policy, **params)

Attach a policy to a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • policy – Either the name or the ID of a policy.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary containing the properties for the policy to be attached.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

detach_policy_from_cluster(cluster, policy)

Detach a policy from a cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • policy – Either the name or the ID of a policy.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

update_cluster_policy(cluster, policy, **params)

Change properties of a policy which is bound to the cluster.

  • cluster – Either the name or the ID of the cluster, or an instance of Cluster.

  • policy – Either the name or the ID of a policy.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary containing the new properties for the policy.


A dict containing the action initiated by this operation.

collect_cluster_attrs(cluster, path, **query)

Collect attribute values across a cluster.

  • cluster – The value can be either the ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • path – A Json path string specifying the attribute to collect.

  • query – Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the resources being returned.


A dictionary containing the list of attribute values.

check_cluster(cluster, **params)

Check a cluster.

  • cluster – The value can be either the ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parameters for the check action.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

recover_cluster(cluster, **params)

recover a cluster.

  • cluster – The value can be either the ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parameters for the recover action.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

perform_operation_on_cluster(cluster, operation, **params)

Perform an operation on the specified cluster.

  • cluster – The value can be either the ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • operation – A string specifying the operation to be performed.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parameters for the operation.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

cluster_policies(cluster, **query)

Retrieve a generator of cluster-policy bindings.

  • cluster – The value can be the name or ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.

  • query (kwargs) –

    Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the policies to be returned. Available parameters include:

    • enabled: A boolean value indicating whether the policy is enabled on the cluster.


A generator of cluster-policy binding instances.

get_cluster_policy(cluster_policy, cluster)

Get a cluster-policy binding.

  • cluster_policy – The value can be the name or ID of a policy or a Policy instance.

  • cluster – The value can be the name or ID of a cluster or a Cluster instance.


a cluster-policy binding object.

Return type:



NotFoundException when no cluster-policy binding matching the criteria could be found.

Node Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new node from attributes.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a Node, it is comprised of the properties on the Node class.


The results of node creation.

Return type:


delete_node(node, ignore_missing=True, force_delete=False)

Delete a node.

  • node – The value can be either the name or ID of a node or a Node instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception NotFoundException will be raised when the node could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent node.

  • force_delete (bool) – When set to True, the node deletion will be forced immediately.


The instance of the Node which was deleted.

Return type:


find_node(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)

Find a single node.

  • name_or_id (str) – The name or ID of a node.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to “False” NotFoundException will be raised when the specified node does not exist. when set to “True”, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent policy


One Node object or None.

get_node(node, details=False)

Get a single node.

  • node – The value can be the name or ID of a node or a Node instance.

  • details – An optional argument that indicates whether the server should return more details when retrieving the node data.


One Node


NotFoundException when no node matching the name or ID could be found.


Retrieve a generator of nodes.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the nodes to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • cluster_id: A string including the name or ID of a cluster to which the resulted node(s) is a member.

  • name: The name of a node.

  • status: The current status of a node.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests at most the specified number of items be returned from the query.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen node. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen node from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

  • global_project: A boolean value indicating whether nodes from all projects will be returned.


A generator of node instances.

update_node(node, **attrs)

Update a node.

  • node – Either the name or the ID of the node, or an instance of Node.

  • attrs – The attributes to update on the node represented by the node parameter.


The updated node.

Return type:


check_node(node, **params)

Check the health of the specified node.

  • node – The value can be either the ID of a node or a Node instance.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parametes to the check action.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

recover_node(node, **params)

Recover the specified node into healthy status.

  • node – The value can be either the ID of a node or a Node instance.

  • params (dict) – A dict supplying parameters to the recover action.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

adopt_node(preview=False, **attrs)

Adopting an existing resource as a node.

  • preview – A boolean indicating whether this is a “preview” operation which means only the profile to be used is returned rather than creating a node object using that profile.

  • attrs (dict) –

    Keyword parameters for node adoption. Valid parameters include:

    • type: (Required) A string containing the profile type and version to be used for node adoption. For example, os.nova.sever-1.0.

    • identity: (Required) A string including the name or ID of an OpenStack resource to be adopted as a Senlin node.

    • name: (Optional) The name of node to be created. Omitting this parameter will have the node named automatically.

    • snapshot: (Optional) A boolean indicating whether a snapshot of the target resource should be created if possible. Default is False.

    • metadata: (Optional) A dictionary of arbitrary key-value pairs to be associated with the adopted node.

    • overrides: (Optional) A dictionary of key-value pairs to be used to override attributes derived from the target resource.


The result of node adoption. If preview is set to False (default), returns a Node object, otherwise a Dict is returned containing the profile to be used for the new node.

perform_operation_on_node(node, operation, **params)

Perform an operation on the specified node.

  • node – The value can be either the ID of a node or a Node instance.

  • operation – A string specifying the operation to be performed.

  • params (dict) – A dictionary providing the parameters for the operation.


A dictionary containing the action ID.

Receiver Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new receiver from attributes.


attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments that will be used to create a Receiver, it is comprised of the properties on the Receiver class.


The results of receiver creation.

Return type:


update_receiver(receiver, **attrs)

Update a receiver.

  • receiver – The value can be either the name or ID of a receiver or a Receiver instance.

  • attrs – The attributes to update on the receiver parameter. Valid attribute names include name, action and params.


The updated receiver.

Return type:


delete_receiver(receiver, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a receiver.

  • receiver – The value can be either the name or ID of a receiver or a Receiver instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception NotFoundException will be raised when the receiver could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent receiver.



find_receiver(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)

Find a single receiver.

  • name_or_id (str) – The name or ID of a receiver.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False NotFoundException will be raised when the specified receiver does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent receiver.


A receiver object or None.

Return type:



Get a single receiver.


receiver – The value can be the name or ID of a receiver or a Receiver instance.


A receiver object.

Return type:



NotFoundException when no receiver matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of receivers.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters for restricting the receivers to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • name: The name of a receiver object.

  • type: The type of receiver objects.

  • cluster_id: The ID of the associated cluster.

  • action: The name of the associated action.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • global_project: A boolean value indicating whether receivers

  • from all projects will be returned.


A generator of receiver instances.

Action Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a single action.


action – The value can be the name or ID of an action or a Action instance.


an action object.

Return type:



NotFoundException when no action matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of actions.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the actions to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • name: name of action for query.

  • target: ID of the target object for which the actions should be returned.

  • action: built-in action types for query.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests a specified size of returned items from the query. Returns a number of items up to the specified limit value.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.


A generator of action instances.

Event Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a single event.


event – The value can be the name or ID of an event or a Event instance.


an event object.

Return type:



NotFoundException when no event matching the criteria could be found.


Retrieve a generator of events.


query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the events to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • obj_name: name string of the object associated with an event.

  • obj_type: type string of the object related to an event. The value can be cluster, node, policy etc.

  • obj_id: ID of the object associated with an event.

  • cluster_id: ID of the cluster associated with the event, if any.

  • action: name of the action associated with an event.

  • sort: A list of sorting keys separated by commas. Each sorting key can optionally be attached with a sorting direction modifier which can be asc or desc.

  • limit: Requests a specified size of returned items from the query. Returns a number of items up to the specified limit value.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

  • global_project: A boolean specifying whether events from all projects should be returned. This option is subject to access control checking.


A generator of event instances.

Helper Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)
wait_for_status(res, status, failures=None, interval=2, wait=None, attribute='status', callback=None)

Wait for the resource to be in a particular status.

  • session – The session to use for making this request.

  • resource – The resource to wait on to reach the status. The resource must have a status attribute specified via attribute.

  • status – Desired status of the resource.

  • failures – Statuses that would indicate the transition failed such as ‘ERROR’. Defaults to [‘ERROR’].

  • interval – Number of seconds to wait between checks.

  • wait – Maximum number of seconds to wait for transition. Set to None to wait forever.

  • attribute – Name of the resource attribute that contains the status.

  • callback – A callback function. This will be called with a single value, progress. This is API specific but is generally a percentage value from 0-100.


The updated resource.


ResourceTimeout if the transition to status failed to occur in wait seconds.


ResourceFailure if the resource transitioned to one of the states in failures.


AttributeError if the resource does not have a status attribute

wait_for_delete(res, interval=2, wait=120, callback=None)

Wait for a resource to be deleted.

  • res – The resource to wait on to be deleted.

  • interval – Number of seconds to wait before to consecutive checks.

  • wait – Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.

  • callback – A callback function. This will be called with a single value, progress, which is a percentage value from 0-100.


The resource is returned on success.


ResourceTimeout if transition to delete failed to occur in the specified seconds.

Service Operations

class openstack.clustering.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Get a generator of services.


A generator of objects that are of type Service