The openstack-ansible-ops repository contains a playbook for removing a compute host from an OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) environment. To remove a compute host, follow the below procedure.
This guide describes how to remove a compute node from an OSA environment completely. Perform these steps with caution, as the compute node will no longer be in service after the steps have been completed. This guide assumes that all data and instances have been properly migrated.
Disable all OpenStack services running on the compute node. This can include, but is not limited to, the nova-compute service and the neutron agent service.
Ensure this step is performed first
# Run these commands on the compute node to be removed # stop nova-compute # stop neutron-linuxbridge-agent
$ git clone \ /opt/openstack-ansible-ops
$ cd /opt/openstack-ansible-ops/ansible_tools/playbooks openstack-ansible remove_compute_node.yml \ -e host_to_be_removed="<name-of-compute-host>"
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