Deployers can run the upgrade steps manually. Manual execution is useful for scoping the changes in the upgrade process (For example, in very large deployments with strict SLA requirements), or for inclusion into other orchestration for upgrade automation beyond what OpenStack-Ansible provides.
The steps detailed here match those performed by the script. Any of these steps can safely be run multiple times.
Ensure your OpenStack-Ansible code is on the latest Newton tagged release.
# git checkout 14.0.2
This step is optional, since these environment variables are simply shortcuts. Files can be referenced directly.
From the openstack-ansible root directory, run the following commands:
# export MAIN_PATH="$(pwd)"
# export SCRIPTS_PATH="${MAIN_PATH}/scripts"
# export UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS="${SCRIPTS_PATH}/upgrade-utilities/playbooks"
These variables reduce typing when running the remaining upgrade tasks.
Bootstrapping Ansible again ensures that all OpenStack-Ansible role dependencies are in place before running playbooks from the Newton release.
Change to the playbooks directory so that the OpenStack-Ansible dynamic inventory is found automatically.
# cd playbooks
Before starting with the new version, you should do pre-flight checks to ensure everything is fine. If any of those check fail, the upgrade should stop to let the deployer chose what to do.
Because LBaaS was deprecated, this playbook checks if it was previously deployed, and fails if this is the case.
See lbaas-version-check.yml for more details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/lbaas-version-check.yml"
Some configuration changed, and old facts should be purged before the upgrade.
See ansible_fact_cleanup.yml for more details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/ansible_fact_cleanup.yml"
The user configuration files in /etc/openstack_deploy/ and the environment layout in /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d have new name values added in Newton.
See deploy-config-changes.yml for more details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/deploy-config-changes.yml"
Newton introduces new user secrets to the stack. These are populated automatically with the following playbook.
See user-secrets-adjustment.yml for more details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/user-secrets-adjustment.yml"
The default MariaDB apt repositories have been changed to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. This playbook removes existing repositories of the previous default.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/mariadb-apt-cleanup.yml"
The default database collation has been changed to utf8_general_ci. This play performs a conversion on existing databases and tables.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/db-collation-alter.yml"
The presence of pip.conf file can cause build failures when upgrading to Newton. This play removes the pip.conf file on all the physical servers and on the repo containers.
See pip-conf-removal.yml for more details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/pip-conf-removal.yml"
Before installing the infrastructure and OpenStack, update the host machines.
# openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml --limit '!galera_all'
This command is the same as doing host setups on a new install. The galera_all host group is excluded to prevent reconfiguration and restarting of any Galera containers.
Update the Galera container configuration independently.
# openstack-ansible lxc-containers-create.yml -e \
'lxc_container_allow_restarts=false' --limit galera_all
This command is a subset of the host setup playbook, limited to the galera_all host group. The configuration of those containers will be updated but a restart for any changes to take effect will be deferred to a later playbook.
Restart containers one at a time, ensuring that each is up, responding, and synced with the other nodes in the cluster, before moving on to the next. This step allows the lxc container config applied earlier to take effect, ensuring that the containers are restarted in a controlled fashion.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/galera-cluster-rolling-restart.yml"
Install and update any new or changed HAProxy service configurations.
# openstack-ansible haproxy-install.yml
Update the configuration of the repo servers and build new packages required by the Newton release.
# openstack-ansible repo-install.yml
Ensure an alias is created for non-RFC1034/35 hostnames.
See old-hostname-compatibility.yml for details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/old-hostname-compatibility.yml"
Update mariadb to the most 10.0 minor release across the cluster.
# openstack-ansible galera-install.yml -e 'galera_upgrade=true'
The following commands perform all steps from the setup-infrastructure playbook, except for repo-install.yml`, haproxyinstall.yml, and galera-install.yml` which we ran earlier. Running these playbook applies the relevant Newton settings and packages.
For certain versions of Mitaka, you must upgrade the RabbitMQ service.
See setup-infrastructure.yml for details.
# openstack-ansible memcached-install.yml
# openstack-ansible rabbitmq-install.yml -e 'rabbitmq_upgrade=true'
# openstack-ansible utility-install.yml
# openstack-ansible rsyslog-install.yml
See memcached-flush.yml for details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/memcached-flush.yml"
See aodh-api-init-delete.yml for details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/aodh-api-init-delete.yml"
See ceilometer-api-init-delete.yml for details.
# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/ceilometer-api-init-delete.yml"
Upgrade the OpenStack components with the same installation playbook, without any additional options.
# openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml
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