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NFS back-end

If the NetApp back end is configured to use an NFS storage protocol, edit /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml, and configure the NFS client on each storage node that will use it.

  1. Add the cinder_backends stanza (which includes cinder_nfs_client) under the container_vars stanza for each storage node:

  2. Configure the location of the file that lists shares available to the block storage service. This configuration file must include nfs_shares_config:

    nfs_shares_config: SHARE_CONFIG

    Replace SHARE_CONFIG with the location of the share configuration file. For example, /etc/cinder/nfs_shares.

  3. Configure one or more NFS shares:

       - { ip: "NFS_HOST", share: "NFS_SHARE" }

    Replace NFS_HOST with the IP address or hostname of the NFS server, and the NFS_SHARE with the absolute path to an existing and accessible NFS share.

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