This page shows all of the variables which can be set in order to control the behaviour of os_tempest role and provides examples on how to do so.
For a list of all variables with a default value set, please, refer to the this page.
python-tempestconf is a tool which generates a tempest.conf file necessary for Tempest execution. For more information about the tool, please, follow its official documentation.
If you want os_tempest to execute python-tempestconf, prior to Tempest execution in order to generate tempest.conf file, set tempest_use_tempestconf variable to true:
tempest_use_tempestconf: true
More information about python-tempestconf arguments can be found here.
The best way how to pass any arguments to python-tempestconf is using its profile feature.
os_tempest provides tempest_tempestconf_profile variable for setting desired python-tempestconf arguments. For example, if you wanted to define debug to true, os-cloud to demo and override output of python-tempestconf to /my/location/tempest.conf, it would be done by:
debug: true
os-cloud: demo
out: /my/location/tempest.conf
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