Neutron role for OpenStack-Ansible

tags:openstack, neutron, cloud, ansible

This role installs the following Upstart services:

  • neutron-server
  • neutron-agents

Default variables

## Verbosity Options
debug: False

# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
neutron_package_state: "latest"

neutron_git_install_branch: stable/newton

neutron_fwaas_git_install_branch: stable/newton

neutron_lbaas_git_install_branch: stable/newton

neutron_vpnaas_git_install_branch: stable/newton

neutron_dynamic_routing_git_install_branch: stable/newton

calico_git_install_branch: '1.4.5'

networking_calico_git_install_branch: master

neutron_developer_mode: false
  - "git+{{ neutron_git_repo }}@{{ neutron_git_install_branch }}#egg=neutron"
  - "git+{{ neutron_fwaas_git_repo }}@{{ neutron_fwaas_git_install_branch }}#egg=neutron-fwaas"
  - "git+{{ neutron_lbaas_git_repo }}@{{ neutron_lbaas_git_install_branch }}#egg=neutron-lbaas"
  - "git+{{ neutron_vpnaas_git_repo }}@{{ neutron_vpnaas_git_install_branch }}#egg=neutron-vpnaas"
  - "git+{{ neutron_dynamic_routing_git_repo }}@{{ neutron_dynamic_routing_git_install_branch }}#egg=neutron-dynamic-routing"
  - "git+{{ calico_git_repo }}@{{ calico_git_install_branch }}#egg=felix"
  - "git+{{ networking_calico_git_repo }}@{{ networking_calico_git_install_branch }}#egg=networking-calico"

# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
neutron_venv_tag: untagged
neutron_bin: "/openstack/venvs/neutron-{{ neutron_venv_tag }}/bin"


# Set the lib dir path to that of the local python path where neutron is installed.
neutron_lib_dir: "{{ neutron_bin | dirname }}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/"

# Set the Neutron configuration path
neutron_conf_dir: /etc/neutron
neutron_lock_path: "/var/lock/neutron"

# Enable/Disable Ceilometer
neutron_ceilometer_enabled: False

# Fatal Deprecations
neutron_fatal_deprecations: False

## neutron User / Group
neutron_system_user_name: neutron
neutron_system_group_name: neutron
neutron_system_comment: neutron system user
neutron_system_shell: /bin/false
neutron_system_home_folder: "/var/lib/{{ neutron_system_user_name }}"

## DB
neutron_galera_user: neutron
neutron_galera_database: neutron
neutron_db_config: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf"
neutron_db_plugin: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}/{{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].plugin_ini }}"
neutron_db_max_overflow: 20
neutron_db_pool_size: 120
neutron_db_pool_timeout: 30

## RabbitMQ info

## Configuration for RPC communications
neutron_rabbitmq_userid: neutron
neutron_rabbitmq_vhost: /neutron
neutron_rabbitmq_port: 5672
neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl: False

## Configuration for notifications communication, i.e. [oslo_messaging_notifications]
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_userid: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_userid }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_password: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_password }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_vhost: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_vhost }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_port: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_port }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_servers: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_servers }}"
neutron_rabbitmq_telemetry_use_ssl: "{{ neutron_rabbitmq_use_ssl }}"

## Plugins
neutron_plugin_core: "{{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].plugin_core }}"
# Other plugins can be added to the system by simply extending the list `neutron_plugin_base`.
# neutron_plugin_base:
#   - router
#   - firewall
#   - lbaas
#   -
#   -
#   - vpnaas
#   - metering
#   - qos
  - router
  - metering
neutron_plugin_loaded_base: "{% for plugin in neutron_plugin_base %}{{ plugin }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}"

# Neutron Plugins
# The neutron core plugin (ML2) is defined with neutron_plugin_type,
# you can not load multiple ML2 plugins as core.
# Additional ML2 plugins can be loaded with neutron_plugin_types (as list)
neutron_plugin_type: 'ml2.lxb'
neutron_plugin_types: []
neutron_ml2_mechanism_drivers: >-
  {%- set _var = [] -%}
  {%- for plugin in [neutron_plugin_type]|union(neutron_plugin_types) -%}
    {%- if _var.append(neutron_plugins[plugin].mechanisms) -%}{%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
  {%- if neutron_l2_population | bool -%}
    {%- if _var.append('l2population') -%}{%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
  {{ _var | join(',') }}

    driver_firewall: iptables
    driver_interface: linuxbridge
    drivers_type: "{{ neutron_ml2_drivers_type }}"
    l2_population: "{{ neutron_l2_population }}"
    mechanisms: "linuxbridge"
    l3_agent_mode: "legacy"
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    plugin_core: ml2
    plugin_ini: plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
    driver_firewall: iptables_hybrid
    driver_interface: openvswitch
    drivers_type: "{{ neutron_ml2_drivers_type }}"
    l2_population: "{{ neutron_l2_population }}"
    mechanisms: "openvswitch"
    l3_agent_mode: "legacy"
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    plugin_core: ml2
    plugin_ini: plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
    driver_firewall: iptables_hybrid
    driver_interface: openvswitch
    drivers_type: "{{ neutron_ml2_drivers_type }}"
    l2_population: "{{ neutron_l2_population }}"
    mechanisms: "openvswitch"
    l3_agent_mode: "{% if 'nova_compute' in group_names %}dvr{% else %}dvr_snat{% endif %}"
    router_distributed: True
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    plugin_core: ml2
    plugin_ini: plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
    drivers_type: "flat, local"
    mechanisms: "calico"
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    plugin_core: ml2
    plugin_ini: plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_plumgrid_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    plugin_core: networking_plumgrid.neutron.plugins.plugin.NeutronPluginPLUMgridV2
    plugin_ini: plugins/plumgrid/plumgrid.ini
    plugin_core: neutron.plugins.nuage.plugin.NuagePlugin
    plugin_ini: plugins/nuage/nuage.ini
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_nuage_conf_ini_overrides }}"
    driver_types: "{{ neutron_ml2_drivers_type }}"
    mechanisms: "sriovnicswitch"
    plugin_ini: plugins/ml2/sriov_nic_agent.ini
    plugin_conf_ini_overrides: "{{ neutron_sriov_nic_agent_ini_overrides }}"

neutron_dhcp_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_openvswitch_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_linuxbridge_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_metadata_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_metering_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_l3_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_lbaas_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_bgp_dragent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_vpn_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_server_init_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_felix_init_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_init_overrides: {}
neutron_sriov_nic_agent_init_overrides: {}

   group: neutron_dhcp_agent
   service_name: neutron-dhcp-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_dhcp | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: dhcp_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/dhcp.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/dhcp_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-dhcp-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_dhcp_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_openvswitch_agent
   service_name: neutron-openvswitch-agent
   service_en: "{{ 'ml2.ovs' in neutron_plugin_type }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/openvswitch-plugin.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-openvswitch-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_openvswitch_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_openvswitch_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_linuxbridge_agent
   service_name: neutron-linuxbridge-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_plugin_type == 'ml2.lxb' }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/linuxbridge-plugin.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-linuxbridge-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_linuxbridge_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_linuxbridge_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_metadata_agent
   service_name: neutron-metadata-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_metadata | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: metadata_agent.ini
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/metadata_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-metadata-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_metadata_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_metadata_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_metering_agent
   service_name: neutron-metering-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_metering | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: metering_agent.ini
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/metering_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-metering-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_metering_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_metering_agent_init_overrides }}"
   # Other agents will use neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].driver_interface
   # for the interface_driver, but that uses a stevedore alias. Metering agent
   # hasn't been updated to use stevedore alises so that fails. To work around
   # the problem until metering agent is updated, we should use the full
   # module.class path to the interface driver.
   # TODO(hughsaunders): switch back to stevedore when
   # merges and is backported.
   interface_driver: neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
   group: neutron_l3_agent
   service_name: neutron-l3-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_l3 | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: l3_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/l3.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/l3_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-l3-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_l3_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_l3_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_lbaas_agent
   service_name: neutron-lbaasv2-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_lbaasv2 | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: lbaas_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/lbaas_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-lbaasv2-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_lbaas_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_lbaas_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_bgp_dragent
   service_name: neutron-bgp-dragent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_bgp | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: bgp_dragent.ini
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/bgp_dragent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-bgp-dragent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_bgp_dragent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_bgp_dragent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_l3_agent
   service_name: neutron-vpn-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_vpnaas | bool }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: vpnaas_agent.ini
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/vpnaas.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/vpnaas_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-vpn-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_vpnaas_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_vpn_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_server
   service_name: neutron-server
   service_en: True
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/{{ neutron_plugins[neutron_plugin_type].plugin_ini }} --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-server.log"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_server_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_calico_dhcp_agent
   system_user: root
   system_group: root
   service_name: calico-felix
   service_en: "{{ neutron_plugin_type == 'ml2.calico' }}"
   service_conf_path: /etc/calico
   service_conf: felix.cfg
   config_options: --config-file /etc/calico/felix.cfg
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_calico_felix_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_calico_felix_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_calico_dhcp_agent
   system_user: root
   system_group: root
   service_name: calico-dhcp-agent
   service_en: "{{ neutron_plugin_type == 'ml2.calico' }}"
   service_rootwrap: rootwrap.d/dhcp.filters
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_init_overrides }}"
   group: neutron_sriov_nic_agent
   service_name: neutron-sriov-nic-agent
   service_en: "{{ 'ml2.sriov' in neutron_plugin_types }}"
   service_conf_path: "{{ neutron_conf_dir }}"
   service_conf: plugins/ml2/sriov_nic_agent.ini
   config_options: "--config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/neutron.conf --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --config-file {{ neutron_conf_dir }}/plugins/ml2/sriov_nic_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/neutron/neutron-sriov-nic-agent.log"
   config_overrides: "{{ neutron_sriov_nic_agent_ini_overrides }}"
   config_type: "ini"
   init_config_overrides: "{{ neutron_sriov_nic_agent_init_overrides }}"

## Neutron DHCP Agent
neutron_dhcp: "{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

## Neutron Metadata Agent
neutron_metadata: "{% if neutron_plugin_type.split('.')[0] == 'ml2' and (neutron_plugin_type == '' or 'nova_compute' not in group_names) %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

## Neutron LBaaS
# See documentation section titled "Configuring the Network Load Balancing
# Service (Optional)" for more details.
# To enable LBaaS v2, add the following item to the neutron_plugin_base list:
# NOTE(mhayden): neutron-lbaas doesn't have entry points and the full classpath
#                is required.
neutron_lbaasv2: "{% if '' in neutron_plugin_base %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"
neutron_lbaasv2_device_driver: neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.namespace_driver.HaproxyNSDriver
neutron_lbaasv2_service_provider: LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default

## Neutron L3
## Please add 'router' to the neutron_plugin_base list
#TODO(odyssey4me): Remove the class path from this conditional in the Newton cycle
# Should the neutron-l3-agent service should be enabled on the host
neutron_l3: "{% if ('router' in neutron_plugin_base or '' in neutron_plugin_base) and (neutron_plugin_type == '' or 'nova_compute' not in group_names) %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

# Set this option to "true" to enable legacy neutron L3HA tool support
# TODO(cloudnull): Remove this in the Ocata cycle
neutron_legacy_ha_tool_enabled: false

## Neutron Metering
# Please add 'metering' to the neutron_plugin_base list
#TODO(odyssey4me): Remove the class path from this conditional in the Newton cycle
neutron_metering: "{% if 'metering' in neutron_plugin_base or '' in neutron_plugin_base %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

## Neutron FWaaS
# Please add the 'firewall' to the neutron_plugin_base list
neutron_fwaas: "{% if 'firewall' in neutron_plugin_base %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

## Neutron VPNaaS
# Please add the 'vpnaas' to the neutron_plugin_base list
neutron_vpnaas: "{% if 'vpnaas' in neutron_plugin_base %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"

## Neutron Dynamic Routing Agent's BGP plugin
# To enable the BGP plugin, add the following item to the neutron_plugin_base list:
# NOTE(matias): BgpPlugin doesn't have entry points and the full classpath
#               is required.
neutron_bgp: "{% if '' in neutron_plugin_base %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}"
neutron_bgp_router_id: "{{ neutron_local_ip }}"

## Drivers
neutron_driver_network_scheduler: neutron.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.WeightScheduler
neutron_driver_router_scheduler: neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.LeastRoutersScheduler
neutron_driver_dhcp: neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
neutron_driver_quota: neutron.db.quota.driver.DbQuotaDriver

## Quotas
neutron_default_quota: -1
neutron_quota_floatingip: 50
neutron_quota_health_monitor: -1
neutron_quota_member: -1
neutron_quota_network: 10
neutron_quota_network_gateway: 5
neutron_quota_packet_filter: 100
neutron_quota_pool: 10
neutron_quota_port: 50
neutron_quota_router: 10
neutron_quota_security_group: 10
neutron_quota_security_group_rule: 100
neutron_quota_subnet: 10
neutron_quota_vip: 10

## General Neutron configuration
# If ``neutron_api_workers`` is unset the system will use half the number of available VCPUs to
# compute the number of api workers to use.
# neutron_api_workers: 16

# If ``neutron_metadata_workers`` is unset the system will use half the number of available VCPUs to
# compute the number of api workers to use.
# neutron_metadata_workers: 16
neutron_metadata_backlog: 4096

## Auth
neutron_service_project_name: service
neutron_service_project_domain_id: default
neutron_service_user_domain_id: default
neutron_service_role_name: admin
neutron_service_user_name: neutron
neutron_service_name: neutron
neutron_service_type: network
neutron_service_description: "OpenStack Networking"
neutron_service_port: 9696
neutron_service_proto: http
neutron_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(neutron_service_proto) }}"
neutron_service_publicuri: "{{ neutron_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_publicurl: "{{ neutron_service_publicuri }}"
neutron_service_adminuri: "{{ neutron_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_adminurl: "{{ neutron_service_adminuri }}"
neutron_service_internaluri: "{{ neutron_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ neutron_service_port }}"
neutron_service_internalurl: "{{ neutron_service_internaluri }}"
neutron_service_region: RegionOne

## Keystone authentication middleware
neutron_keystone_auth_plugin: password

## Agent
neutron_external_network_bridge: ""
neutron_gateway_external_network_id: ""

neutron_agent_down_time: 120
neutron_agent_polling_interval: 5
neutron_report_interval: "{{ neutron_agent_down_time | int / 2 | int }}"

# L3HA configuration options.
neutron_ha_vrrp_auth_type: PASS

  log-facility: "/var/log/neutron/neutron-dnsmasq.log"

  - flat
  - vlan
  - local

# ml2 network type drivers to load
neutron_ml2_drivers_type: "flat,vlan,vxlan,local"

# Tunnel network types used by the OVS agent
neutron_tunnel_types: "{{ neutron_ml2_drivers_type.split(',') | difference(_neutron_non_tunnel_types) | join(',') }}"

# Enable or disable L2 Population.
neutron_l2_population: "False"

## The neutron multicast group address. This should be set as a host variable if used.
## This defaults to the multicast address ""
# neutron_vxlan_group:
neutron_vxlan_group: ""

## Set this variable to configure the provider networks that will be available
## When setting up networking in things like the ml2_conf.ini file. Normally
## this will be defined as a host variable used within neutron as network configuration
## are likely to differ in between hosts.
# neutron_provider_networks:
#   network_flat_networks: "flat"
#   network_mappings: "flat:eth12,vlan:eth11"
#   network_types: "vxlan,flat,vlan"
#   network_vlan_ranges: "vlan:1:1,vlan:1024:1025"
#   network_vxlan_ranges: "1:1000"
#   network_sriov_mappings: "vlan:p4p1"

neutron_vxlan_enabled: true

neutron_sriov_excluded_devices: ""

neutron_dhcp_domain: openstacklocal
# Comma-separated list of DNS servers which will be used by dnsmasq as forwarders.
neutron_dnsmasq_dns_servers: ""
# Limit number of leases to prevent a denial-of-service.
neutron_dnsmasq_lease_max: 16777216
# If ``neutron_num_sync_threads`` is unset, the system will use the value of api_workers calculated
# in templates/dhcp_agent.ini.j2 for num_sync_threads.
# neutron_num_sync_threads: 4

## RPC
neutron_rpc_backend: rabbit
neutron_rpc_thread_pool_size: 64
neutron_rpc_conn_pool_size: 30
neutron_rpc_response_timeout: 60
neutron_rpc_workers: 1

neutron_service_in_ldap: false

## Policy vars
# Provide a list of access controls to update the default policy.json with. These changes will be merged
# with the access controls in the default policy.json. E.g.
#  "create_subnet": "rule:admin_or_network_owner"
#  "get_subnet": "rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared"

# neutron_local_ip is used for the VXLAN local tunnel endpoint

# When running in an AIO, we need to implement an iptables rule in any
# neutron_agent containers to that ensure instances can communicate with
# the neutron metadata service. This is necessary because in an AIO
# environment there are no physical interfaces involved in instance ->
# metadata requests, and this results in the checksums being incorrect.
neutron_metadata_checksum_fix: False

# neutron packages that must be installed before anything else
  - virtualenv
  - virtualenv-tools
  - python-keystoneclient # Keystoneclient needed to OSA keystone lib
  - httplib2

  - configobj
  - cliff
  - keystonemiddleware
  - PyMySQL
  - neutron
  - pycrypto
  - python-glanceclient
  - python-keystoneclient
  - python-memcached
  - python-neutronclient
  - python-novaclient
  - repoze.lru

  - neutron_dynamic_routing

  - felix
  - networking-calico
  - python-etcd

  - neutron_fwaas

  - neutron_lbaas

  - neutron_vpnaas

  - nuage-openstack-neutron
  - nuage-openstack-neutronclient
  - nuagenetlib

# This variable is used by the repo_build process to determine
# which host group to check for members of before building the
# pip packages required by this role. The value is picked up
# by the py_pkgs lookup.
neutron_role_project_group: neutron_all

## Tunable overrides
neutron_neutron_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_plumgrid_conf_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_plumlib_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_nuage_conf_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_rootwrap_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_policy_overrides: {}
neutron_dnsmasq_neutron_conf_overrides: {}
neutron_l3_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_metadata_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_metering_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_linuxbridge_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_lbaas_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_vpnaas_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_openvswitch_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_bgp_dragent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_calico_felix_ini_overrides: {}
neutron_sriov_nic_agent_ini_overrides: {}

Required variables


Example playbook

- name: Installation and setup of Neutron
  hosts: neutron_all
  user: root
    - { role: "os_neutron", tags: [ "neutron-install", "neutron-config" ] }
    neutron_galera_address: "{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}"


This role supports two tags: neutron-install and neutron-config. The neutron-install tag can be used to install and upgrade. The neutron-config tag can be used to maintain the configuration of the service.

Table Of Contents

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Configuring the Networking service (neutron) (optional)

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