

Create a template

The Orchestration service uses templates to describe stacks. To learn about the template language, see the Template Guide in the Heat developer documentation.

  • Create the demo-template.yml file with the following content:

    heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
    description: Launch a basic instance using the ``m1.tiny`` flavor and one network.
        type: string
        description: Image to use for the instance.
        type: string
        description: Network ID to use for the instance.
        type: OS::Nova::Server
          image: { get_param: ImageID }
          flavor: m1.tiny
          - network: { get_param: NetID }
        description: Name of the instance.
        value: { get_attr: [ server, name ] }
        description: IP address of the instance.
        value: { get_attr: [ server, first_address ] }

Create a stack

Create a stack using the demo-template.yml template.

  1. Source the demo credentials to perform the following steps as a non-administrative project:

    $ source demo-openrc.sh
  2. Determine available networks.

    $ neutron net-list
    | id                                   | name    | subnets                                             |
    | 9c13da20-4c4f-486f-a4e9-692e9ea397f1 | public  | 85140549-1f54-4bc6-a2c5-f08428de3f7a |
    | 303a9aaf-40fd-4fc8-9213-39bff933467b | private | ddeba0b1-21eb-471a-8f31-10f0e290cc36  |


    This output may differ from your environment.

  3. Set the NET_ID environment variable to reflect the ID of a network. For example, using the public network:

    $ export NET_ID=$(neutron net-list | awk '/ public / { print $2 }')
  4. Create a stack of one CirrOS instance on the public network:

    $ heat stack-create -f demo-template.yml -P "ImageID=cirros;NetID=$NET_ID" stack
    | id                                   | stack_name | stack_status       | creation_time       | updated_time |
    | dbf46d1b-0b97-4d45-a0b3-9662a1eb6cf3 | stack      | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2015-10-13T15:27:20 | None         |
  5. After a short time, verify successful creation of the stack:

    $ heat stack-list
    | id                                   | stack_name | stack_status    | creation_time       | updated_time |
    | dbf46d1b-0b97-4d45-a0b3-9662a1eb6cf3 | stack      | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-10-13T15:27:20 | None         |
  6. Show the name and IP address of the instance and compare with the output of the nova command:

    $ heat output-show --all stack
        "output_value": "stack-server-3nzfyfofu6d4",
        "description": "Name of the instance.",
        "output_key": "instance_name"
        "output_value": "",
        "description": "IP address of the instance.",
        "output_key": "instance_ip"
    $ nova list
    | ID                                   | Name                      | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                        |
    | 0fc2af0c-ae79-4d22-8f36-9e860c257da5 | stack-server-3nzfyfofu6d4 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | public=              |
  7. Delete the stack.

    $ heat stack-delete stack
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