OpenStack packages

OpenStack packages

Distributions release OpenStack packages as part of the distribution or using other methods because of differing release schedules. Perform these procedures on all nodes.


Your hosts must contain the latest versions of base installation packages available for your distribution before proceeding further.


Disable or remove any automatic update services because they can impact your OpenStack environment.



It is recommended to disable EPEL when using RDO packages due to some updates in EPEL breaking backwards compatibility. Or preferably pin packages versions using the yum-versionlock plugin

  1. On RHEL, enable additional repositories using the subscription manager:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms


    CentOS does not require these repositories.

Enable the OpenStack repository

  • On CentOS, the extras repository provides the RPM that enables the OpenStack repository. CentOS includes the extras repository by default, so you can simply install the package to enable the OpenStack repository.

    # yum install centos-release-openstack-liberty
  • On RHEL, download and install the RDO repository RPM to enable the OpenStack repository.

    # yum install

Finalize the installation

  1. Upgrade the packages on your host:

    # yum upgrade


    If the upgrade process includes a new kernel, reboot your host to activate it.

  2. Install the OpenStack client:

    # yum install python-openstackclient
  1. RHEL and CentOS enable SELinux by default. Install the openstack-selinux package to automatically manage security policies for OpenStack services:

    # yum install openstack-selinux
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