

The OpenStack Networking service offers many degrees of freedom because of the pluggable back end that supports a variety of open source and vendor (proprietary) plug-ins. The open source plug-ins generally implement native Linux facilities such as Open vSwitch (OVS) and Linux bridge. This section provides methods to troubleshoot and mitigate network issues for environments using the open source ML2 plug-in with the OVS or Linux bridge agent.

Neutron-debug command line tools

Network troubleshooting can unfortunately be a very difficult and confusing procedure. A network issue can cause a problem at several points in the cloud. Using a logical troubleshooting procedure can help mitigate the confusion and quickly isolate the network issue.

Some of the following sections reference these popular tools to understand both network configuration and traffic patterns:

  1. iproute2
  2. tcpdump
  3. iptables

Neutron-debug command line tools

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Network configuration in the database

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Debugging DHCP Issues

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Debugging DNS Issues

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Network namespaces configuration

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.