
Source code for keystone.common.validation.validators

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"""Internal implementation of request body validating middleware."""

import re

import jsonschema
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six

from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO(rderose): extend schema validation and add this check there
[docs]def validate_password(password): pattern = CONF.security_compliance.password_regex if pattern: if not isinstance(password, six.string_types): detail = _("Password must be a string type") raise exception.PasswordValidationError(detail=detail) try: if not re.match(pattern, password): pattern_desc = ( CONF.security_compliance.password_regex_description) raise exception.PasswordRequirementsValidationError( detail=pattern_desc) except re.error: msg = ("Unable to validate password due to invalid regular " "expression - password_regex: ") LOG.error(msg, pattern) detail = _("Unable to validate password due to invalid " "configuration") raise exception.PasswordValidationError(detail=detail)
[docs]class SchemaValidator(object): """Resource reference validator class.""" validator_org = jsonschema.Draft4Validator def __init__(self, schema): # NOTE(lbragstad): If at some point in the future we want to extend # our validators to include something specific we need to check for, # we can do it here. Nova's V3 API validators extend the validator to # include `self._validate_minimum` and `self._validate_maximum`. This # would be handy if we needed to check for something the jsonschema # didn't by default. See the Nova V3 validator for details on how this # is done. validators = {} validator_cls = jsonschema.validators.extend(self.validator_org, validators) fc = jsonschema.FormatChecker() self.validator = validator_cls(schema, format_checker=fc)
[docs] def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.validator.validate(*args, **kwargs) except jsonschema.ValidationError as ex: # NOTE: For whole OpenStack message consistency, this error # message has been written in a format consistent with WSME. if ex.path: # NOTE(lbragstad): Here we could think about using iter_errors # as a method of providing invalid parameters back to the # user. # TODO(lbragstad): If the value of a field is confidential or # too long, then we should build the masking in here so that # we don't expose sensitive user information in the event it # fails validation. path = '/'.join(map(six.text_type, ex.path)) detail = _("Invalid input for field '%(path)s': " "%(message)s") % {'path': path, 'message': six.text_type(ex)} else: detail = six.text_type(ex) raise exception.SchemaValidationError(detail=detail)
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