# Copyright 2013 Metacloud, Inc.
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import copy
import threading
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_log import versionutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
from keystone.common import kvs
from keystone.common import utils
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _, _LE, _LW
from keystone import token
from keystone.token.providers import common
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
STORE_CONF_LOCK = threading.Lock()
[docs]class Token(token.persistence.TokenDriverBase):
"""KeyValueStore backend for tokens.
This is the base implementation for any/all key-value-stores (e.g.
memcached) for the Token backend. It is recommended to only use the base
in-memory implementation for testing purposes.
revocation_key = 'revocation-list'
kvs_backend = 'openstack.kvs.Memory'
def __init__(self, backing_store=None, **kwargs):
super(Token, self).__init__()
self._store = kvs.get_key_value_store('token-driver')
if backing_store is not None:
self.kvs_backend = backing_store
# Using a lock here to avoid race condition.
if not self._store.is_configured:
# Do not re-configure the backend if the store has been
# initialized.
self._store.configure(backing_store=self.kvs_backend, **kwargs)
if self.__class__ == Token:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Only warn if the base KVS implementation
# is instantiated.
LOG.warning(_LW('It is recommended to only use the base '
'key-value-store implementation for the token '
'driver for testing purposes. Please use '
"'memcache' or 'sql' instead."))
def _prefix_token_id(self, token_id):
if six.PY2:
token_id = token_id.encode('utf-8')
return 'token-%s' % token_id
def _prefix_user_id(self, user_id):
if six.PY2:
user_id = user_id.encode('utf-8')
return 'usertokens-%s' % user_id
def _get_key_or_default(self, key, default=None):
return self._store.get(key)
except exception.NotFound:
return default
def _get_key(self, key):
return self._store.get(key)
def _set_key(self, key, value, lock=None):
self._store.set(key, value, lock)
def _delete_key(self, key):
return self._store.delete(key)
[docs] def get_token(self, token_id):
ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id)
token_ref = self._get_key(ptk)
except exception.NotFound:
raise exception.TokenNotFound(token_id=token_id)
return token_ref
[docs] def create_token(self, token_id, data):
"""Create a token by id and data.
It is assumed the caller has performed data validation on the "data"
data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data)
ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id)
if not data_copy.get('expires'):
data_copy['expires'] = common.default_expire_time()
if not data_copy.get('user_id'):
data_copy['user_id'] = data_copy['user']['id']
# NOTE(morganfainberg): for ease of manipulating the data without
# concern about the backend, always store the value(s) in the
# index as the isotime (string) version so this is where the string is
# built.
expires_str = utils.isotime(data_copy['expires'], subsecond=True)
self._set_key(ptk, data_copy)
user_id = data['user']['id']
user_key = self._prefix_user_id(user_id)
self._update_user_token_list(user_key, token_id, expires_str)
if CONF.trust.enabled and data.get('trust_id'):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): If trusts are enabled and this is a trust
# scoped token, we add the token to the trustee list as well. This
# allows password changes of the trustee to also expire the token.
# There is no harm in placing the token in multiple lists, as
# _list_tokens is smart enough to handle almost any case of
# valid/invalid/expired for a given token.
token_data = data_copy['token_data']
if data_copy['token_version'] == token.provider.V2:
trustee_user_id = token_data['access']['trust'][
elif data_copy['token_version'] == token.provider.V3:
trustee_user_id = token_data['OS-TRUST:trust'][
raise exception.UnsupportedTokenVersionException(
_('Unknown token version %s') %
trustee_key = self._prefix_user_id(trustee_user_id)
self._update_user_token_list(trustee_key, token_id, expires_str)
return data_copy
def _get_user_token_list_with_expiry(self, user_key):
"""Return user token list with token expiry.
:return: the tuples in the format (token_id, token_expiry)
:rtype: list
return self._get_key_or_default(user_key, default=[])
def _get_user_token_list(self, user_key):
"""Return a list of token_ids for the user_key."""
token_list = self._get_user_token_list_with_expiry(user_key)
# Each element is a tuple of (token_id, token_expiry). Most code does
# not care about the expiry, it is stripped out and only a
# list of token_ids are returned.
return [t[0] for t in token_list]
def _update_user_token_list(self, user_key, token_id, expires_isotime_str):
current_time = self._get_current_time()
revoked_token_list = set([t['id'] for t in
with self._store.get_lock(user_key) as lock:
filtered_list = []
token_list = self._get_user_token_list_with_expiry(user_key)
for item in token_list:
item_id, expires = self._format_token_index_item(item)
except (ValueError, TypeError): # nosec(tkelsey)
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Skip on expected errors
# possibilities from the `_format_token_index_item` method.
if expires < current_time:
msg = ('Token `%(token_id)s` is expired, '
'removing from `%(user_key)s`.')
LOG.debug(msg, {'token_id': item_id, 'user_key': user_key})
if item_id in revoked_token_list:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): If the token has been revoked, it
# can safely be removed from this list. This helps to keep
# the user_token_list as reasonably small as possible.
msg = ('Token `%(token_id)s` is revoked, removing '
'from `%(user_key)s`.')
LOG.debug(msg, {'token_id': item_id, 'user_key': user_key})
filtered_list.append((token_id, expires_isotime_str))
self._set_key(user_key, filtered_list, lock)
return filtered_list
def _get_current_time(self):
return timeutils.normalize_time(timeutils.utcnow())
def _add_to_revocation_list(self, data, lock):
filtered_list = []
revoked_token_data = {}
current_time = self._get_current_time()
expires = data['expires']
if isinstance(expires, six.string_types):
expires = timeutils.parse_isotime(expires)
expires = timeutils.normalize_time(expires)
if expires < current_time:
LOG.warning(_LW('Token `%s` is expired, not adding to the '
'revocation list.'), data['id'])
revoked_token_data['expires'] = utils.isotime(expires,
revoked_token_data['id'] = data['id']
token_data = data['token_data']
if 'access' in token_data:
# It's a v2 token.
audit_ids = token_data['access']['token']['audit_ids']
# It's a v3 token.
audit_ids = token_data['token']['audit_ids']
revoked_token_data['audit_id'] = audit_ids[0]
token_list = self._get_key_or_default(self.revocation_key, default=[])
if not isinstance(token_list, list):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): In the case that the revocation list is not
# in a format we understand, reinitialize it. This is an attempt to
# not allow the revocation list to be completely broken if
# somehow the key is changed outside of keystone (e.g. memcache
# that is shared by multiple applications). Logging occurs at error
# level so that the cloud administrators have some awareness that
# the revocation_list needed to be cleared out. In all, this should
# be recoverable. Keystone cannot control external applications
# from changing a key in some backends, however, it is possible to
# gracefully handle and notify of this event.
LOG.error(_LE('Reinitializing revocation list due to error '
'in loading revocation list from backend. '
'Expected `list` type got `%(type)s`. Old '
'revocation list data: %(list)r'),
{'type': type(token_list), 'list': token_list})
token_list = []
# NOTE(morganfainberg): on revocation, cleanup the expired entries, try
# to keep the list of tokens revoked at the minimum.
for token_data in token_list:
expires_at = timeutils.normalize_time(
except ValueError:
LOG.warning(_LW('Removing `%s` from revocation list due to '
'invalid expires data in revocation list.'),
token_data.get('id', 'INVALID_TOKEN_DATA'))
if expires_at > current_time:
self._set_key(self.revocation_key, filtered_list, lock)
[docs] def delete_token(self, token_id):
# Test for existence
with self._store.get_lock(self.revocation_key) as lock:
data = self.get_token(token_id)
ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id)
result = self._delete_key(ptk)
self._add_to_revocation_list(data, lock)
return result
[docs] def delete_tokens(self, user_id, tenant_id=None, trust_id=None,
return super(Token, self).delete_tokens(
def _format_token_index_item(self, item):
token_id, expires = item
except (TypeError, ValueError):
LOG.debug(('Invalid token entry expected tuple of '
'`(<token_id>, <expires>)` got: `%(item)r`'),
expires = timeutils.normalize_time(
except ValueError:
LOG.debug(('Invalid expires time on token `%(token_id)s`:'
' %(expires)r'),
dict(token_id=token_id, expires=expires))
return token_id, expires
def _token_match_tenant(self, token_ref, tenant_id):
if token_ref.get('tenant'):
return token_ref['tenant'].get('id') == tenant_id
return False
def _token_match_trust(self, token_ref, trust_id):
if not token_ref.get('trust_id'):
return False
return token_ref['trust_id'] == trust_id
def _token_match_consumer(self, token_ref, consumer_id):
oauth = token_ref['token_data']['token']['OS-OAUTH1']
return oauth.get('consumer_id') == consumer_id
except KeyError:
return False
def _list_tokens(self, user_id, tenant_id=None, trust_id=None,
# This function is used to generate the list of tokens that should be
# revoked when revoking by token identifiers. This approach will be
# deprecated soon, probably in the Juno release. Setting revoke_by_id
# to False indicates that this kind of recording should not be
# performed. In order to test the revocation events, tokens shouldn't
# be deleted from the backends. This check ensures that tokens are
# still recorded.
if not CONF.token.revoke_by_id:
return []
tokens = []
user_key = self._prefix_user_id(user_id)
token_list = self._get_user_token_list_with_expiry(user_key)
current_time = self._get_current_time()
for item in token_list:
token_id, expires = self._format_token_index_item(item)
except (TypeError, ValueError): # nosec(tkelsey)
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Skip on expected error possibilities
# from the `_format_token_index_item` method.
if expires < current_time:
token_ref = self.get_token(token_id)
except exception.TokenNotFound: # nosec(tkelsey)
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Token doesn't exist, skip it.
if token_ref:
if tenant_id is not None:
if not self._token_match_tenant(token_ref, tenant_id):
if trust_id is not None:
if not self._token_match_trust(token_ref, trust_id):
if consumer_id is not None:
if not self._token_match_consumer(token_ref, consumer_id):
return tokens
[docs] def list_revoked_tokens(self):
revoked_token_list = self._get_key_or_default(self.revocation_key,
if isinstance(revoked_token_list, list):
return revoked_token_list
return []
[docs] def flush_expired_tokens(self):
"""Archive or delete tokens that have expired."""
raise exception.NotImplemented()