Base classes for our unit tests.
Allows overriding of config for use of fakes, and some black magic for
inline callbacks.
class ironic.tests.base.ReplaceModule(name, new_value)[source]
Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture
Replace a module with a fake module.
class ironic.tests.base.TestCase(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Bases: testtools.testcase.TestCase
Test case base class for all unit tests.
Override config options for a test.
Get the absolute path to a file. Used for testing the API.
Parameters: | project_file – File whose path to return. Default: None. |
Returns: | path to the specified file, or path to project root. |
Run before each test method to initialize test environment.
Set default values of config options.
exception ironic.tests.base.TestingException[source]
Bases: exceptions.Exception