Node History


Ironic keeps a record of node error events in node history. This allows operators to track frequent failures and get additional context when troubleshooting failures.

How it works

Anytime a node would have it’s last_error populated, an entry is added to the history of the node containing severity of and details about the failure.

Node history can be completely disabled by setting conductor.node_history to False; it is enabled by default.

Since node history can grow unbounded over time, by default Ironic is configured to prune the data; this behavior is configurable with the following settings:

Client usage

The baremetal CLI has full support for node history.

To view the list of entries in history for a node: baremetal node history list $node.

To see a specific node history entry you want to see in detail: baremetal node history get $node $eventId.

Node history entries cannot be removed manually. Use the configuration options listed in the previous section to control the automatic pruning behavior of Ironic.