Ironic Policy

The following is a sample Ironic policy file, autogenerated from Ironic when this documentation is built. To prevent conflicts, ensure your version of Ironic aligns with the version of this documentation.

The sample policy can also be downloaded as a file.

# "admin_api" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Legacy rule for cloud admin access
#"admin_api": "role:admin or role:administrator"

# Internal flag for public API routes
#"public_api": "is_public_api:True"

# Show or mask secrets within node driver information in API responses
#"show_password": "!"

# Show or mask secrets within instance information in API responses
#"show_instance_secrets": "!"

# "is_member" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# May be used to restrict access to specific projects
#"is_member": "(project_domain_id:default or project_domain_id:None) and (project_name:demo or project_name:baremetal)"

# "is_observer" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Read-only API access
#"is_observer": "rule:is_member and (role:observer or role:baremetal_observer)"

# "is_admin" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Full read/write API access
#"is_admin": "rule:admin_api or (rule:is_member and role:baremetal_admin)"

# "is_node_owner" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Owner of node
#"is_node_owner": "project_id:%(node.owner)s"

# "is_node_lessee" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Lessee of node
#"is_node_lessee": "project_id:%(node.lessee)s"

# "is_allocation_owner" has been deprecated since W.
# Pre-RBAC default rule. This rule does not support scoping system
# scoping and as such is deprecated.
# Owner of allocation
#"is_allocation_owner": "project_id:%(allocation.owner)s"

# Create Node records
# POST  /nodes
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:create": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:create":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:create":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Create node records which will be tracked as owned by the associated
# user project.
# POST  /nodes
# Intended scope(s): project
#"baremetal:node:create:self_owned_node": "role:admin"

# Retrieve multiple Node records, filtered by an explicit owner or the
# client project_id
# GET  /nodes
# GET  /nodes/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:list": "role:reader"

# "baremetal:node:list":"rule:baremetal:node:get" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:list":"role:reader".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Retrieve multiple Node records
# GET  /nodes
# GET  /nodes/detail
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:node:list_all": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:list_all":"rule:baremetal:node:get" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:list_all":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Retrieve a single Node record
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "baremetal:node:get":"(role:reader
# and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s
# or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Filter to allow operators to govern the threshold where information
# should be filtered. Non-authorized users will be subjected to
# additional API policy checks for API content response bodies.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get:filter_threshold": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get:filter_threshold":"role:reader and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:get:filter_threshold"

# Governs if the node last_error field is masked from API clients with
# insufficient privileges.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get:last_error": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get:last_error":"(role:reader and system_scope:all)
# or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:get:last_error"

# Governs if the node reservation field is masked from API clients
# with insufficient privileges.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get:reservation": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get:reservation":"(role:reader and system_scope:all)
# or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:get:reservation"

# Governs if the node driver_internal_info field is masked from API
# clients with insufficient privileges.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get:driver_internal_info": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get:driver_internal_info":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:get:driver_internal_info"

# Governs if the driver_info field is masked from API clients with
# insufficient privileges.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get:driver_info": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get:driver_info":"(role:reader and system_scope:all)
# or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:get:driver_info"

# Governs if node driver_info field can be updated via the API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:driver_info": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:driver_info":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:driver_info"

# Governs if node properties field can be updated via the API clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:properties": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:properties":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:properties"

# Governs if node chassis_uuid field can be updated via the API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:chassis_uuid": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:chassis_uuid":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:chassis_uuid"

# Governs if node instance_uuid field can be updated via the API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:instance_uuid": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:instance_uuid":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:instance_uuid"

# Governs if node lessee field can be updated via the API clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:lessee": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:lessee":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:lessee"

# Governs if node owner field can be updated via the API clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:owner": "role:member and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:owner":"role:member and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:owner"

# Governs if node driver and driver interfaces field can be updated
# via the API clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:driver_interfaces": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:driver_interfaces":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s)
# or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:driver_interfaces"

# Governs if node driver_info field can be updated via the API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:network_data": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:network_data":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:network_data"

# Governs if node conductor_group field can be updated via the API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:conductor_group": "role:member and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:conductor_group":"role:member and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:conductor_group"

# Governs if node name field can be updated via the API clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:name": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:name":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:name"

# Governs if node retired and retired reason can be updated by API
# clients.
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update:retired": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update:retired":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:update": "rule:baremetal:node:update:retired"

# Generalized update of node records
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:update":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Update Node extra field
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update_extra": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:update_extra":"rule:baremetal:node:update" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:update_extra":"(role:member and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Update Node instance_info field
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:update_instance_info": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:update_instance_info":"rule:baremetal:node:update"
# has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:update_instance_info":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Update Node owner even when Node is provisioned
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:node:update_owner_provisioned": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:update_owner_provisioned":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:update_owner_provisioned":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Delete Node records
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:delete": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:node:delete":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Delete node records which are associated with the requesting
# project.
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): project
#"baremetal:node:delete:self_owned_node": "role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s"

# Request active validation of Nodes
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/validate
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:validate": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:validate":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:node:validate":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Set maintenance flag, taking a Node out of service
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/maintenance
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_maintenance": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_maintenance":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_maintenance":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)
# or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Clear maintenance flag, placing the Node into service again
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}/maintenance
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:clear_maintenance": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:clear_maintenance":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:clear_maintenance":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Retrieve Node boot device metadata
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/boot_device
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/boot_device/supported
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get_boot_device": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get_boot_device":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer"
# has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get_boot_device":"(role:member and system_scope:all)
# or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node boot device
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/boot_device
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_boot_device": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_maintenance":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_boot_device":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s)
# or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:set_maintenance": "rule:baremetal:node:set_boot_device"

# Retrieve Node indicators and their states
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/indicators/{component}/{indicator}
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/indicators
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get_indicator_state": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:get_indicator_state":"rule:is_admin or
# rule:is_observer" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get_indicator_state":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node indicator state
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/indicators/{component}/{indicator}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_indicator_state": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_indicator_state":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:set_indicator_state":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Inject NMI for a node
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/management/inject_nmi
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:inject_nmi": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:inject_nmi":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:inject_nmi":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# View Node power and provision state
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/states
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get_states": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:get_states":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:get_states":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node power status
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/power
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_power_state": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:set_power_state":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_power_state":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s
# or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node boot mode
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/boot_mode
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_boot_mode": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:set_power_state":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_boot_mode":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:set_power_state": "rule:baremetal:node:set_boot_mode"

# Change Node secure boot state
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/secure_boot
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_secure_boot": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:set_power_state":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_secure_boot":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:member and (project_id:%(node.owner)s
# or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:set_power_state": "rule:baremetal:node:set_secure_boot"

# Change Node provision status
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/provision
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_provision_state": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_provision_state":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:set_provision_state":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node RAID status
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/raid
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_raid_state": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_raid_state":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:set_raid_state":"(role:member
# and system_scope:all) or (role:member and
# project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Get Node console connection information
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/console
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:get_console": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get_console":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:get_console":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Change Node console status
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/states/console
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:set_console_state": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:set_console_state":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:set_console_state":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# List VIFs attached to node
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/vifs
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:vif:list": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:vif:list":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:node:vif:list":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Attach a VIF to a node
# POST  /nodes/{node_ident}/vifs
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:vif:attach": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:vif:attach":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:vif:attach":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Detach a VIF from a node
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}/vifs/{node_vif_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:vif:detach": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:node:vif:detach":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:vif:detach":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# List node traits
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/traits
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:traits:list": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:traits:list":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:traits:list":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Add a trait to, or replace all traits of, a node
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/traits
# PUT  /nodes/{node_ident}/traits/{trait}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:traits:set": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:traits:set":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:traits:set":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Remove one or all traits from a node
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}/traits
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}/traits/{trait}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:traits:delete": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:traits:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:traits:delete":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Retrieve Node BIOS information
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/bios
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/bios/{setting}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:bios:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:node:bios:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:bios:get":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Disable Node disk cleaning
# PATCH  /nodes/{node_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:node:disable_cleaning": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:disable_cleaning":"rule:baremetal:node:update" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:disable_cleaning":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.

# Filter to allow operators to retreive history records for a node.
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/history
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/history/{event_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:history:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:node:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:node:history:get":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal node API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles. Capability to fallback to legacy admin project policy
# configuration will be removed in a future release of Ironic.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:node:get": "rule:baremetal:node:history:get"

# Retrieve Port records
# GET  /ports/{port_id}
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/ports
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/ports/detail
# GET  /portgroups/{portgroup_ident}/ports
# GET  /portgroups/{portgroup_ident}/ports/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:port:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "baremetal:port:get":"(role:reader
# and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s
# or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve multiple Port records, filtered by owner
# GET  /ports
# GET  /ports/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:list": "role:reader"

# "baremetal:port:list":"rule:baremetal:port:get" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:port:list":"role:reader".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve multiple Port records
# GET  /ports
# GET  /ports/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:list_all": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:port:list_all":"rule:baremetal:port:get" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:port:list_all":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Create Port records
# POST  /ports
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:create": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:port:create":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:port:create":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Delete Port records
# DELETE  /ports/{port_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:delete": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:port:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:port:delete":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Update Port records
# PATCH  /ports/{port_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:port:update": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:port:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:port:update":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve Portgroup records
# GET  /portgroups
# GET  /portgroups/detail
# GET  /portgroups/{portgroup_ident}
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/portgroups
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/portgroups/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:portgroup:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:portgroup:get":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Create Portgroup records
# POST  /portgroups
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:create": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:portgroup:create":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:portgroup:create":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Delete Portgroup records
# DELETE  /portgroups/{portgroup_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:delete": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:portgroup:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:portgroup:delete":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Update Portgroup records
# PATCH  /portgroups/{portgroup_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:update": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:portgroup:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:portgroup:update":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s)".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Retrieve multiple Port records, filtered by owner
# GET  /portgroups
# GET  /portgroups/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:list": "role:reader"

# "baremetal:portgroup:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:portgroup:list":"role:reader".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:portgroup:get": "rule:baremetal:portgroup:list"

# Retrieve multiple Port records
# GET  /portgroups
# GET  /portgroups/detail
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:portgroup:list_all": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:portgroup:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:portgroup:list_all":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal port groups API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:portgroup:get": "rule:baremetal:portgroup:list_all"

# Retrieve Chassis records
# GET  /chassis
# GET  /chassis/detail
# GET  /chassis/{chassis_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:chassis:get": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:chassis:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "baremetal:chassis:get":"role:reader
# and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal chassis API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Create Chassis records
# POST  /chassis
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:chassis:create": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:chassis:create":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:chassis:create":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal chassis API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Delete Chassis records
# DELETE  /chassis/{chassis_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:chassis:delete": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:chassis:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:chassis:delete":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal chassis API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Update Chassis records
# PATCH  /chassis/{chassis_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:chassis:update": "role:member and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:chassis:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:chassis:update":"role:member and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal chassis API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# View list of available drivers
# GET  /drivers
# GET  /drivers/{driver_name}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:driver:get": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:driver:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "baremetal:driver:get":"role:reader
# and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal driver API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# View driver-specific properties
# GET  /drivers/{driver_name}/properties
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:driver:get_properties": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:driver:get_properties":"rule:is_admin or
# rule:is_observer" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:driver:get_properties":"role:reader and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal driver API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# View driver-specific RAID metadata
# GET  /drivers/{driver_name}/raid/logical_disk_properties
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:driver:get_raid_logical_disk_properties": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:driver:get_raid_logical_disk_properties":"rule:is_admin
# or rule:is_observer" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:driver:get_raid_logical_disk_properties":"role:reader and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal driver API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Access vendor-specific Node functions
# GET  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru/methods
# GET  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# PUT  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# POST  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# PATCH  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# DELETE  nodes/{node_ident}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:node:vendor_passthru": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:node:vendor_passthru":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:vendor_passthru":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal vendor passthru API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Access vendor-specific Driver functions
# GET  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru/methods
# GET  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# PUT  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# POST  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# PATCH  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# DELETE  drivers/{driver_name}/vendor_passthru?method={method_name}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:driver:vendor_passthru": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:driver:vendor_passthru":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:driver:vendor_passthru":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal vendor passthru API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Receive heartbeats from IPA ramdisk
# POST  /heartbeat/{node_ident}
#"baremetal:node:ipa_heartbeat": ""

# "baremetal:node:ipa_heartbeat":"rule:public_api" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:node:ipa_heartbeat":"".
# The baremetal utility API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Access IPA ramdisk functions
# GET  /lookup
#"baremetal:driver:ipa_lookup": ""

# "baremetal:driver:ipa_lookup":"rule:public_api" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:driver:ipa_lookup":"".
# The baremetal utility API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve a list of all Volume connector and target records
# GET  /volume/connectors
# GET  /volume/targets
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/connectors
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/targets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:list_all": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:volume:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:volume:list_all":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:volume:get": "rule:baremetal:volume:list_all"

# Retrieve a list of Volume connector and target records
# GET  /volume/connectors
# GET  /volume/targets
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/connectors
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/targets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:list": "role:reader"

# "baremetal:volume:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:volume:list":"role:reader".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:volume:get": "rule:baremetal:volume:list"

# Retrieve Volume connector and target records
# GET  /volume
# GET  /volume/connectors
# GET  /volume/connectors/{volume_connector_id}
# GET  /volume/targets
# GET  /volume/targets/{volume_target_id}
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/connectors
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/volume/targets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))"

# "baremetal:volume:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "baremetal:volume:get":"(role:reader
# and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and (project_id:%(node.owner)s
# or project_id:%(node.lessee)s))".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Create Volume connector and target records
# POST  /volume/connectors
# POST  /volume/targets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:create": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:volume:create":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:volume:create":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Delete Volume connector and target records
# DELETE  /volume/connectors/{volume_connector_id}
# DELETE  /volume/targets/{volume_target_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:delete": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:volume:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:volume:delete":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:manager and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Update Volume connector and target records
# PATCH  /volume/connectors/{volume_connector_id}
# PATCH  /volume/targets/{volume_target_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:update": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and project_id:%(node.lessee)s)"

# "baremetal:volume:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "baremetal:volume:update":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(node.owner)s) or
# (role:admin and project_id:%(node.lessee)s) or (role:manager and
# project_id:%(node.lessee)s)".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Ability to view volume target properties
# GET  /volume/connectors/{volume_connector_id}
# GET  /volume/targets/{volume_target_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:volume:view_target_properties": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:admin)"

# "baremetal:volume:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of
# "baremetal:volume:view_target_properties":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:admin)".
# The baremetal volume API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "baremetal:volume:update": "rule:baremetal:volume:view_target_properties"

# Retrieve Conductor records
# GET  /conductors
# GET  /conductors/{hostname}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:conductor:get": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:conductor:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:conductor:get":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal conductor API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve Allocation records
# GET  /allocations/{allocation_id}
# GET  /nodes/{node_ident}/allocation
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:get": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:allocation:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:allocation:get":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Retrieve multiple Allocation records, filtered by owner
# GET  /allocations
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:list": "role:reader"

# "baremetal:allocation:list":"rule:baremetal:allocation:get" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:allocation:list":"role:reader".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Retrieve multiple Allocation records
# GET  /allocations
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:list_all": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:allocation:list_all":"rule:baremetal:allocation:get and
# is_admin_project:True" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:allocation:list_all":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Create Allocation records
# POST  /allocations
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:create": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member)"

# "baremetal:allocation:create":"rule:is_admin and
# is_admin_project:True" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:allocation:create":"(role:member and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member)".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Create Allocation records with a specific owner.
# POST  /allocations
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:create_restricted": "role:member and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:allocation:create_restricted":"rule:baremetal:allocation:
# create" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:allocation:create_restricted":"role:member and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Delete Allocation records
# DELETE  /allocations/{allocation_id}
# DELETE  /nodes/{node_ident}/allocation
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:delete": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:allocation:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:allocation:delete":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and
# project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Change name and extra fields of an allocation
# PATCH  /allocations/{allocation_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"baremetal:allocation:update": "(role:member and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)"

# "baremetal:allocation:update":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "baremetal:allocation:update":"(role:member and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and
# project_id:%(allocation.owner)s)".
# The baremetal allocation API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Logical restrictor to prevent legacy allocation rule missuse -
# Requires blank allocations to originate from the legacy
# baremetal_admin.
# PATCH  /allocations/{allocation_id}
# Intended scope(s): project
#"baremetal:allocation:create_pre_rbac": "(rule:is_member and role:baremetal_admin) or (is_admin_project:True and role:admin)"

# Post events
# POST  /events
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:events:post": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:events:post":"rule:is_admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "baremetal:events:post":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal event API is now aware of system scope and default
# roles.

# Retrieve Deploy Template records
# GET  /deploy_templates
# GET  /deploy_templates/{deploy_template_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:deploy_template:get": "role:reader and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:deploy_template:get":"rule:is_admin or rule:is_observer"
# has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:deploy_template:get":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The baremetal deploy template API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Create Deploy Template records
# POST  /deploy_templates
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:deploy_template:create": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:deploy_template:create":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:deploy_template:create":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal deploy template API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Delete Deploy Template records
# DELETE  /deploy_templates/{deploy_template_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:deploy_template:delete": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:deploy_template:delete":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:deploy_template:delete":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal deploy template API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.

# Update Deploy Template records
# PATCH  /deploy_templates/{deploy_template_ident}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"baremetal:deploy_template:update": "role:admin and system_scope:all"

# "baremetal:deploy_template:update":"rule:is_admin" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "baremetal:deploy_template:update":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The baremetal deploy template API is now aware of system scope and
# default roles.