Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A simple boolean type.
alias of unicode
Bases: wsme.types.Base
A complex type that represents a single json-patch operation.
Returns a list of internal attributes.
Internal attributes can’t be added, replaced or removed. This method may be overwritten by derived class.
Returns a set of names of attributes that may not be removed.
Attributes whose ‘mandatory’ property is True are automatically added to this set. To add additional attributes to the set, override the field _extra_non_removable_attrs in subclasses, with a set of the form {‘/foo’, ‘/bar’}.
Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A simple JSON type.
alias of unicode
Bases: ironic.api.controllers.v1.types.ListType
List of MAC addresses.
Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A simple list type.
alias of unicode
Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A type describing local link connection.
alias of DictType
Validate and convert the input to a LocalLinkConnectionType.
Parameters: | value – A dictionary of values to validate, switch_id is a MAC address or an OpenFlow based datapath_id, switch_info is an optional field. |
For example:
'switch_id': mac_or_datapath_id(),
'port_id': 'Ethernet3/1',
'switch_info': 'switch1'
Returns: | A dictionary. |
Raises: | Invalid if some of the keys in the dictionary being validated are unknown, invalid, or some required ones are missing. |
Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A simple MAC address type.
alias of unicode
Bases: wsme.types.UserType
A simple logical name type.
alias of unicode