Source code for ironic_inspector.common.mdns

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"""Multicast DNS implementation for API discovery.

This implementation follows RFC 6763 as clarified by the API SIG guideline

import collections
import ipaddress
import logging
import socket
import time
from urllib import parse as urlparse

from oslo_config import cfg
import zeroconf

from ironic_inspector.common import exception
from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _
from ironic_inspector import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_MDNS_DOMAIN = '_openstack._tcp.local.'
_endpoint = collections.namedtuple('Endpoint',
                                   ['addresses', 'hostname', 'port', 'params'])


[docs] class Zeroconf(object): """Multicast DNS implementation client and server. Uses threading internally, so there is no start method. It starts automatically on creation. .. warning:: The underlying library does not yet support IPv6. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize and start the mDNS server.""" interfaces = (CONF.mdns.interfaces if CONF.mdns.interfaces else zeroconf.InterfaceChoice.All) # If interfaces are set, let zeroconf auto-detect the version ip_version = None if CONF.mdns.interfaces else zeroconf.IPVersion.All self._zc = zeroconf.Zeroconf(interfaces=interfaces, ip_version=ip_version) self._registered = []
[docs] def register_service(self, service_type, endpoint, params=None): """Register a service. This call announces the new services via multicast and instructs the built-in server to respond to queries about it. :param service_type: OpenStack service type, e.g. "baremetal". :param endpoint: full endpoint to reach the service. :param params: optional properties as a dictionary. :raises: :exc:`.ServiceRegistrationFailure` if the service cannot be registered, e.g. because of conflicts. """ parsed = _parse_endpoint(endpoint, service_type) all_params = CONF.mdns.params.copy() if params: all_params.update(params) all_params.update(parsed.params) properties = { (key.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(key, str) else key): (value.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value, str) else value) for key, value in all_params.items() } # TODO(dtantsur): allow overriding TTL values via configuration info = zeroconf.ServiceInfo(_MDNS_DOMAIN, '%s.%s' % (service_type, _MDNS_DOMAIN), addresses=parsed.addresses, port=parsed.port, properties=properties, server=parsed.hostname) LOG.debug('Registering %s via mDNS', info) # Work around a potential race condition in the registration code: # delay = 0.1 try: for attempt in range(CONF.mdns.registration_attempts): try: self._zc.register_service(info) except zeroconf.NonUniqueNameException: LOG.debug('Could not register %s - conflict', info) if attempt == CONF.mdns.registration_attempts - 1: raise # reset the cache to purge learned records and retry self._zc.cache = zeroconf.DNSCache() time.sleep(delay) delay *= 2 else: break except zeroconf.Error as exc: raise exception.ServiceRegistrationFailure( service=service_type, error=exc) self._registered.append(info)
[docs] def get_endpoint(self, service_type, skip_loopback=True, # noqa: C901 skip_link_local=False): """Get an endpoint and its properties from mDNS. If the requested endpoint is already in the built-in server cache, and its TTL is not exceeded, the cached value is returned. :param service_type: OpenStack service type. :param skip_loopback: Whether to ignore loopback addresses. :param skip_link_local: Whether to ignore link local V6 addresses. :returns: tuple (endpoint URL, properties as a dict). :raises: :exc:`.ServiceLookupFailure` if the service cannot be found. """ delay = 0.1 for attempt in range(CONF.mdns.lookup_attempts): name = '%s.%s' % (service_type, _MDNS_DOMAIN) info = self._zc.get_service_info(name, name) if info is not None: break elif attempt == CONF.mdns.lookup_attempts - 1: raise exception.ServiceLookupFailure(service=service_type) else: time.sleep(delay) delay *= 2 all_addr = info.parsed_addresses() # Try to find the first routable address fallback = None for addr in all_addr: try: loopback = ipaddress.ip_address(addr).is_loopback except ValueError: LOG.debug('Skipping invalid IP address %s', addr) continue else: if loopback and skip_loopback: LOG.debug('Skipping loopback IP address %s', addr) continue if utils.get_route_source(addr, skip_link_local): address = addr break elif fallback is None: fallback = addr else: if fallback is None: raise exception.ServiceLookupFailure( _('None of addresses %(addr)s for service %(service)s ' 'are valid') % {'addr': all_addr, 'service': service_type}) else: LOG.warning('None of addresses %s seem routable, using %s', all_addr, fallback) address = fallback properties = {} for key, value in try: if isinstance(key, bytes): key = key.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeError as exc: raise exception.ServiceLookupFailure( _('Invalid properties for service %(svc)s. Cannot decode ' 'key %(key)r: %(exc)r') % {'svc': service_type, 'key': key, 'exc': exc}) try: if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeError as exc: LOG.debug('Cannot convert value %(value)r for key %(key)s ' 'to string, assuming binary: %(exc)s', {'key': key, 'value': value, 'exc': exc}) properties[key] = value path = properties.pop('path', '') protocol = properties.pop('protocol', None) if not protocol: if info.port == 80: protocol = 'http' else: protocol = 'https' if info.server.endswith('.local.'): # Local hostname means that the catalog lists an IP address, # so use it host = address if int(ipaddress.ip_address(host).version) == 6: host = '[%s]' % host else: # Otherwise use the provided hostname. host = info.server.rstrip('.') return ('{proto}://{host}:{port}{path}'.format(proto=protocol, host=host, port=info.port, path=path), properties)
[docs] def close(self): """Shut down mDNS and unregister services. .. note:: If another server is running for the same services, it will re-register them immediately. """ for info in self._registered: try: self._zc.unregister_service(info) except Exception: LOG.exception('Could not unregister mDNS service %s', info) self._zc.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close()
def _parse_endpoint(endpoint, service_type=None): params = {} url = urlparse.urlparse(endpoint) port = url.port if port is None: if url.scheme == 'https': port = 443 else: port = 80 addresses = [] hostname = url.hostname try: infos = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, 0, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) except socket.error as exc: raise exception.ServiceRegistrationFailure( service=service_type, error=_('Could not resolve hostname %(host)s: %(exc)s') % {'host': hostname, 'exc': exc}) for info in infos: ip = info[4][0] if ip == hostname: # we need a host name for the service record. if what we have in # the catalog is an IP address, use the local hostname instead hostname = None # zeroconf requires addresses in network format ip = socket.inet_pton(info[0], ip) if ip not in addresses: addresses.append(ip) if not addresses: raise exception.ServiceRegistrationFailure( service=service_type, error=_('No suitable addresses found for %s') % url.hostname) # avoid storing information that can be derived from existing data if url.path not in ('', '/'): params['path'] = url.path if (not (port == 80 and url.scheme == 'http') and not (port == 443 and url.scheme == 'https')): params['protocol'] = url.scheme # zeroconf is pretty picky about having the trailing dot if hostname is not None and not hostname.endswith('.'): hostname += '.' return _endpoint(addresses, hostname, port, params)