The openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables ModuleΒΆ

class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.ManageVolumeAction(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

ajax = True
base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables', 'render': <function render at 0x7f4472920b90>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'policy_rules': (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_manage'),), 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x7f4472920c80>, 'ajax': True, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920578>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920aa0>, 'icon': 'plus', 'name': 'manage', 'url': 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:manage', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f4472920c08>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal',), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x7f4472920b18>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f447128f0d0>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
classes = ('ajax-modal',)
icon = 'plus'
name = 'manage'
policy_rules = (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_manage'),)
url = 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:manage'
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f447128f0d0>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.MigrateVolume(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

allowed(request, volume=None)[source]
base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables', 'render': <function render at 0x7f4472920b90>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'policy_rules': (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume'),), 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x7f4472920c80>, 'ajax': False, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f446de22aa0>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920578>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920aa0>, 'name': 'migrate', 'url': 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:migrate', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f4472920c08>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal', 'btn-migrate'), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x7f4472920b18>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f446f2443d0>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
classes = ('ajax-modal', 'btn-migrate')
name = 'migrate'
policy_rules = (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume'),)
url = 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:migrate'
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f446f2443d0>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.UnmanageVolumeAction(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

allowed(request, volume=None)[source]
base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables', 'render': <function render at 0x7f4472920b90>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'policy_rules': (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_unmanage'),), 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x7f4472920c80>, 'ajax': False, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f446de22a28>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920578>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920aa0>, 'icon': 'pencil', 'name': 'unmanage', 'url': 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:unmanage', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f4472920c08>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal',), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x7f4472920b18>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f447128f4d0>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
classes = ('ajax-modal',)
icon = 'pencil'
name = 'unmanage'
policy_rules = (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_unmanage'),)
url = 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:unmanage'
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f447128f4d0>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.UpdateVolumeStatusAction(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.LinkAction

base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables', 'render': <function render at 0x7f4472920b90>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'policy_rules': (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:reset_status'),), 'get_link_url': <function get_link_url at 0x7f4472920c80>, 'ajax': False, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920578>}, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920aa0>, 'icon': 'pencil', 'name': 'update_status', 'url': 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:update_status', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f4472920c08>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, 'classes': ('ajax-modal',), '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'get_ajax_update_url': <function get_ajax_update_url at 0x7f4472920b18>, 'verbose_name': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f44712940d0>, '__doc__': 'A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n Required. The short name or "slug" representing this\n action. This name should not be changed at runtime.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)\n\n .. attribute:: url\n\n A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link\n target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override\n the ``get_link_url`` method on the class.\n\n .. attribute:: allowed_data_types\n\n A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the\n datum\'s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row\n for the datum.\n\n Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action\n will accept any kind of data.\n '}
classes = ('ajax-modal',)
icon = 'pencil'
name = 'update_status'
policy_rules = (('volume', 'volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:reset_status'),)
url = 'horizon:admin:volumes:volumes:update_status'
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f44712940d0>
class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.VolumesFilterAction(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: horizon.tables.actions.FilterAction

base_options = {'__module__': 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables', 'is_api_filter': <function is_api_filter at 0x7f4472920f50>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'base_options': {'__module__': 'horizon.tables.actions', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'update': <function update at 0x7f44729207d0>, 'get_policy_target': <function get_policy_target at 0x7f4472920668>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'allowed': <function allowed at 0x7f44729206e0>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'base_options': {...}, '__doc__': 'Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920578>}, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f4472920cf8>, 'filter': <function filter at 0x7f446de229b0>, 'name': 'filter', 'data_type_matched': <function data_type_matched at 0x7f44729205f0>, 'get_default_classes': <function get_default_classes at 0x7f4472920848>, 'get_param_name': <function get_param_name at 0x7f4472920d70>, '__doc__': 'A base class representing a filter action for a table.\n\n .. attribute:: name\n\n The short name or "slug" representing this action. Defaults to\n ``"filter"``.\n\n .. attribute:: verbose_name\n\n A descriptive name used for display purposes. Defaults to the\n value of ``name`` with the first letter of each word capitalized.\n\n .. attribute:: param_name\n\n A string representing the name of the request parameter used for the\n search term. Default: ``"q"``.\n\n .. attribute:: filter_type\n\n A string representing the type of this filter. If this is set to\n ``"server"`` then ``filter_choices`` must also be provided.\n Default: ``"query"``.\n\n .. attribute:: filter_choices\n\n Required for server type filters. A tuple of tuples representing the\n filter options. Tuple composition should evaluate to (string, string,\n boolean), representing the filter parameter, display value, and whether\n or not it should be applied to the API request as an API query\n attribute. API type filters do not need to be accounted for in the\n filter method since the API will do the filtering. However, server\n type filters in general will need to be performed in the filter method.\n By default this attribute is not provided.\n\n .. attribute:: needs_preloading\n\n If True, the filter function will be called for the initial\n GET request with an empty ``filter_string``, regardless of the\n value of ``method``.\n ', 'data_type_filter': <function data_type_filter at 0x7f4472920e60>, '_allowed': <function _allowed at 0x7f4472920758>, '__repr__': <function __repr__ at 0x7f4472920938>, 'get_default_attrs': <function get_default_attrs at 0x7f44729208c0>, 'assign_type_string': <function assign_type_string at 0x7f4472920de8>, 'associate_with_table': <function associate_with_table at 0x7f44729209b0>}
filter(table, volumes, filter_string)[source]

Naive case-insensitive search.

class openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.VolumesTable(request, data=None, needs_form_wrapper=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.volumes.volumes.tables.VolumesTable

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

columns = ('tenant', 'host', 'name', 'size', 'status', 'volume_type', 'attachments', 'bootable', 'encryption')
name = 'volumes'
row_actions = (<class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.volumes.volumes.tables.DeleteVolume'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.UpdateVolumeStatusAction'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.UnmanageVolumeAction'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.MigrateVolume'>)

alias of UpdateRow

status_columns = ['status']
table_actions = (<class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.ManageVolumeAction'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.volumes.volumes.tables.DeleteVolume'>, <class 'openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.volumes.volumes.tables.VolumesFilterAction'>)
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f446eaf9750>
VolumesTable.base_actions = OrderedDict([('delete', <DeleteVolume: delete>), ('filter', <VolumesFilterAction: filter>), ('manage', <ManageVolumeAction: manage>), ('migrate', <MigrateVolume: migrate>), ('unmanage', <UnmanageVolumeAction: unmanage>), ('update_status', <UpdateVolumeStatusAction: update_status>)])
VolumesTable.base_columns = OrderedDict([('name', <Column: name>), ('description', <Column: description>), ('size', <Column: size>), ('status', <Column: status>), ('volume_type', <Column: volume_type>), ('attachments', <AttachmentColumn: attachments>), ('availability_zone', <Column: availability_zone>), ('bootable', <Column: bootable>), ('encryption', <Column: encryption>), ('host', <Column: host>), ('tenant', <Column: tenant>)])

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