Bases: object
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.network_base.FloatingIpManager
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Simple wrapper around novaclient.hypervisors.Hypervisor.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper
Simple wrapper around contrib/
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Wrapper for the “console” dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_rdp_console method.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Wrapper for the “console” dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_spice_console method.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper
Wrapper around novaclient.security_groups.SecurityGroup.
Wraps its rules in SecurityGroupRule objects and allows access to them.
Wraps transmitted rule info in the novaclient rule class.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.network_base.SecurityGroupManager
Gets security groups of an instance.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper
Wrapper for individual rules in a SecurityGroup.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Wrapper for the “console” dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_serial_console method.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper
Simple wrapper around novaclient.server.Server.
Preserves the request info so image name can later be retrieved.
Bases: openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper
Wrapper for the “console” dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_vnc_console method.
Add a tenant to the given flavor access list.
Return the Hypervisor’s capability of setting mount points.
Determine if nova supports a given extension name.
Example values for the extension_name include AdminActions, ConsoleOutput, etc.
Get the list of access instance sizes (flavors).
Unset the flavor extra spec keys.
Set the flavor extra spec keys.
Get flavor extra specs.
Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors).
List all nova extensions, except the ones in the blacklist.
Remove a tenant from the given flavor access list.
Gets console output of an instance.