# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.template import defaultfilters
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import tables
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.identity.groups import constants
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGOUT_URL = 'logout'
("true", True),
("false", False)
[docs]class CreateGroupLink(tables.LinkAction):
name = "create"
verbose_name = _("Create Group")
url = constants.GROUPS_CREATE_URL
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:create_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, group):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs]class EditGroupLink(tables.LinkAction):
name = "edit"
verbose_name = _("Edit Group")
url = constants.GROUPS_UPDATE_URL
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "pencil"
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:update_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, group):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs]class DeleteGroupsAction(tables.DeleteAction):
[docs] def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Group",
u"Delete Groups",
[docs] def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Deleted Group",
u"Deleted Groups",
name = "delete"
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:delete_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, datum):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs] def delete(self, request, obj_id):
LOG.info('Deleting group "%s".' % obj_id)
api.keystone.group_delete(request, obj_id)
[docs]class ManageUsersLink(tables.LinkAction):
name = "users"
verbose_name = _("Manage Members")
url = constants.GROUPS_MANAGE_URL
icon = "pencil"
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:get_group"),
("identity", "identity:list_users"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, datum):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs]class GroupFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
[docs] def filter(self, table, groups, filter_string):
"""Naive case-insensitive search."""
q = filter_string.lower()
def comp(group):
if q in group.name.lower():
return True
return False
return filter(comp, groups)
[docs]class GroupsTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.Column('name', verbose_name=_('Name'))
description = tables.Column(lambda obj: getattr(obj, 'description', None),
id = tables.Column('id', verbose_name=_('Group ID'))
[docs]class UserFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
[docs] def filter(self, table, users, filter_string):
"""Naive case-insensitive search."""
q = filter_string.lower()
return [user for user in users
if q in user.name.lower()
or q in (getattr(user, 'email', None) or '').lower()]
[docs]class RemoveMembers(tables.DeleteAction):
[docs] def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Remove User",
u"Remove Users",
[docs] def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Removed User",
u"Removed Users",
name = "removeGroupMember"
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:remove_user_from_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, user=None):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id):
user_obj = self.table.get_object_by_id(obj_id)
group_id = self.table.kwargs['group_id']
LOG.info('Removing user %s from group %s.' % (user_obj.id,
# TODO(lin-hua-cheng): Fix the bug when removing current user
# Keystone revokes the token of the user removed from the group.
# If the logon user was removed, redirect the user to logout.
[docs]class AddMembersLink(tables.LinkAction):
name = "add_user_link"
verbose_name = _("Add Users")
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
url = constants.GROUPS_ADD_MEMBER_URL
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:list_users"),
("identity", "identity:add_user_to_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, user=None):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs] def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
return reverse(self.url, kwargs=self.table.kwargs)
[docs]class UsersTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.Column('name', verbose_name=_('User Name'))
email = tables.Column('email', verbose_name=_('Email'),
id = tables.Column('id', verbose_name=_('User ID'))
enabled = tables.Column('enabled', verbose_name=_('Enabled'),
[docs]class GroupMembersTable(UsersTable):
[docs]class AddMembers(tables.BatchAction):
[docs] def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Add User",
u"Add Users",
[docs] def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Added User",
u"Added Users",
name = "addMember"
icon = "plus"
requires_input = True
success_url = constants.GROUPS_MANAGE_URL
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:add_user_to_group"),)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, user=None):
return api.keystone.keystone_can_edit_group()
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id):
user_obj = self.table.get_object_by_id(obj_id)
group_id = self.table.kwargs['group_id']
LOG.info('Adding user %s to group %s.' % (user_obj.id,
# TODO(lin-hua-cheng): Fix the bug when adding current user
# Keystone revokes the token of the user added to the group.
# If the logon user was added, redirect the user to logout.
[docs] def get_success_url(self, request=None):
group_id = self.table.kwargs.get('group_id', None)
return reverse(self.success_url, args=[group_id])
[docs]class GroupNonMembersTable(UsersTable):