The openstack_dashboard.api.base Module

class openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIResourceWrapper(apiresource)[source]

Bases: object

Simple wrapper for api objects.

Define _attrs on the child class and pass in the api object as the only argument to the constructor

class openstack_dashboard.api.base.APIDictWrapper(apidict)[source]

Bases: object

Simple wrapper for api dictionaries

Some api calls return dictionaries. This class provides identical behavior as APIResourceWrapper, except that it will also behave as a dictionary, in addition to attribute accesses.

Attribute access is the preferred method of access, to be consistent with api resource objects from novaclient.

get(item, default=None)[source]
openstack_dashboard.api.base.get_service_from_catalog(catalog, service_type)[source]
openstack_dashboard.api.base.url_for(request, service_type, endpoint_type=None, region=None)[source]

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