
Source code for heat_integrationtests.scenario.test_autoscaling_lbv2

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import time

import requests

from heat_integrationtests.common import test
from heat_integrationtests.scenario import scenario_base

[docs]class AutoscalingLoadBalancerv2Test(scenario_base.ScenarioTestsBase): """The class is responsible for testing ASG + LBv2 scenario. The very common use case tested is an autoscaling group of some web application servers behind a loadbalancer. """
[docs] def setUp(self): super(AutoscalingLoadBalancerv2Test, self).setUp() self.template_name = 'test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml' self.app_server_template_name = 'app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml' self.webapp_template_name = 'netcat-webapp.yaml' if not self.is_network_extension_supported('lbaasv2'): self.skipTest('LBaasv2 extension not available, skipping')
[docs] def check_num_responses(self, url, expected_num, retries=20): resp = set() for count in range(retries): time.sleep(2) try: r = requests.get(url, verify=self.verify_cert) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # The LB may not be up yet, let's retry continue # skip unsuccessful requests if r.status_code == 200: resp.add(r.text) if len(resp) == expected_num: break self.assertEqual(expected_num, len(resp))
[docs] def test_autoscaling_loadbalancer_neutron(self): """Check work of AutoScaing and Neutron LBaaS v2 resource in Heat. The scenario is the following: 1. Launch a stack with a load balancer and autoscaling group of one server, wait until stack create is complete. 2. Check that there is only one distinctive response from loadbalanced IP. 3. Signal the scale_up policy, wait until all resources in autoscaling group are complete. 4. Check that now there are two distinctive responses from loadbalanced IP. """ parameters = { 'flavor': self.conf.minimal_instance_type, 'image': self.conf.minimal_image_ref, 'net': self.conf.fixed_network_name, 'subnet': self.conf.fixed_subnet_name, 'public_net': self.conf.floating_network_name } app_server_template = self._load_template( __file__, self.app_server_template_name, self.sub_dir ) webapp_template = self._load_template( __file__, self.webapp_template_name, self.sub_dir ) files = {'appserver.yaml': app_server_template, 'webapp.yaml': webapp_template} env = {'resource_registry': {'OS::Test::NeutronAppServer': 'appserver.yaml', 'OS::Test::WebAppConfig': 'webapp.yaml'}} # Launch stack sid = self.launch_stack( template_name=self.template_name, parameters=parameters, files=files, environment=env ) stack = self.client.stacks.get(sid) lb_url = self._stack_output(stack, 'lburl') # Check number of distinctive responces, must be 1 self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 1) # Signal the scaling hook self.client.resources.signal(sid, 'scale_up') # Wait for AutoScalingGroup update to finish asg = self.client.resources.get(sid, 'asg') test.call_until_true(self.conf.build_timeout, self.conf.build_interval, self.check_autoscale_complete, asg.physical_resource_id, 2, sid, 'scale_up') # Check number of distinctive responses, must now be 2 self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 2)
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