bandit.core package


bandit.core.blacklisting module

bandit.core.blacklisting.blacklist(context, config)

Generic blacklist test, B001.

This generic blacklist test will be called for any encountered node with defined blacklist data available. This data is loaded via plugins using the ‘bandit.blacklists’ entry point. Please see the documentation for more details. Each blacklist datum has a unique bandit ID that may be used for filtering purposes, or alternatively all blacklisting can be filtered using the id of this built in test, ‘B001’.

bandit.core.blacklisting.report_issue(check, name)

bandit.core.config module

class bandit.core.config.BanditConfig(config_file=None)

Bases: object


Property to return the config dictionary

Returns:Config dictionary

Detect legacy blacklist data and convert it to new format.

static convert_legacy_blacklist_tests(profiles, bad_imports, bad_calls)

Detect old blacklist tests, convert to use new builtin.


Convert test names to IDs, unknown names are left unchanged.


Returns the option from the config specified by the option_string.

‘.’ can be used to denote levels, for example to retrieve the options from the ‘a’ profile you can use ‘profiles.a’ :param option_string: The string specifying the option to retrieve :return: The object specified by the option_string, or None if it can’t be found.


Validate the config data.

bandit.core.constants module

bandit.core.context module

class bandit.core.context.Context(context_object=None)

Bases: object


Get the value of a standalone bytes object (py3 only)

Returns:value of a standalone bytes object

Get a list of function args

Returns:A list of function args

Get the number of args a function call has

Returns:The number of args a function call has

Get the name (not FQ) of a function call

Returns:The name (not FQ) of a function call

Get the FQ name of a function call

Returns:The FQ name of a function call

Get a dictionary of keyword parameters

Returns:A dictionary of keyword parameters for a call as strings
check_call_arg_value(argument_name, argument_values=None)

Checks for a value of a named argument in a function call.

Returns none if the specified argument is not found. :param argument_name: A string - name of the argument to look for :param argument_values: the value, or list of values to test against :return: Boolean True if argument found and matched, False if found and not matched, None if argument not found at all


Get a list of fully qualified default values in a function def

Returns:List of defaults

Returns positional argument at the specified position (if it exists)

Parameters:position_num – The index of the argument to return the value for
Returns:Value of the argument at the specified position if it exists

Gets the value of a named argument in a function call.

Returns:named argument value

Get the line number for a specific named argument

In case the call is split over multiple lines, get the correct one for the argument. :param argument_name: A string - name of the argument to look for :return: Integer - the line number of the found argument, or -1


Check for the specified module is currently being imported

Parameters:module – The module name to look for
Returns:True if the module is found, False otherwise

Check if a specified module has been imported; only exact matches.

Parameters:module – The module name to look for
Returns:True if the module is found, False otherwise

Check if a specified module has been imported

Check if a specified module has been imported; specified module exists as part of any import statement. :param module: The module name to look for :return: True if the module is found, False otherwise


Get the raw AST node associated with the context

Returns:The raw AST node associated with the context

Get the raw AST for the current statement

Returns:The raw AST for the current statement

Get the value of a standalone unicode or string object

Returns:value of a standalone unicode or string object

Get escaped value of the object.

Turn the value of a string or bytes object into byte sequence with unknown, control, and characters escaped.

This function should be used when looking for a known sequence in a potentially badly encoded string in the code.

Returns:sequence of printable ascii bytes representing original string

bandit.core.docs_utils module


bandit.core.extension_loader module

class bandit.core.extension_loader.Manager(formatters_namespace=’bandit.formatters’, plugins_namespace=’bandit.plugins’, blacklists_namespace=’bandit.blacklists’)

Bases: object

builtin = [‘B001’]

Validate that everything in the configured profiles looks good.

bandit.core.issue module

class bandit.core.issue.Issue(severity, confidence=’UNDEFINED’, text=u”, ident=None, lineno=None, test_id=u”)

Bases: object


Convert the issue to a dict of values for outputting.

filter(severity, confidence)

Utility to filter on confidence and severity

This function determines whether an issue should be included by comparing the severity and confidence rating of the issue to minimum thresholds specified in ‘severity’ and ‘confidence’ respectively.

Formatters should call manager.filter_results() directly.

This will return false if either the confidence or severity of the issue are lower than the given threshold values.

  • severity – Severity threshold
  • confidence – Confidence threshold

True/False depending on whether issue meets threshold

from_dict(data, with_code=True)
get_code(max_lines=3, tabbed=False)

Gets lines of code from a file the generated this issue.

  • max_lines – Max lines of context to return
  • tabbed – Use tabbing in the output

strings of code


bandit.core.manager module

class bandit.core.manager.BanditManager(config, agg_type, debug=False, verbose=False, profile=None, ignore_nosec=False)

Bases: object

discover_files(targets, recursive=False, excluded_paths=”)

Add tests directly and from a directory to the test set

  • targets – The command line list of files and directories
  • recursive – True/False - whether to add all files from dirs

filter_results(sev_filter, conf_filter)

Returns a list of results filtered by the baseline

This works by checking the number of results returned from each file we process. If the number of results is different to the number reported for the same file in the baseline, then we return all results for the file. We can’t reliably return just the new results, as line numbers will likely have changed.

  • sev_filter – severity level filter to apply
  • conf_filter – confidence level filter to apply
get_issue_list(sev_level=’LOW’, conf_level=’LOW’)
output_results(lines, sev_level, conf_level, output_file, output_format)

Outputs results from the result store

  • lines – How many surrounding lines to show per result
  • sev_level – Which severity levels to show (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)
  • conf_level – Which confidence levels to show (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)
  • output_file – File to store results
  • output_format – output format plugin name


Populate a baseline set of issues from a JSON report

This will populate a list of baseline issues discovered from a previous run of bandit. Later this baseline can be used to filter out the result set, see filter_results.

results_count(sev_filter=’LOW’, conf_filter=’LOW’)

Return the count of results

  • sev_filter – Severity level to filter lower
  • conf_filter – Confidence level to filter

Number of results in the set


Runs through all files in the scope

scope = []

bandit.core.meta_ast module

class bandit.core.meta_ast.BanditMetaAst

Bases: object

add_node(node, parent_id, depth)

Add a node to the AST node collection

  • node – The AST node to add
  • parent_id – The ID of the node’s parent
  • depth – The depth of the node

nodes = OrderedDict()

bandit.core.metrics module

class bandit.core.metrics.Metrics

Bases: object

Bandit metric gathering.

This class is a singleton used to gather and process metrics collected when processing a code base with bandit. Metric collection is stateful, that is, an active metric block will be set when requested and all subsequent operations will effect that metric block until it is replaced by a setting a new one.


Do final aggregation of metrics.


Begin a new metric block.

This starts a new metric collection name “fname” and makes is active.

Parameters:fname – the metrics unique name, normally the file name.

Count lines of code.

We count lines that are not empty and are not comments. The result is added to our currently active metrics loc count (normally this is 0).

Parameters:lines – lines in the file to process

Note a “nosec” commnet.

Increment the currently active metrics nosec count.

Parameters:num – number of nosecs seen, defaults to 1

bandit.core.node_visitor module

class bandit.core.node_visitor.BanditNodeVisitor(fname, metaast, testset, debug, nosec_lines, metrics)

Bases: object


Drive the visitor.


Main process loop

Build and process the AST :param lines: lines code to process :return score: the aggregated score for the current file


Score updater

Since we moved from a single score value to a map of scores per severity, this is needed to update the stored list. :param score: The score list to update our scores with


Visitor for AST Bytes nodes

add relevant information about node to the context for use in tests which inspect strings. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST Call nodes

add relevant information about the node to the context for use in tests which inspect function calls. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST ClassDef node

Add class name to current namespace for all descendants. :param node: Node being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST FunctionDef nodes

add relevant information about the node to the context for use in tests which inspect function definitions. Add the function name to the current namespace for all descendants. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST Import nodes

add relevant information about node to the context for use in tests which inspect imports. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST ImportFrom nodes

add relevant information about node to the context for use in tests which inspect imports. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -


Visitor for AST String nodes

add relevant information about node to the context for use in tests which inspect strings. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: -

bandit.core.test_properties module


Decorator to indicate formatter accepts baseline results

Use of this decorator before a formatter indicates that it is able to deal with baseline results. Specifically this means it has a way to display candidate results and know when it should do so.


Decorator function to set checks to be run.


Test function takes config

Use of this delegate before a test function indicates that it should be passed data from the config file. Passing a name parameter allows aliasing tests and thus sharing config options.


Test function identifier

Use this decorator before a test function indicates its simple ID

bandit.core.test_set module

class bandit.core.test_set.BanditTestSet(config, profile=None)

Bases: object


Returns all tests that are of type checktype

Parameters:checktype – The type of test to filter on
Returns:A list of tests which are of the specified type

bandit.core.tester module

class bandit.core.tester.BanditTester(testset, debug, nosec_lines)

Bases: object

static report_error(test, context, error)
run_tests(raw_context, checktype)

Runs all tests for a certain type of check, for example

Runs all tests for a certain type of check, for example ‘functions’ store results in results.

  • raw_context – Raw context dictionary
  • checktype – The type of checks to run
  • nosec_lines – Lines which should be skipped because of nosec

a score based on the number and type of test results

bandit.core.utils module

exception bandit.core.utils.ConfigError(message, config_file)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when the config file fails validation.

exception bandit.core.utils.InvalidModulePath

Bases: exceptions.Exception

bandit.core.utils.LOG = <logging.Logger object>

Various helper functions.

exception bandit.core.utils.ProfileNotFound(config_file, profile)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when chosen profile cannot be found.


Check if the given name is that of a valid AST node.

bandit.core.utils.concat_string(node, stop=None)

Builds a string from a ast.BinOp chain.

This will build a string from a series of ast.Str nodes wrapped in ast.BinOp nodes. Something like “a” + “b” + “c” or “a %s” % val etc. The provided node can be any participant in the BinOp chain.

  • node – (ast.Str or ast.BinOp) The node to process
  • stop – (ast.Str or ast.BinOp) Optional base node to stop at

(Tuple) the root node of the expression, the string value

bandit.core.utils.deepgetattr(obj, attr)

Recurses through an attribute chain to get the ultimate value.


PY3 bytes need escaping for comparison with other strings.

In practice it turns control characters into acceptable codepoints then encodes them into bytes again to turn unprintable bytes into printable escape sequences.

This is safe to do for the whole range 0..255 and result matches unicode_escape on a unicode string.

bandit.core.utils.get_call_name(node, aliases)

Get a function name from an ast.Call node.

An ast.Call node representing a method call with present differently to one wrapping a function call: vs call(). This helper will grab the unqualified call name correctly in either case.

Parameters:node – (ast.Call) the call node
Returns:(String) the function name

Get the module’s qualified name by analysis of the path.

Resolve the absolute pathname and eliminate symlinks. This could result in an incorrect name if symlinks are used to restructure the python lib directory.

Starting from the right-most directory component look for in the directory component. If it exists then the directory name is part of the module name. Move left to the subsequent directory components until a directory is found without

Param:Path to module file. Relative paths will be resolved relative to current working directory.
Returns:fully qualified module name

Get the path of the file where the function is defined.

Returns:the path, or None if one could not be found or f is not a real function
bandit.core.utils.get_qual_attr(node, aliases)

Get line number range from a node.


Try and work around a known Python bug with multi-line strings.

bandit.core.utils.namespace_path_join(base, name)

Extend the current namespace path with an additional name

Take a namespace path (i.e., package.module.class) and extends it with an additional name (i.e., package.module.class.subclass). This is similar to how os.path.join works.

  • base – (String) The base namespace path.
  • name – (String) The new name to append to the base path.

(String) A new namespace path resulting from combination of base and name.


Split the namespace path into a pair (head, tail).

Tail will be the last namespace path component and head will be everything leading up to that in the path. This is similar to os.path.split.

Parameters:path – (String) A namespace path.
Returns:(String, String) A tuple where the first component is the base path and the second is the last path component.
bandit.core.utils.warnings_formatter(message, category=<type ‘exceptions.UserWarning’>, filename=”, lineno=-1, line=”)

Monkey patch for warnings.warn to suppress cruft output.

Module contents