Use the policy.yaml
file to define additional access controls that apply to
the DNS service:
#"admin": "role:admin or is_admin:True"
#"owner": "project_id:%(tenant_id)s"
#"admin_or_owner": "rule:admin or rule:owner"
#"default": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "default":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "default":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and
# project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create blacklist.
# POST /v2/blacklists
# Intended scope(s): system
#"create_blacklist": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "create_blacklist":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "create_blacklist":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find blacklists.
# GET /v2/blacklists
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_blacklists": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_blacklists":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "find_blacklists":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get blacklist.
# GET /v2/blacklists/{blacklist_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"get_blacklist": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "get_blacklist":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_blacklist":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update blacklist.
# PATCH /v2/blacklists/{blacklist_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"update_blacklist": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "update_blacklist":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "update_blacklist":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete blacklist.
# DELETE /v2/blacklists/{blacklist_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"delete_blacklist": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "delete_blacklist":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "delete_blacklist":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Allowed bypass the blacklist.
# POST /v2/zones
# Intended scope(s): system
#"use_blacklisted_zone": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "use_blacklisted_zone":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "use_blacklisted_zone":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The blacklist API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Action on all tenants.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"all_tenants": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "all_tenants":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "all_tenants":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Edit managed records.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"edit_managed_records": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "edit_managed_records":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "edit_managed_records":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Use low TTL.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"use_low_ttl": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "use_low_ttl":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "use_low_ttl":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Accept sudo from user to tenant.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"use_sudo": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "use_sudo":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "use_sudo":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Clean backend resources associated with zone
# Intended scope(s): system
#"hard_delete": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "hard_delete":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "hard_delete":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The designate API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create pool.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"create_pool": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "create_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "create_pool":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find pool.
# GET /v2/pools
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_pools": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_pools":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "find_pools":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find pools.
# GET /v2/pools
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_pool": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "find_pool":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get pool.
# GET /v2/pools/{pool_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"get_pool": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "get_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_pool":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update pool.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"update_pool": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "update_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "update_pool":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete pool.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"delete_pool": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "delete_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "delete_pool":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# load and set the pool to the one provided in the Zone attributes.
# POST /v2/zones
# Intended scope(s): system
#"zone_create_forced_pool": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "zone_create_forced_pool":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "zone_create_forced_pool":"role:admin and
# system_scope:all".
# The pool API now supports system scope and default roles.
# View Current Project's Quotas.
# GET /v2/quotas
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_quotas": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s) or (True:%(all_tenants)s and role:reader)"
# "get_quotas":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "get_quotas":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s) or (True:%(all_tenants)s
# and role:reader)".
# The quota API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Set Quotas.
# PATCH /v2/quotas/{project_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"set_quota": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "set_quota":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "set_quota":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The quota API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Reset Quotas.
# DELETE /v2/quotas/{project_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"reset_quotas": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "reset_quotas":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "reset_quotas":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The quota API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find records.
# GET /v2/reverse/floatingips/{region}:{floatingip_id}
# GET /v2/reverse/floatingips
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_records": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_records":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "find_records":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The records API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"count_records": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "count_records":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "count_records":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The records API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Recordset
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_recordset": "(role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or ("True":%(zone_shared)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)"
# "create_recordset":"('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s AND
# (rule:admin_or_owner OR 'True':%(zone_shared)s)) OR
# ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s AND is_admin:True)" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "create_recordset":"(role:member and
# project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# ("True":%(zone_shared)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_recordsets": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_recordsets":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "get_recordsets":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get recordset
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_recordset": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s) or ("True":%(zone_shared)s)"
# "get_recordset":"rule:admin_or_owner or ("True":%(zone_shared)s)"
# has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_recordset":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader
# and project_id:%(project_id)s) or ("True":%(zone_shared)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List a Recordset in a Zone
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_recordset": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_recordset":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "find_recordset":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List Recordsets in a Zone
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_recordsets": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_recordsets":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "find_recordsets":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update recordset
# PUT /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"update_recordset": "(role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or role:member and (project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)"
# "update_recordset":"rule:admin or ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s and
# (rule:owner or project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s))" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "update_recordset":"(role:member and
# project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# role:member and (project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s) and
# ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete RecordSet
# DELETE /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"delete_recordset": "(role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or role:member and (project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)"
# "delete_recordset":"rule:admin or ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s and
# (rule:owner or project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s))" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of "delete_recordset":"(role:member and
# project_id:%(project_id)s) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# (role:admin and system_scope:all) and ('SECONDARY':%(zone_type)s) or
# role:member and (project_id:%(recordset_project_id)s) and
# ('PRIMARY':%(zone_type)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Count recordsets
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"count_recordset": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "count_recordset":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "count_recordset":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The record set API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find a single Service Status
# GET /v2/service_status/{service_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_service_status": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_service_status":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "find_service_status":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The service status API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List service statuses.
# GET /v2/service_status
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_service_statuses": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_service_statuses":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "find_service_statuses":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The service status API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"update_service_status": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "update_service_status":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "update_service_status":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The service status API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get a Zone Share
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}/shares/{zone_share_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_share": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_share":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "get_zone_share":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The shared zones API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Share a Zone
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/shares
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"share_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "share_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "share_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The shared zones API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List Shared Zones
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}/shares
#"find_zone_shares": "@"
# Check the can query for a specific projects shares.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_project_zone_share": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_project_zone_share":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "find_project_zone_share":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The shared zones API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Unshare Zone
# DELETE /v2/zones/{zone_id}/shares/{shared_zone_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"unshare_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "unshare_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "unshare_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The shared zones API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Find all Tenants.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_tenants": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_tenants":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "find_tenants":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The tenant API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get all Tenants.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"get_tenant": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "get_tenant":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_tenant":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The tenant API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Count tenants
# Intended scope(s): system
#"count_tenants": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "count_tenants":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "count_tenants":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The tenant API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Tld
# POST /v2/tlds
# Intended scope(s): system
#"create_tld": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "create_tld":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "create_tld":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The top-level domain API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# List Tlds
# GET /v2/tlds
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_tlds": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_tlds":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "find_tlds":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The top-level domain API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Show Tld
# GET /v2/tlds/{tld_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"get_tld": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "get_tld":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_tld":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The top-level domain API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Update Tld
# PATCH /v2/tlds/{tld_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"update_tld": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "update_tld":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "update_tld":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The top-level domain API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Delete Tld
# DELETE /v2/tlds/{tld_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"delete_tld": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "delete_tld":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "delete_tld":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The top-level domain API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Create Tsigkey
# POST /v2/tsigkeys
# Intended scope(s): system
#"create_tsigkey": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "create_tsigkey":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "create_tsigkey":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The tsigkey API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List Tsigkeys
# GET /v2/tsigkeys
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_tsigkeys": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_tsigkeys":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "find_tsigkeys":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The tsigkey API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Show a Tsigkey
# GET /v2/tsigkeys/{tsigkey_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"get_tsigkey": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "get_tsigkey":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_tsigkey":"role:reader and system_scope:all".
# The tsigkey API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update Tsigkey
# PATCH /v2/tsigkeys/{tsigkey_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"update_tsigkey": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "update_tsigkey":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "update_tsigkey":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The tsigkey API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete a Tsigkey
# DELETE /v2/tsigkeys/{tsigkey_id}
# Intended scope(s): system
#"delete_tsigkey": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "delete_tsigkey":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor
# of "delete_tsigkey":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The tsigkey API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Zone
# POST /v2/zones
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "create_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "create_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zones": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zones":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "get_zones":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get Zone
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s) or ("True":%(zone_shared)s)"
# "get_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner or ("True":%(zone_shared)s)" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of "get_zone":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s) or
# ("True":%(zone_shared)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_servers": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_servers":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "get_zone_servers":"(role:reader and system_scope:all)
# or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get the Name Servers for a Zone
# GET /v2/zones/{zone_id}/nameservers
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_ns_records": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_ns_records":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "get_zone_ns_records":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List existing zones
# GET /v2/zones
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_zones": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_zones":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "find_zones":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update Zone
# PATCH /v2/zones/{zone_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"update_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "update_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "update_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete Zone
# DELETE /v2/zones/{zone_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"delete_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "delete_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "delete_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Manually Trigger an Update of a Secondary Zone
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/tasks/xfr
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"xfr_zone": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "xfr_zone":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "xfr_zone":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Abandon Zone
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/tasks/abandon
# Intended scope(s): system
#"abandon_zone": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "abandon_zone":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "abandon_zone":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"count_zones": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "count_zones":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "count_zones":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"count_zones_pending_notify": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "count_zones_pending_notify":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "count_zones_pending_notify":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Intended scope(s): system
#"purge_zones": "role:admin and system_scope:all"
# "purge_zones":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since W in favor of
# "purge_zones":"role:admin and system_scope:all".
# The zone API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Retrive a Zone Export from the Designate Datastore
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/exports/{zone_export_id}/export
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"zone_export": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "zone_export":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W in
# favor of "zone_export":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Zone Export
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/tasks/export
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_zone_export": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "create_zone_export":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "create_zone_export":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List Zone Exports
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/exports
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_zone_exports": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_zone_exports":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "find_zone_exports":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get Zone Exports
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/exports/{zone_export_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_export": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_export":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "get_zone_export":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update Zone Exports
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/tasks/export
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"update_zone_export": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "update_zone_export":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "update_zone_export":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete a zone export
# DELETE /v2/zones/tasks/exports/{zone_export_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"delete_zone_export": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "delete_zone_export":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "delete_zone_export":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone export API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Zone Import
# POST /v2/zones/tasks/imports
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_zone_import": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "create_zone_import":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "create_zone_import":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone import API now supports system scope and default roles.
# List all Zone Imports
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/imports
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"find_zone_imports": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "find_zone_imports":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "find_zone_imports":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone import API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Get Zone Imports
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/imports/{zone_import_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_import": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_import":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since W
# in favor of "get_zone_import":"(role:reader and system_scope:all) or
# (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone import API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Update Zone Imports
# POST /v2/zones/tasks/imports
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"update_zone_import": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "update_zone_import":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "update_zone_import":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone import API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Delete a Zone Import
# DELETE /v2/zones/tasks/imports/{zone_import_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"delete_zone_import": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "delete_zone_import":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "delete_zone_import":"(role:admin and
# system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone import API now supports system scope and default roles.
# Create Zone Transfer Accept
# POST /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_accepts
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_zone_transfer_accept": "((role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)) or project_id:%(target_project_id)s or None:%(target_project_id)s"
# "create_zone_transfer_accept":"rule:admin_or_owner OR
# project_id:%(target_tenant_id)s OR None:%(target_tenant_id)s" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "create_zone_transfer_accept":"((role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)) or
# project_id:%(target_project_id)s or None:%(target_project_id)s".
# The zone transfer accept API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Get Zone Transfer Accept
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_requests/{zone_transfer_accept_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_transfer_accept": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "get_zone_transfer_accept":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since W in favor of "get_zone_transfer_accept":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone transfer accept API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# List Zone Transfer Accepts
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_accepts
# Intended scope(s): system
#"find_zone_transfer_accepts": "role:reader and system_scope:all"
# "find_zone_transfer_accepts":"rule:admin" has been deprecated since
# W in favor of "find_zone_transfer_accepts":"role:reader and
# system_scope:all".
# The zone transfer accept API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Create Zone Transfer Accept
# POST /v2/zones/{zone_id}/tasks/transfer_requests
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"create_zone_transfer_request": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "create_zone_transfer_request":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "create_zone_transfer_request":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone transfer request API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Show a Zone Transfer Request
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_requests/{zone_transfer_request_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_transfer_request": "((role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)) or project_id:%(target_project_id)s or None:%(target_project_id)s"
# "get_zone_transfer_request":"rule:admin_or_owner OR
# project_id:%(target_tenant_id)s OR None:%(target_tenant_id)s" has
# been deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_zone_transfer_request":"((role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)) or
# project_id:%(target_project_id)s or None:%(target_project_id)s".
# The zone transfer request API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"get_zone_transfer_request_detailed": "(role:reader and system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "create_zone_transfer_request":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "get_zone_transfer_request_detailed":"(role:reader and
# system_scope:all) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone transfer request API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
# This may be an artifact of new rules being
# included which require legacy fallback
# rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
# Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
# Please evaluate on a case by case basis
# keeping in mind the format for aliased
# rules is:
# "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "create_zone_transfer_request": "rule:get_zone_transfer_request_detailed"
# List Zone Transfer Requests
# GET /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_requests
#"find_zone_transfer_requests": "@"
# Update a Zone Transfer Request
# PATCH /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_requests/{zone_transfer_request_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"update_zone_transfer_request": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "update_zone_transfer_request":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "update_zone_transfer_request":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone transfer request API now supports system scope and default
# roles.
# Delete a Zone Transfer Request
# DELETE /v2/zones/tasks/transfer_requests/{zone_transfer_request_id}
# Intended scope(s): system, project
#"delete_zone_transfer_request": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"
# "delete_zone_transfer_request":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since W in favor of
# "delete_zone_transfer_request":"(role:admin and system_scope:all) or
# (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)".
# The zone transfer request API now supports system scope and default
# roles.